Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2048 - Willing to Give Up Everything

Chapter 2048: Willing to Give Up Everything

They arrived at the lakeside villa together. Xiao Yuqian was filled with emotions. Nothing seemed to have changed here. It was still the same as it was six or seven years ago, but what had changed was the state of mind of a person.

yuan Bao came to his new home and looked at the beautiful big house in surprise. He asked his father, “Daddy, is this yuan Bao’s home from now on?”


“Can yuan Bao stay here forever?”

“Of course.”

“This is great! I love this place! I have my own home now! I also have my parents and grandmother! I can finally be the happiest child in the world!”

yuan Bao ran around the house happily. He no longer had to envy other children. From now on, he had a family to live with.

Ma Haodong was also happy to see the child happy. He silently said in his heart that staying here was only temporary. He would give the child and Xiao Yuqian a better life in the future.

After settling down, Tang Qingyuan continued to take care of the child while Xiao Yuqian went to work.

As long as Ma Haodong was not busy, he would stay at home with the child. He began to find a kindergarten for the child and arrange for yuan Bao to go to school.

He hadn’t told his father about yuan Bao yet. He planned to wait until the time was right.

After that, it would be a busy period. After the release of “Those Beautiful Bygone Years”, what followed would be the annual Golden Goose Awards ceremony.

On the night of the awards ceremony, the conference announced that the winner of the Best Actor Award was Ma Haodong, representing “Those Beautiful Bygone Years” and “Root of Evil.”

Ma Haodong went on stage to receive the award and took the opportunity to announce a piece of news:

From that day onwards, he would officially leave the entertainment industry.

As soon as he said that, everyone was in an uproar. No one knew why Ma Haodong would suddenly announce his retirement when his acting career was at its peak.

In fact, it was not a spur of the moment decision. He had made this decision after careful consideration.

After leaving the entertainment industry, he would go home and take over his father’s business. He would inherit Rongma Group and become the new CEO of the company.

In the past, he hated doing business the most. He thought that businessmen valued profit more than separation. But now, he had changed his mind. He wanted to become a capable and capable businessman.

That was the only way to guarantee a stable life for the people he cared about.

It was Xiao Yuqian and her son, yuan Bao, who had been hidden for five years.

From now on, everything he did was for his woman and son.

Xiao Yuqian, who was watching the award ceremony with her child, was shocked when Ma Haodong announced his retirement.

He said that he was willing to give up everything for her.

Back then, she had asked out of fun, “Will you be willing to give up the glory of being an actor?”

Ma Haodong had not said anything at that time, but he had answered her with his actions today. How could she not be touched?

Ma Haodong became the CEO of Rongma Group not only for Xiao Yuqian and her child, but also because of his father.

It was only a while ago that he learned that his father had liver cancer. No wonder he had been hoping that Ma Haodong could grow up quickly and take over the family business.

It turned out that Ma Hangcheng already knew that he didn’t have much time.

After Ma Haodong learned about this, he discussed it with Xiao Yuqian. After obtaining approval, he told his father about yuan Bao.

When Ma Hangcheng heard that he had a five-year-old grandson, he was not only surprised, but also happy. He kept saying that he wanted to meet this grandson that he had never met before.

Ma Haodong arranged for Ma Hangcheng to meet yuan Bao at the lakeside villa.

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