Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2032 - Façade

Chapter 2032: Façade

“Wait… You’re confusing me,” Ma Haodong pouted like a little child. “Do you want me to get up or lie down?”


What a headache…

“Get out of my house!” Xiao Yuqian sighed as she averted her gaze.

Ma Haodong ignored Xiao Yuqian’s finger that was pointing at the door and said, “I don’t have my shirt on. Do you want me to go out half-naked?”

Since Ma Haodong had puked all over his shirt, Xiao Yuqian had no choice but to help wash his shirt the night before.

“Wait here!”

Xiao Yuqian turned and went to get Ma Haodong’s shirt as she gritted her teeth.

To other people, Xiao Yuqian was a calm and collected woman. But in front of Ma Haodong, her façade would all fall away.

It was so frustrating that it made Xiao Yuqian want to curse.

But no matter whether Xiao Yuqian was angry or frustrated, that was the real her in Ma Haodong’s eyes.

Not the Xiao Yuqian that was cold to him.

Xiao Yuqian took Ma Haodong’s shirt from the dryer and threw it onto his head.

Ma Haodong grabbed his shirt and sniffed it.

“What a familiar scent.” Ma Haodong smiled.

“Hurry up and put it on!”

Xiao Yuqian’s expression darkened. She was trying to hold back her urge to scratch Ma Haodong’s annoying face.

Even though six years had passed, Ma Haodong was still the same.

“Come on, I’ve waited for you to come back from morning till now. How can you be so cruel? I’m not leaving.”

Ma Haodong put his shirt on and sat on the bed while crossing his arms.

“I said, LEAVE!” Xiao Yuqian roared as she tried to pull Ma Haodong out of her bed.

But Ma Haodong didn’t even budge. Instead, he pulled her down onto the bed.


Xiao Yuqian screamed as she lay on top of Ma Haodong.

Time slowed down as they stared at each other.

Until Ma Haodong ruined the mood.

“Xiao Yuqian, I know you still have me in your heart. Look at you, so feisty! I can give you it if you want it.”

“Shut up! You’re just a pervert!”

Xiao Yuqian scolded him as she got up.

Xiao Yuqian’s face was red from anger. She really hoped that she could never meet with Ma Haodong ever again.

She didn’t want her life to be ruined in his hands.

Ma Haodong sat back up and smiled. “Thank you for your compliment.”

“Get out of here now! I don’t ever want to see you again! Get out or… or I’ll…”

“Hug me?” Ma Haodong said as he opened his arms.


Xiao Yuqian was already at her breaking point. Her body was trembling as she gasped for air.

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