Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1833: Bullshitting II

Chapter 1833: Bullshitting II

The virtual reality projection is much more visually realistic compared to a recording crystal and it is also very detailed.

The only thing these people don't know is that it can project people's imaginations and thoughts if they modified the device enough and Sam took advantage of that as he projected his version of events.

The faction leaders took on cold breaths as they felt the depth of the situation.

Sam felt a bit relieved when they saw their reactions. He quickly put the device away and said.

"The method to restrict these vines is very difficult, even if it was told to you guys through the statue summoning, you wouldn't have been able to grasp it. That is why, we are here.

Also, we have a side task. To create a training center for your prodigies."

"Training centers?"

"Yes. Your alliance and the solar sect are indeed providing very talented people, but they are too rough around the edges and it is taking a lot of time to make them into refined soldiers that could make some real contributions.

So, we are going to build a training centre that will let you train your talents at a very young age in the most sophisticated of methods carefully.

You can see the qualitative changes of your faction members from the day 1.

Trust me, you guys wouldn't even be able to imagine the first thing about this training centre and the benefits it will bring."

Sam said matter of factly.

The faction leaders' thoughts are now in chaos. They exchanged a glance and understood each other intentions. If whatever Sam said is true, then they really lucked out and they are really willing to believe what he said as truth.

But no matter what they have to discuss things before they make a decision.

One of the faction leaders stood up and said.

"We would need to discuss this more. I hope you guys can stay here for a while before we come to a conclusion on the matter."

With that, Sam and the players were escorted to a specially prepared mansion.

In that mansion, there is no one else except the players. But there is one Divine Plane Pretranscendence cultivator keeping an eye on them.

Only after everyone left them alone, did players heave a sigh of relief.

"Quick thinking, dude. Thank you."

Akhil said as he took out a wine jar and started chugging it.

Arkiv also gave Sam a thumbs up.

Noah and Kumar are also grateful, but they are extremely nervous. Even Donner expressed his gratitude.

Dayus looked at Sam in a ugly manner. If it was any other player, he might have thanked them too, but it is Sam who saved him. It left a sour taste in his mouth.

"You dragged us into this, you better have a way to see this to the end."

Sam looked at him coldly and said.

"Listen you stupid head, I could have escaped this place easily. I have two bloodline arts that could have just brought me out of that place before those faction leaders could even react.

The only reason I had chosen this roundabout way is that you guys are all with me.

So, shut the fuck up unless I tell you to open your mouth."

Dayus gritted his teeth and looked at him begrudgingly.

Sam looked at the rest of the players and said.

"First of all, Noah and I are going to act as the personnel responsible for fighting against the vine. The plan is to show them a blueprint of a formation that is made of specially genetically modified trees that could devour these vines and grow.

Not only will they grow, but they will also give out some fruits that would benefit the cultivation of these cultivators.

The more energy absorbed by a tree the higher the level of fruit it will bear.

The rest of you are going to be in charge of the training center that I talked about."

"Why the fuck are we doing all of this? Your bluff worked, can't you think of a way to bluff yourself away from them? As long as we reach that location, it would be fine, right?"

Akhil asked in frustration.

"It is a bit more complicated than that. We need to make them believe if we really want to get out of this place and without showing some results, we wouldn't be able to do it.

As for that location you mentioned, it is actually at the end of this continent and everything past that is an ocean which after we cross will reach another continent.

From the memories of a Divine Plane cultivator I killed in the competition, the other continent past the sea is hostile territory. If we directly try to bluff our way there, we would easily get caught. They are already suspicious of us, if they suspect that we came from an enemy continent, we are screwed."

"But if we do everything you told us to do right now, wouldn't it waste a lot of time?"

"Time is the least of our concerns right now, we don't really have any time limit on our current tasks. We will just die by the thoughts of those people. We cannot act rashly."

While Sam and the players are discussing, the faction leaders also discuss among themselves.

"What do you guys think? Are they telling the truth?"

"We don't know that. I still have my doubts. If Zeus really wanted to send help and assumed that we really can't understand the methods, just like that guy said, he could have just sent them normally.

Clearly, they can hack into our system, so there is no way they couldn't have just sent them to our main door."

"Even I have doubts about it. Why couldn't he have just sent them directly to our main gate and then just sent the message through the statues? It would have been much easier."

"Why don't we just do the statue summoning and ask Zeus himself?"

One of them suggested.

"I don't know, we already tried to do the statue summoning before the competition, but Zeus didn't respond for some reason. But I guess we can try once again."

The faction leaders agreed and went to the nearest temple of Zeus to perform the ritual so that they could communicate with him.

But no matter how much they tried, they were unable to contact Zeus.

Sam also wished that it wouldn't happen. He is really worried that if Zeus out of his pettiness, revealed the plan, then they would be caught.

If it really happens, then they would be in some real trouble.

While in the mansion, Sam tried all kinds of things. He tried to put the players in one of his divine dimension fragments so that he could spatial transference and get away.

But it didn't work.

The rules of the game seemed to have blocked that choice.

He cannot use his dimensional drifter, he cannot use spatial transference through the divine dimension fragment.

Then he thought about a few more things.

They could build a one-sided spatial gate to the location and escape. But currently, they are in complete observation.

Sam used sound-canceling formations to make sure that they didn't hear anything, but they are still seeing everything.

It would be difficult and they need to find a way to sneakily make it.

Sam wanted to just make some spatial transference scroll that is locked onto an exact coordinate location. This seemed like a much more feasible idea, so he felt like he might be able to do this.

But even for that, he might need some privacy and some information on the spatial coordinates.

As he is brainstorming to think of a way out, a person came and informed them.

"Faction leaders are calling you. Please follow me."

Sam and the players went there and soon they are in a hall in front of all the faction leaders.

"We tried to contact Zeus, but are unable to contact him through the statue ritual. Can you guys tell me why that is?"

Sam is a bit surprised but also relieved by this. If this is true, then he can actually use this to bullshit a bit more and escape the situation once again.

Sam frowned and acted as if he is thinking something.

"Can I perform the ritual once?"

Sam asked and the faction leaders were a bit surprised, they expected many answers from Sam, but this is not something they expected.


"There might be a possibility on why you were unable to contact him, but I can only confirm after I perform a special ritual."

Faction leaders exchanged a glance and let Sam do it.

Sam went in and performed a ritual. It is indeed different from the one they used to do. But actually, it is not exactly a special ritual. Instead, it is a ritual done by some other force that worshipped Zeus.

There is indeed no reaction from Zeus and Sam felt relieved.

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