Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2090 - Extremely Bad For Him

Chapter 2090: Extremely Bad For Him

Soon, the man who was disguised as a police officer came in. He took advantage of Li Song’s surprise and covered his mouth and nose. He stabbed Li Song’s back with a sharp knife repeatedly.

When he felt that Li Song was no longer breathing, the man wiped the blood off the knife on Li Song’s body and left quietly.

Everything was done in total secret.

The next day, on the day of the court hearing.

Yi Xiao stood at the defendant’s seat and glanced at the people sitting at the bottom of the court. He saw his wife Fang Xiaocheng, Wandou, Xiao Yuqian, and his parents and sister all attending the trial.

Other than that, there was also his former assistant, the current president of Juxing, Lu Nan, and a few colleagues from his previous company.

They sat below the stage and waited for the trial to begin.

The lawyer in charge asked Yi Xiao about the incident on the day of the victim’s death. Yi Xiao answered them one by one, but the lawyer in charge was aggressive. Everything was pointed at Yi Xiao, and it was extremely disadvantageous for him.

His lawyer, Lawyer Jin, used the evidence they already had to defend Yi Xiao.

Lawyer Jin requested for the second defendant to be the most important witness in the case, Li Song. However, the news that Li Song was killed in the detention center came instead.

In an instant, the whole courtroom was in an uproar. Everyone was discussing the cause of Li Song’s death.

“Order! Order!”

The judge pounded his gavel and signaled for the crowd to keep quiet.

Now this case became even more complicated. Li Song being killed meant that there was no witness, so Yi Xiao could not escape the suspicion of murder.

In the end, the judge announced that the trial was over. The second trial would begin in a week’s time.

Yi Xiao was taken away by the police. Before he left, he looked at Fang Xiaocheng, who was watching him through the crowd.

They were too far apart to talk, but Fang Xiaocheng told him with a determined look that she would wait for him.

After leaving the court, Fang Xiaocheng waited until Mr. Jin came out and asked anxiously, “Mr. Jin, what should we do now? Is there any way for my husband to clear his name?”

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Yi,” Mr. Jin said. “I’ll go to the detention center now.”

“Thank you.”

Fang Xiaocheng left with the Yi family. Old Madam Yi was very sad now. She felt that her son was in deep trouble and it would be difficult for him to get out.

“Mom, don’t be sad. The trail isn’t over yet. No one can accuse Yi Xiao of being guilty till then! I believe he’s innocent!”

Fang Xiaocheng comforted the old lady and asked Yi Hanyue to bring the two old men back.

She went to look for her friends once more to think of solutions.

After suffering for a week, the second trial finally began.

Everyone went back to their positions and appeared at the scene of the trial. Yi Xiao was once again standing at the defendant’s seat, but he did not show any signs of being dispirited. Instead, he had a belief in his heart that the law would definitely give him justice.

The trial officially began. This time, the prosecution’s lawyer brought up a new charge against Yi Xiao for Li Song’s murder. He accused Yi Xiao of hiring an assassin to silence Li Song.

“No! I didn’t do such a thing!”

Yi Xiao felt that the new charge was simply laughable. He had been detained by the police all this time so how could he hire someone to kill Li Song?

The prosecution lawyer requested to call the witness.

The man who was brought in just happened to be the man who broke into the detention center the night before the first trial and tried to kill Li Song in secret.

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