Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2143 - Teach Her A Lesson

Chapter 2143: Teach Her A Lesson


After Li Meien confirmed that the other party was the one who had hurt her daughter, she was furious. She got up and walked over, questioning, “You are Wandou, right?”

Wandou suddenly heard a woman’s voice above her head. She raised her head and looked at her.

However, before she could see clearly, she was slapped hard on her cheek.


Wandou grimaced in pain. She covered her face with her hands and stood up. She glared at Li Meien. “Madam, is there something wrong with your mental state?”

“Is that how you talk to others? I can tell that you have no manners! You dared to hit my daughter today. This slap is a lesson for you. If you dare to bully my Xiaoyu again, I will teach you a lesson!”

Li Meien glared at her hatefully. If not for the fact that there were many people present, she would still punish her even harder!

Wen Shiyu saw the scene of her mother hitting Wandou in the mirror and was delighted. She wanted to punish that bitch, but she didn’t have to do it herself. Her mother was famous for being protective of her own.

“You’re Mrs. Wen, right? You said that I beat your daughter up because she was uneducated, but does that mean you’re well-educated? Do you think a well-educated woman would beat someone up for no reason? I really don’t know where your family’s upbringing came from. Moreover, your husband is the principal of the school. Is this how you give him face outside?”

Wandou mocked.

“What a sharp-tongued girl! No wonder you were able to hook up with Mu Chenguang and steal my daughter’s boyfriend. You must be very scheming.”

It was Li Meien’s first time experiencing Wandou. She could not be underestimated.

Wandou’s eyes were cold. “Mrs. Wen, you might be mistaken about one thing. Mu Chenguang and your daughter have never started a relationship. There is no romantic relationship between them. Secondly, as an outstanding single man, any woman will like him. There is no such thing as seducing him. As for how scheming he is, you will have to ask your daughter. She will not pass up the responsibility!”

Wandou looked at Wen Shiyu in the mirror. The two of them looked at each other through the mirror. Neither of them liked the other.

Because of the argument, the stylists and stylists turned to look at them.

In the eyes of the public, Wandou was an unfamiliar face. Moreover, she seemed to be dressed ordinarily like a company employee. However, Mrs. Wen was a VIP customer here and was not someone ordinary people could afford to offend.

Her husband was the principal of Peijing Music Academy. Every year, Peijing Music Academy would send out a large number of musicians. Many of them would become musicians and producers around the world.

Did that girl have the guts to talk back to Mrs. Wen?

At this time, Wen Shiyu’s makeup was done. She stood up from her seat and looked at Wandou with a superior look. She then said to her mother, “Mom, let’s not waste our breath on such a lowly person. Tonight is the time for us to meet with the Mu family. We can’t delay it! Let’s go!”

“Hmph!” Li Meien snorted and left with her daughter.

Next, it was Wandou’s turn to do her makeup. The makeup artist came over to help her with her makeup, but when she saw that one side of her face was red and swollen, she suggested, “Miss Wandou, your cheeks are a little swollen. You should use an ice pack first!”

“Okay, thank you.”

The other party waited for her to finish applying the ice pack and the swelling on her cheeks to subside before helping her put on makeup.

After the makeup was done, the stylist helped her do a hairdo that suited her face.

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