Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2163 - Someone Touched His Baby!

Chapter 2163: Someone Touched His Baby!

Wandou fell to the ground and fainted. Li Liang said fiercely, “Who told you to hit my head? I’ll make your head explode now!”

Just as Li Liang was about to throw Wandou onto the coffee table, the door to the private room was kicked open with a loud bang.

Li Liang’s men were thrown in like sandbags. They fell to the ground and could not move.

Li Liang stopped what he was doing and raised his head to look at the door. He saw a tall man appear at the door, and he recognized him.

He was the young master of the Mu family, Mu Chenguang!

After receiving Xue Ziqi’s call, Mu Chenguang rushed over without stopping. He also informed his subordinates that they were also here.

After meeting Xue Ziqi at the entrance of the bar, Xue Ziqi told him Wandou’s coordinates.

She was led into a private room by a group of people. They were guarding the door. She did not dare to go in alone and could only wait for her brother to come.

Mu Chenguang appeared at the door in a domineering manner. He saw Li Liang, whose head was covered in blood, holding Wandou in his hand as if he was about to abuse her. Mu Chenguang could not help but be furious.

Someone was touching his baby!

Damn it!

Mu Chenguang struck at lightning speed. While Li Liang was still in a daze, Mu Chenguang kicked him in the chin. Li Liang was sent flying, not caring about the woman in his hands.

Mu Chenguang caught Wandou, who was about to fall to the ground, in time. Wandou had already fallen unconscious. Both of her cheeks were swollen, leaving obvious red marks.

“Wanwan! Wanwan… wake up…”

Mu Chenguang could not wake Wandou up. His heart ached terribly. When Xue Ziqi came in, he handed Wandou to Xue Ziqi and began to retaliate against Li Liang.

Mu Chenguang’s punches and kicks were as heavy as the anger in his heart. Li Liang was completely helpless.

While he was teaching Li Liang a lesson, Mu Chenguang’s men came to the scene. They realized that their young master had already taken care of him.

“Young Master! We’re here! Leave it to us!”

Mu Chenguang did not say anything. In the end, he stopped. Li Liang had already been beaten into a crumpled heap.

Mu Chenguang returned to Wandou’s side and took the woman from Xue Ziqi’s arms.

Before leaving, he ordered his men, “Serve him well! Let him know the consequences of bullying my woman!”


A few of his men came over and continued to educate Li Liang.

Mu Chenguang left the bar with Wandou in his arms. Xue Ziqi followed him, worried. “Brother, will Sister-in-law be okay?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll take her to the hospital now.”

Just as Mu Chenguang was about to place Wandou in the back seat of the car, Wandou woke up. Mu Chenguang saw that she had woken up and asked excitedly, “Wanwan! Wanwan, are you okay?”

Wandou’s body was soft and weak. She could not exert any strength at all. She did not know if it was because of the alcohol, but her body felt very hot.

He was so hot that he was pulling on his clothes. He was mumbling something, but it was unclear.

“What did you say?”

Mu Chenguang moved closer to hear what she had to say. Unexpectedly, Wandou put her arms around his neck and began to kiss him wildly.

For someone who had been in the entertainment industry for so many years, Mu Chenguang immediately understood that it was most likely that bastard Li Liang who had given Wandou something extra to drink.

Xue Ziqi had been following by the side the whole time. When she saw Wandou, who had woken up, kissing and hugging her brother, she was too embarrassed to look at her. She asked, “Brother, what do you plan to do now? Since Sister-in-law is so drunk, why don’t I send you to a nearby hotel?”

“That’s fine!”

Mu Chenguang also wanted to help her take a shower. She was covered in alcohol and her clothes were soaked.

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