Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2141 - An Empty Happiness

Chapter 2141: An Empty Happiness

“Miss Wen, take your time! We’re leaving now!”

Wandou was amused by the way Xu Xiyan was putting on airs. She then pulled Xue Ziqi away.

After searching for a long time, Wen Shiyu couldn’t find a card with a balance of 2.5 million yuan. In the end, she said angrily, “I don’t want these clothes! Your service attitude is too poor! The style of the clothes is so ugly! I won’t patronize this store any more!”

After saying this, she turned on her heels and left angrily.

The two attendants worked hard for a long time, but in the end, it was all for nothing.

They all felt that this Miss Wen was too arrogant and domineering just now. Her character was really terrible. She did not bring money when she went out, yet she still had the nerve to blame others for the poor clothes. She made them busy for half a day.

Wandou pulled Xue Ziqi out of the store.

“Sis Douzi, you’re really something! My brother is right!”

Xue Ziqi was surprised by Wandou’s actions just now. She did not expect her to handle it that way.

Not only did she not appear weak, but she also successfully angered that woman, Wen Shiyu. It was even more satisfying than scolding her.

“I’m not powerful. In fact, even the weakest person has a strong side. Even a rabbit would bite when it’s anxious!”

Wandou had decided not to be a weak person anymore. She had to learn how to protect herself.

“Yup, that’s right.” Xue Ziqi grabbed her wrist and said, “Come on, let’s go to another place! I don’t believe she can buy the whole mall!”

They found another dress shop that was more cost-friendly.

Wandou chose a light purple dress that was very effective on her upper body. Xue Ziqi looked at Wandou who had changed her clothes and said in amazement, “Not bad, Big Sister Douzi! You look so beautiful in this dress! At first glance, I thought you were a celebrity!”

“This is too exaggerated. It doesn’t even feel like me anymore.”

Wandou looked at herself in the mirror and felt that she was a completely different person. Now she finally believed the old saying that a man depends on his clothes and a horse depends on his saddle.

“Not at all, just this one! I think if my brother sees it, his eyes will definitely light up!” Xue Ziqi encouraged.

Wandou thought about the occasion at night and realized that she really needed to dress more elegantly, so she stopped picking.

After she took off her clothes, she let the salesperson wrap them up and prepared to pay with her purse. “Okay, this is it then. Let’s settle the bill!”

Xue Ziqi ran over in time and rushed to pay. “Sister Douzi, swipe my brother’s card!”

“I have my own money!”

Wandou had saved up some money during her two years in Juxing. She was still used to spending her own money and felt more at ease.

“You can keep the money for yourself. Now pay for my brother!” Xue Ziqi handed the card to the salesperson and said, “Actually, you will become my sister-in-law sooner or later. Isn’t my brother’s money still your money? You don’t have to save it for him. He just lacks a woman who can spend money!”

Wandou could not help but laugh when she heard this. She felt that Mu Chenguang’s sister was quite a fun person. She was very amiable and also quite nice to her.

If she really decided to marry Mu Chenguang in the future, at least when she was facing the Mu family, with Xue Ziqi on her side, she would have less resistance.

Wandou planned to get along well with her future sister-in-law. If she saw a suitable gift later, she could buy one for her.

After paying the bill, she took her clothes to the shop selling shoes and tried on a pair of shoes.

When they passed by the jewelry store, Wandou stopped to look at a bracelet and asked Xue Ziqi, “Qiqi, do you think this bracelet looks good?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty good.”

“Help me try it on and see how it looks.”

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