Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2108 - Displeased

Chapter 2108: Displeased

“Who said that no company wants me? I’ll have a new job soon! Hmph!”

Wandou glared at him angrily.

Mu Chenguang observed her angry face. He found it very interesting. Their relationship seemed to have returned to its original state.

Back then, Wandou was always so fierce to him!

They sat down. Yi Xiao sat at the head of the table while Fang Xiaocheng sat beside him with Beibei. Wan Dou could only sit with Mu Chenguang.

She felt really unhappy sitting together with this man!

During dinner, Yi Xiao talked to everyone about the merger of Yunhai Entertainment and Juxing Entertainment. He proposed to invite Wandou back to work to help him.

“Alright President Yi! I’m ready anytime!”

Wandou looked at Mu Chenguang arrogantly and shot him a look that said—Hmph, who said I can’t find a job? I already have arrangements!

Mu Chenguang found out about the merger. When he heard that Wandou was going back to help Yi Xiao, he blurted out, “President. Yi, is the company lacking manpower? Can you arrange a job for me too?”

Yi Xiao was amused. “You’re already the CEO of Chenguang Music Company now. And hasn’t your father been waiting for you to go back and take over the family business? Do you still need to work for others?”

“I don’t need it, but I have to watch. I don’t want some people to mess around in their private lives.”

When Mu Chenguang said this, he looked sideways at Wandou, implying that he wanted a position for Wandou.

Wandou could not help but roll her eyes. These words were so unpleasant. They were obviously meant for her.

Yi Xiao could also tell that there was something going on between the two of them. He smiled and said, “Then let’s talk about it first. We’ll discuss further after we come back from our vacation.”

“No problem. There’s been a problem with one of our singers recently. We need to get someone to help us. I was wondering if we could invite Miss Wandou to our company for a few days. When President Yi comes back, he can summon you to leave whenever he wants. He definitely won’t force you to stay.”

Mu Chenguang asked again. Wandou was hesitating because she did not know if he was telling the truth.

There was a high chance that the problem with the singer and the need for public relations was fake. This guy was just trying to get her to work at his company!

Before Wandou could say anything, Yi Xiao helped her by saying, “That’s fine too. You can hire Wandou, but you have to pay her salary on a daily basis. You have to pay her three times her salary on Juxing. The relationship between the two of you is purely temporary. Other than that, you cannot harm Wandou. Can you do that?”

“Yes.” Mu Chenguang nodded.

Yi Xiao then asked Wandou, “Wandou, let’s put it this way. Chenguang is in some trouble now. Why don’t you go over and help him? They will pay you your salary and won’t let you suffer a loss. Is that okay?”

“President Yi…”

Wandou felt that it was inappropriate.

Fang Xiaocheng also spoke up for her. “Wandou, just go. Three times your salary. If you have money to earn, it would be a waste not to earn it. If you lose your job, your mother will definitely scold you. You don’t have a partner or a job, and she will hate you to death. But if you can find a temporary job and continue to earn your salary, your parents will at least be able to scold you less.”

What he said made a lot of sense. Wandou was a little tempted. It made sense. But if she wanted to go to Mu Chenguang’s company, she felt like a sheep entering a tiger’s den.

“Let me think about it. I have to go home in the afternoon. If my mother nags at me, I’ll go. If she doesn’t hurry me, then forget it. I’m not in a hurry to earn money anyway!”

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