Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2118 - You Must Come Back!

Chapter 2118: You Must Come Back!

In the morning, Mu Chenguang woke up slowly. The discomfort in his stomach made him wince. He opened his eyes and realized that he was lying in a hospital ward.

He lifted his head and saw the girl lying on the bed. She seemed to be pressing on his arm, and his arm was numb.

Mu Chenguang did not dare to move around and wake Wandou up. Thus, he remained in place till the doctors and nurses came to check on Wandou.

Wandou rubbed her eyes and realized that Mu Chenguang was already awake. She was still holding his hand and felt very embarrassed. She immediately let go of him and asked, “You’re awake. How are you feeling? Are you feeling better now?”

“What’s wrong?” Mu Chenguang asked.

“The doctor said that you ate too much and had indigestion, causing acute gastroenteritis,” Wandou told him.

Mu Chenguang was silent for a moment. He suddenly grabbed her hand and said, “Impossible! You must’ve drugged the food. You want to poison me!”

“Are you crazy? If I had really drugged you, you would’ve died long ago!” Wandou did not know whether to laugh or cry. She pulled her hand back and said, “Okay, okay. Now the doctor is coming for a ward round. You lie here and I’ll head out to get something useful.”


Mu Chenguang lay down peacefully. When she reached the door, he called her again, “Hey, Wan Xiaodou!”


“You have to come back!”

Mu Chenguang was worried that she would sneak away and never come back.

“Got it.” Before Wandou could take a step forward, she heard him shout him call out again. She turned around and asked, “What now? Master?”

“Do you have money?”

Mu Chenguang noticed that she was wearing her pajamas and realized that she must have left the hospital in a hurry.

“I didn’t bring any money, but I can pay with my phone. Don’t worry.”

Wandou shook the phone in her hand and turned to leave the ward.

Wandou took a taxi back to her apartment. She cleaned herself up first, then helped Mu Chenguang pack some daily necessities. She packed a big bag and was about to leave.

Coincidentally, Mu Chenguang’s phone rang in the room. Wandou turned around and picked up his phone from the bedside cabinet.

It was a call from an unknown number that kept ringing. Wandou thought for a while and was worried that it might be someone from his company looking for him, so she helped him answer the call.

“Hello, Chenguang.”

“I’m sorry, I’m not Mu Chenguang.”

“Who are you? Why is Chenguang calling?”

“Oh, our President Mu is currently sick in the hospital and it’s not convenient for him to answer the call. Who are you? Can you leave your name? I’ll tell him later!” Wandou explained.

Hearing her address Mu Chenguang as “President Mu,” the other party thought that Wandou was his assistant secretary or something. He asked again, “My name is Wen Shiyu. I’m Mu Chenguang’s classmate. I have something to ask him. May I know which hospital he is in now?”

Wandou did not have any impression of Wen Shiyu’s name. She did not think too much about it and directly told him the address of the hospital where Mu Chenguang was.

In the hospital ward.

Mu Chenguang had been waiting for a long time, but Wandou had not returned. He was worried that she might have lied to him and said that she was going back to look for something. Perhaps she had already run away?

He didn’t have his phone with him. Otherwise, he could’ve called and asked.

“Wan Xiaodou! You’re finally here!”

However, it was not Wandou who appeared at the door. Instead, it was a beautiful woman in fashionable clothes and long hair.

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