Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2036 - The Truth

Chapter 2036: The Truth

“You don’t have to explain. I don’t care,” Xiao Yuqian said coldly.

“Fine. Then let’s talk about something else. Aren’t you going to invite me in? I’m thirsty,” Ma Haodong said innocently.

“… Wait here. I’m going to get you water,” Xiao Yuqian said, still having a soft spot for Ma Haodong.

She could give him water, but she would never invite him into her house.

But she underestimated Ma Haodong. As Xiao Yuqian’s attention shifted, Ma Haodong pushed the door open and went in.

Seeing that Ma Haodong had entered her house, she took a few steps back.

“Ma Haodong! You…”

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything. I just needed something to drink, for real.”

Xiao Yuqian stared at Ma Haodong for a few seconds before going into the kitchen to fill a glass of water.

She then put the glass on the table in the living room. Just as she turned to leave, Ma Haodong grabbed her wrist and pull her into his arms.

Ma Haodong stared at her and asked the question that was on his mind. “Qianqian… I know that deep down, you still love me… Or else you wouldn’t hate me like you do now.”

“Let go of me!”

“No! You never listened to my explanation nor believed in me. You were like this six years ago, and you’re still the same now! But I still want to make it clear! I didn’t kill Xiaoche! The forensic report mentioned that he was beaten in his head by a metal weapon, and I can swear we only exchanged punches that night! Even if you’re right, and I’m a bastard, do you really think that I would kill the brother of the person I love the most so that you could hate me?”

Xiao Yuqian was stunned when she heard Ma Haodong’s explanation. From what she could tell, Ma Haodong was saying that her brother was killed by someone else.

But, by who?

“Fine, say I believe you. Who killed my brother then?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never stopped looking for the killer for the past six years. But believe me when I say I’m going to find justice for Xiaoche!”

Xiao Yuqian could tell that Ma Haodong meant every word he said. Ma Haodong stared at Xiao Yuqian for a while before trying to kiss her.

But just as their lips were about to touch, Xiao Yuqian pushed him away.


“Why not? You still love me, and you know it. How many years do we still have left? I’ve waited for you for six years!”

Tears fogged up Ma Haodong’s eyes as he wailed.

Xiao Yuqian then decided to tell Ma Haodong the truth. She thought that he would at least let her go.

“Fine… I’ll tell you the truth,” Xiao Yuqian sighed and paused. “Do you remember what kind of relationship your father and my mother had?”

“They were each other’s first love.”

“But you didn’t know that they had a child, do you? They were forced to separate before the child was born, and my mother married Xiao Guohua.”

Tears dropped as Xiao Yuqian spoke the truth.

Ma Haodong was shocked to hear it. He had never heard such a story from his father before.

If Xiao Yuqian was right, then it meant that he and Xiao Yuqian were half-siblings.

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