Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1827: Final Task

Chapter 1827: Final Task

1827 Final Task

The news traveled fast.

Currently, Jack, Philip, and Watt are all at Desolate.

They are lecturing Sam’s students since they just went through a serious threat.

“I told you guys to be careful. It’s great that Sam managed to pull some trick off at the last moment. Or you would have died along with Sirona trying to protect you. Do you think Sam would have been able to bear it?

He will lose his fucking mind.”

Watt yelled at the students and they couldn’t do anything.

“Uncle Watt. Your kid is right there. I don’t think you should swear.”

Vron said with a smile.

“Shut up. It’s better for them to listen to curses rather than learn from you a lot. Do you want me to hold you responsible if he grows up and becomes like you?”


Watt’s face is trembling from all the scolding. It has been a few days since the students came back, but the trio is way too far away from this place and they only got back now as soon as they heard the kids are in trouble.

“You are all going to go through the hell of a training phase. I will put you through it. Understand?”

All the students nodded in a hurry.

At this moment, Jack received a note from a guard.

He is stunned for a moment and passed the note to the other two.

Philip read through it and said.

“Seems like we have a special guest.”

He then turned to the kids and spoke.

“You guys rest first. We will come back. This is not over. You are forbidden from going anywhere out of desolate without our permission.”

All three of them left and went to meet Maya and the kids.

When Maya saw the three, she instantly recognized them. Not because she has seen their faces before, but because the coats they wore are of the same style as what Sam wore.

Philip met her with a smile and greeted them.

“Nice to meet you, Miss Maya. I am Philip, Sam’s friend. This is Watt and this is Jack.”

Maya nodded at them awkwardly and pulled out the recording crystal and gave it to them.

Philip took it and placed it away.

“First let us get you settled. We can talk about other things later.”

“Are you not going to take a look at that? I mean, that’s where the message is for you guys.”

She said in a very low tone. Her cultivation is decent and on par with the trio. But with her kids here, she is still a bit nervous. She wanted everything to be safe and she couldn’t feel safe until the trio saw the message.

Philip seemed to have understood what she was thinking and said.

“If that makes you feel assured, they sure.”

He took out the recording crystal and played.

“She is someone with that I crossed paths in the latest task. She got seven kids and she had a pretty rough time. There are more than twenty Divine Plane cultivators in the initial stage with forces that are way too big and all of them tried to bully her and the kids.

I even made them enemies in the process by the way.

Anyway, give her the best residence possible. Let her rest and take care of the kids. You can show her the school for the eldest ones and provide her with the best resources so she could take care of them peacefully.

As for the realm, I added the coordinates at the back of the recording crystal. You guys know what to do.

Take care guys.

Also, tell my students that they are in for some really bad punishment once I get back. But make sure they don’t lose their confidence because of what happened.


The recording ended.

“There it is. Let’s go.”

Philip said and he even carried two of her kids.

Jack and Watt did the same and they started playing with the kids on their way.

Maya is surprised a bit by their reaction. Sam didn’t explain many things. He didn’t go into detail on how she was being targeted. All he said is that she is being bullied and revealed that he made some new enemies that are so powerful.

But they didn’t blink twice.

Soon, they got Maya settled in a big house near a lake.

“This place is peaceful. We will assign a few staff members to take care of you. Whatever you feel like eating let them know. If you are confused, you can ask them for menus. We have a vast chain of restaurants spanning across realms.

You can taste all kinds of delicacies.

Meanwhile, you can come and take a tour of the place to understand where you are going to stay for a while.”

The trio took her on a tour.

Maya is amazed by all the novel things she saw here. They even took her to a meal and at that time, she couldn’t help but ask.

“Do you not have any questions?”

“About what?”

“The enmity? It is over twenty divine plane cultivators and you guys don’t even have one in your ranks. Isn’t it too much of a risk for you guys? All because of Sam’s decisions.”

Philip just chuckled and said.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s quite normal for us. It is not a big deal.”


“We have always been like this. Always fighting with bigger guys. You are staying here from now on. You will get used to it.”

They are carefree. They didn’t care who Sam messed with and they don’t need many answers. Sam’s enemies are their enemies.

Maya roamed around the desolate along with the trio for a while and she even heard some of the orders Philip has passed down.

“We got a new enemy now. Send some scouts to check out the situation. Make sure they do not engage with anyone there.”

He already decided to send people to get a hold of all the possible information there.

After a whole day of the tour, Maya finally relaxed. She felt safe and reassured.

And just like that, days passed.

Meanwhile, the players are going through hell.

Days went by weeks went by and months went by.

Each floor of the tower is being cleared one by one.

Soon, everyone finished off their towers. But none of them finished it off and left. Because in between the tower clearing, they were of course put to different tasks and Sam managed to win a lot of them.

Some of them he lost and some he gave up willingly so that his friends would win. But in between all of them, everyone came to a pact that none of them are going to leave the towers and hell before others and that brought them all to a halt at the last floors as they waited for everyone else to finish.

And now they are being deployed to finish their final tasks.

Hel looked at them in the grey space and smiled.

“You guys have come a long way. But you are not close to the end yet. There is a major shift in your status after you finish this final task.

It is commendable that all of you kept your word and stayed together to not exit the dungeons. But it would make little difference.

The training you have gone through is vastly different from the rest of your peers. Even among you, some had a higher number of floors and some have a lower, and even on those floors some of you have less difficulty compared to others.

The results are actually undeniable in some cases.

Anyway, the last task is pretty straightforward.

You will be placed in a forest along with a lot of other people that are ready to die and ready to kill.

Each of you will be given a map of the whole forest. As soon as you enter the forest, you will be given a target. You need to kill that target within a certain time limit.

You can track that target’s whereabouts on your map.

For every successful target, you kill you will gain positive points. If the target is weaker than you or the same strength as you, you will get one point, stronger than you, you will get two points, and vastly stronger than you, you will get three points.

Of course, if you cannot finish the target within the time limit, you will be given negative points, but this time the scoring is a bit different. If the target is vastly stronger than you, you will get one negative point, a tad bit stronger than you, you will get negative two points, and if they are weaker than you or the same strength as you will get negative three points.

These are kill points, but there is a different kinds of points in this game.

Evasion and Counter Kill points.


Because when you are targeting someone, you will also be a target of someone else.

For every successful evasion you have, no matter the other party’s strength you will get an evasive point. And if your counter kills, the point system is the same as the regular kill point system. The only thing is you won’t get negative points from this.

Any questions?”

“How many people are there in the forest?”

“I am not revealing that. But do know that only ten people will survive this and there are a bunch of Divine Plane cultivators inside. You should try your best to survive.

By the way, one more clause is that you cannot under no circumstances break through to Divine Plane while you are in there.”

Everyone exchanged a glance in frustration.

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