Primordial Dimensions

Chapter 79: Limit breaker

Chapter 79: Limit breaker

Inside his room, Shane felt restless due to the bloodlust he felt before, which prevented him from cultivating, even if he had more than enough mana stones as supply.

Not knowing what to do until Umbra finished his quality upgrade that was only a few hours away, he decided to enter the PrimWeb in order to read through a few threads from the human race.

But it was rather disappointing as the most interesting things happened within the RadiantRing shelter, while news about the advanced dimension his father most likely already entered were hidden from the public.

This was only because of hostile humans because they could also read through these threads and passing them on their allies was comparable to shooting in one’s own knee.

Disadvantageous and avoidable.

Because of the scarcity of interesting threads within the human section, Shane wanted to switch to other races, humanity had connections with in order to figure out if he could earn more money in any way, as he remembered the elemental crystal cave.

Sighing deeply, Shane knew that it wouldn’t be long until the elemental crystal caves would be noticed once the imminent threat from the nearby wolf packs and scaled lizard groups went by.

Even if he would rather take everything for himself, the shelter’s survival was much more important, while he obviously rated his life above his greed for more wealth.

One had to be alive to use money!!

Thinking about this, Shane remembered something he hadn’t thought about, since he entered the Shelter, which was almost as important as increasing his combat prowess, obtaining skills, upgrading Umbra’s quality, and everything comparable.

His knowledge was vast thanks to his uncles and aunts that tormented him with all kinds of stories, but he hadn’t read or purchased a single book from the system.

The system had an own library with all kinds of books, covering every topic and Shane wasn’t even sure how vast it was, as he had never accessed it.

According to his family, even his aunt Kia who was the most knowledgeable person he knew was shocked about the sheer number of books with their vast information within.

If his mind didn’t play him games, aunt Kia told him to purchase a few foundational books about everything, as the most basic knowledge was the groundwork he would have to enlarge later.

Once the foundation was shabby and full of cracks, even the strongest and sturdiest building would break.

As such, Shane decided to purchase the most basic books within the system’s library section for 30 gold coins in total.

Suddenly, with a metallic noise, a new section appeared within his system called [Library], while all books he purchased had been transferred inside it

[Library: Primordial Dimensions I] was the first book he could see, as he decided to open it.

In the beginning, Shane only began to read the first book within the library because he was bored, but this boredom changed into curiosity and with time passing even into interest, as he sat up straight with a bright expression.

“Huh?? It was like that?….Woah!” There were too many things Shane didn’t know and only now did he understand his shallow knowledge even though he thought it was already vast and incomparable with his peers.

This might have been true before he awakened the system, but after this phenomenon occurred, Shane wasn’t so sure about that anymore.

With his newly acquired interest, he continued to read for hours, without noticing anything around him, until he felt something coiling around him, which threw Shane out of his fully focused state.

Noticing Umbra, coiling himself around his waist Shane smiled brightly, as their shared emotion amplified each other’s happiness.

[[Shadow Snake(Umbra)] finished its quality-upgrade to the [extraordinary] quality successfully! Congratulations!]

[New evolution-path has been <Unlocked>]

Smiling at the two notifications, Shane felt overjoyed, as he noticed that Umbra’s black scales shimmered more brightly, while his piercing gaze seemed to be more threatening.

His length increased to more than 1.5 meters causing a headache to him, as he had to take the little glutton with him everywhere.

From the strength Umbra used to coil around him, Shane knew that the quality-upgrade was not the only thing that increased, as he opened the status panel


Name: [Umbra♂]

Title: [Limit breaker]


Rank: [Low 6th-Wild stage(Mid-Wild)]

Quality: [Extraordinary](+)


Affinity: Lowest Basic-Darkness(Shadow)(+)

Ability: [One with the Darkness(Trash)]

Loyalty: [71%]


In the beginning, he was confused and then happy due to the Umbra reaching such a high loyalty.

However what confused Shane, was the new [Limit breaker] statistic, which he had never seen before.

Thinking about it, a rough cluster of information popped up in front of him.

[Limit breaker] Every individual with this effect, has broken through its racial limit.

Strengthening +10%, Mana circulation +10% , Mana consumption -10% , Intelligence +10%

`Huh?` Shane was shocked to read that and he couldn’t understand what exactly Umbra did to break through its racial limit…

`The racial limit of a Shadow-snake can’t be at the rare quality, because there was an [extraordinary] evolution path for it… Is it because of the rank it reached? Is it impossible for Shadow-snakes to reach the 6th Wild rank under normal circumstances?

But more shocking was that Umbra received it as a title, which meant it was possible for beasts to obtain titles, like humans and other intelligent races.

Even after raking his mind for a long time, Shane could only estimate that Umbra broke through its limit thanks to his innate skill which gave every tamed beast a quality enhancement.

`Wouldn’t take mean there can’t be a Shadow-snake with a [Legendary] quality?` he asked in his mind, as he accessed the Upgrade-function, only to see a grayed shadow-snake that resembles Umbra.

`Is Umbra the most powerful Shadow-snake then? An extraordinary quality Shadow-snake with a quality enhancement from my innate skill…`

Shane suddenly laughed out loud because the limit breaker effects were truly great and extremely beneficial for both him and Umbra.

Seeing him acting so happy, Umbra felt also overjoyed as it used the short moment their gaze crossed to transfer his master his hunger.

Somehow both were already accustomed to this scenario as Shane took out dozens of dishes which Umbra ate within a few minutes.

Meanwhile, he continued with his train of thoughts, asking in his mind if it was possible for every beast of his to receive the [Limit Breaker] title if he increased their quality to the highest possible in addition to his innate skill’s quality enhancement which every tamed beast of his would receive passively.

With this thought, Shane smiled brightly, as he decided to take a look at Umbra’s new unlocked evolution path


W E B N O V E L=

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