Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2070 - Hurt By That Woman

Chapter 2070: Hurt By That Woman

Coincidentally, she ran into Yi Hanyue running back from outside. Yi Hanyue had wanted to show her parents the scandal about her big brother’s affair. In the end, she ran into the “female lead” in the scandal.

At first glance, Yi Hanyue found her somewhat familiar. However, Guan Mei simply greeted her and left the Yi family.

Yi Hanyue stared at the leaving Yi Huanyue for a while, still feeling puzzled. She went in and asked her mother, “Mom, who was that woman just now?”

“I don’t know either. She said she was returning your brother’s clothes.”

Old Madam Yi was also fretting about this. However, she believed that her son was not this kind of person, and didn’t assume too much.

“Oh, I remember now!”

“What did you remember? You gave me a scare!”

Old Madam Yi glanced at her daughter.

Yi Hanyue hurried over and held her mother’s hand. “Mom, I remember who that woman was. She’s Big Bro’s outside lover.”

“What? Your brother has a woman outside?”

“Look, the news broke today. Let me show you.”

Yi Hanyue was eager for the world to be in chaos. She found all of Yi Xiao’s scandals and showed them to the old lady. The old lady could not see the small words on the screen, but she could see the pictures clearly.

After listening to her daughter’s brief, she learned that her son had spent the night at a hotel with a woman named Guan Mei.

And wasn’t Guan Mei the woman who had just come to deliver clothes to her son?

Grandma Yi felt like she had been slapped in the face. How could her son do such a thing?

“Aiyo, what kind of sins have they committed? Each one is more worrisome than the other!”

Old Madam Yi was furious. She had initially blamed her daughter-in-law for not being good, but now it seemed that her son was also problematic.

It took two hands to clap. It seemed that both of them were responsible for what had happened.

Yi Hanyue continued, “The way I see it, Big Brother probably knows that Sister-in-law is a woman who acts improperly. He’s cold towards her and that’s why he went out to look for her. This must be my sister-in-law’s fault. My brother was forced to do this.”

“All right, it doesn’t matter if he was forced or not. This is not something to be proud of. Quickly call your brother and ask him to come over! This is simply outrageous! It’s a disgrace to the Yi family!”

Yi Hanyue immediately called her brother.

As Yi Xiao was busy dealing with the scandal, he saw a call from his family. He guessed that it might be his family who had seen the news and came to ask about his situation. But when he answered the call, he realized that it wasn’t only because of the scandal.

He heard from the phone that the rumored woman named Guan Mei had come to the house looking for him. After learning about this, Yi Xiao immediately rushed back home.

He had already been ruined by that woman, and now she still had the guts to come to him?

If his parents were to misunderstand, it would be even more troublesome.

Yi Xiao left through the back door of Juxing and drove back home. When he entered, he did not see Guan Mei. He asked, “Mom, where’s that woman?”

“Look at what you’ve done!” Old Lady Yi scolded. “She even came to you! She said she was here to return your clothes but it didn’t seem like it! How could you do something like that?”

Yi Xiao saw the bag of clothes on the table and recognized it as his clothes. He then realized what was going on.

It was Guan Mei who had secretly sent Fang Xiaocheng a text message using his phone. Fang Xiaocheng had sent the clothes over and had misunderstood and left. The clothes had been hidden by Guan Mei and she had used them as an excuse to visit.

He could not underestimate Guan Mei anymore. She was so scheming!

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