Chapter 426

Chapter 426

Under the night, in the Water 7 in the storm, it is full of noise at the moment.

“Luffy, what are you asshole doing here?”

The heavy rain was dripping down, and the rain fell on her face along the ends of her hair. Nami gasped, looking at Luffy who was caught between the gaps between the two huge houses in front of her, and shouted angrily.

Luffy, who was caught in the gap, heard the familiar roar from behind, with a joyful smile on his face, asked quickly.

“Hey, Nami, are you there? Listen to me, I was hit by that pigeon guy and got stuck in here.”

Even if I tried desperately to hold back it, Nami would think of Iceburg’s previous explanation to Robin, and his eyes flickered, revealing tears of sadness.

Flicking away the tears from the corner of her eyes, Nami cried and shouted: “This is important, you don’t crack a joke. When you are dilly-dallying, Robin has been taken by those people..”

The cry of Nami’s shouts clearly reached Luffy’s ears. With the news that Robin had been taken away, Luffy couldn’t help but feel confused and didn’t know what to say for a while.

Just listen to Nami from behind and continue to say: “Robin…Robin wants to die for us. Robin wants to sacrifice herself to protect us from the Government. She knows that if she is taken away, she will definitely be killed of. The attack on Lin Tian yesterday was not what she intended to do. She was controlled by others. She wanted us to say sorry to Lin Tian, wu wu….”

In the cracks, Luffy was stunned when he heard these words, and said to himself: “So…everything is fake, Robin is lying, she did not at all betraying us.”

Joy, a silent joy spread in Luffy’s heart, Robin not at all betrayed them, so she is still their partner.

“Very good!”

Covering the corners of her eyes, unstoppable tears flowed from her eyes. Nami’s heart was full of heartache. She could feel the heart-wrenching feeling of having to betray her partner and loved one in Robin’s heart.

“Lin Tian?” Luffy asked, “Where is Lin Tian now, have you told him these things?”

Nami worriedly explained: “Fighting, Lin Tian is now fighting in the northeast corner of the Water 7, Marine Headquarters dispatched two Marine Headquarters to capture Lin Tian. Thousands of Marine Headquarters are elite.”

Even Luffy with a rib, it suddenly became Satori at this moment, why Lin Tian has been feeling wrong for a few days, why Lin Tian wants to stay away from them, it turns out that he knows everything.

“Luffy, Marine, Seven Warlords, and Marine Admiral Aokiji around the Water 7 have been restrained by Lin Tian’s methods. Now we are the only one who can rescue Robin. You are still here dilly-dallying?”

Nami’s stern roar echoed, and the joy in his heart instantly became full of anger. Marine was actually dealing with his partners like this. Lin Tian and Robin secretly resisted everything for them. Now I am stuck here, doing everything.

After finishing speaking, Nami immediately covered her face and started crying, but Luffy’s firm assurance sound suddenly sounded.

“Don’t worry, Nami, I won’t let Robin die!”

At this time, the seawater that had receded temporarily, but at this moment, a huge tsunami with a height of tens of meters rushed towards the Water 7.

High in the Water 7, on the edge of the platform, looking at the waves that were several times larger than in previous years, before they got close, they couldn’t help showing panic on their faces.

“Pirate little girl, run away, the waves are coming!”

“Reindeer, hurry up, the huge waves have come over, and it will be too late to catch up!”

In the cracks, Luffy sounded Robin’s indifferent farewell and sad heart when he left. Let Luffy’s heart rise endless anger.

The power of anger is powerful. Luffy, who was originally stuck in the cracks unable to move even a little bit, exploded with terrifying power in his hands.

The friend who was crying in her heart was still waiting for him to rescue her. How could he be stuck here and couldn’t do anything at this moment. Luffy roared furiously in his heart.


In an instant, under the horrified eyes of countless boatmen in the Water 7, the two buildings that were close to each other were violently pushed away by Luffy, and collapsed on the ground.

“What, such a huge house, he pushed open with both hands-“

On the other side, not far away, Zoro, who was stuck in the chimney, picked up the Sandai Kitetsu brought by Chopper, slammed it down.

“Thirty-six Troubled Winds”

The vertical chimney was instantly split into two halves under a bright slashing wave. The trapped Zoro was finally freed, turned over and jumped, and fell firmly onto the roof.


However, before Zoro had time to catch his breath, the loud sound of water behind him had already come, and his face looked bad. Looking back, he was immediately shocked.

There were only a few dozen meters behind, the tall ocean waves, covering the sky and hitting the Water 7, the houses on the shore and the ground were all covered by the waves.

Without much thought, Zoro hurriedly moved towards and ran forward, and at the same time shouted to the stunned Chopper: “Chopper, go quickly.”

Chopper, who was stunned, reacted immediately, screaming moved towards the front and ran away.

Luffy, who pushed the two buildings away with brute force, also faced the crashing waves. He quickly stretched out his arms and grabbed Nami, who was about to be washed by the sea.

“Ice Age!”

In the Water 7, Kuzan jumped high and stretched out an icicle into the waves dozens of meters high. The thick icicle in his palm was like a fish entering the sea.

It must be an ordinary fish, and it will not be difficult to set off a little wave. The endless cold air follows the icicle, and it has been eroded into the waves in an instant.

In the midst of the terrifying blue waves, the sea water beside the icicles was immediately frozen into ice, and the next moment, more and more sea water turned into ice, and the entire huge wave began to turn into ice at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the waves that seemed to destroy the entire water capital turned into a huge circular ice wall under the cold air of Kuzan.

The ice wall that completely envelops the entire Water 7, since most of the urban area has been submerged by sea water, only the inland part in the middle has not been eroded by sea water.

These urban areas eroded by sea water are also covered by ice, and most of the Water 7 has been frozen by ice, and now it has become a city of ice and snow.

“This…this is what happened, the tsunami was actually frozen in ice.”

Here in the shipyard, countless boatmen have been deeply shocked by the scene in front of them. They can’t open their mouths for a long time and can’t close them, and they can’t express their shock.

The frozen tsunami in front of them has made them lose their most basic thinking and speech abilities, and they can only stare at the ice wall that used to be tsunami, and the Water 7 below that is completely covered by ice.

“Completely a miracle”

“What the hell happened here, the waves were frozen in ice”

“Are these real? Do I still I read it wrong.”

Some sighed, some couldn’t believe it, and some still hadn’t reacted, but most people opened their mouths and didn’t know how to use the language they understood to describe the scene in front of them.

On the roof, Luffy and the others, who thought they were about to be washed away by the sea, were deeply shocked. They stopped what they were doing and looked at the wall in front of them. They could still clearly feel the chilly wall.

Nami, who was held in Luffy’s arms, said blankly to what was happening in front of her: “The huge waves…the huge waves are blocked by ice.”

The one-strand Luffy, after experiencing the previous surprise, reacted immediately. After all, a few days ago, they saw with their own eyes that the sea was frozen.

“Huh….” Luffy didn’t have to be hit by the sea. Luffy breathed a sigh of relief and said happily, “Hey, I’m so lucky. At this juncture, the waves were frozen. Whoever did it, we have a chance to thank him.”


“Idiot.” Nami, who was hearing this, slapped Luffy on the head in annoyance and scolded: “Idiot, no one should be able to do all this except for the highest battle strength of the World Government we encountered before, Marine Admiral Aokiji.”

“What?!” Luffy yelled in panic: “The guy who uses ice is here, why is he here too?”

Nami, who had just spoken next to him, almost fell to the ground when she heard this, patted her forehead, which was a rough nerve for the captain.

I was full of helplessness, “Didn’t I just say it before? There are two Marine Admirals to deal with Lin Tian, one of them is him.”

“Asshole, that guy must have threatened Robin to leave us. I must find that guy and rescue Robin.” Luffy panicked, shouting angrily in an instant.

And Nami, the anger in her heart has reached the highest point at this time, and finally can’t stand it anymore, clenched her fist and hammered it.

The peng sound rang. Luffy, who was still screaming just now, was furiously punched by Nami and his head was deeply embedded in the roof below.

“You brat, did you listen to me before? Robin was taken to Judicial Ship by cp9, Marine Headquarter was here to deal with Lin Tian, now Marine has been restrained by Lin Tian. It is the best time for us to set out to save Robin.”

With both hands firmly supporting the roof, it took a long time for Luffy to pull his head out of the roof, pick up the straw hat that fell on his hand, and bring it back again.

Stand up and say: “I understand, we have to take advantage of Lin Tian to contain Marine during this time, catch up with cp9, bring back Robin, and then find Lin Tian and leave here together.”

“You finally said something useful,” Nami said with a tired heart, “but….”

He raised his eyes and swept the huge ice wall in front of him. Most of the water capital had been covered with ice, and the rest had also been wrapped by the huge ice wall, making it impossible to get out.

Not to mention catching up with cp9, they were riding the sea train, and I am afraid they left the Water 7 long ago. Even if they can pass through this ice wall, how can they pass through the sea behind the ice and catch up with the sea train running on the sea.

Time is so urgent, if Robin is taken to Judiciary Island, their chances of rescue will be even slimmer.

“Luffy, Nami, how are you two?!”

On the roof, Zoro and Chopper, who were running, waved and shouted at them.

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