Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

Chapter 460

Chapter 460: Are You Challenging Our Intelligence Quotient!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After he stepped away from the others, the Bureau Chief called Mu Huishou immediately. He asked, “Huishou, I feel like something is going to happen. Go check if it has got anything to do with Hong Dali. Update me once you have any news.”

“Okay!” Mu Huishou agreed in an instant.

Soon, the news came. “Bureau Chief, something is really happening! According to the latest news, the Angel of Misfortune posted another Weibo message. This time… this time…” His voice was weird, hesitating and holding back.

“What is it? Don’t beat around the bush. Say it.” The Bureau Chief anxiously said, “Is it a major curse or a minor curse?!”

“This curse… is neither major nor minor…” Mu Huishou paused for a while and finally said, “The Angel of Misfortune was playing games today. But he met someone which made him lose five times in a row. Hence, this curse… is very bitter!”

“There’s resentment indeed!” The Bureau Chief probed. “What did he say, exactly?”

“The Angel of Misfortune said… he said…” Mu Huishou was sweating all over and his voice quivered. “The Angel of Misfortune said, to crush Hong Dali’s nuts! Crush his nuts! A man’s crown jewels!”

“This…” The Bureau Chief turned his head to look at Hong Dali who was a distance away. He concluded. “We’ll pretend we don’t know anything. I reckon Hong Dali won’t care much about his nuts…”

When he returned, Tang Muxin whispered, “Uncle Chief, did you find out? Is something trying to harm Dali? If we find out we can gain the advantage of striking first?!”

“This…” The Bureau Chief looked at Hong Dali, and then Tang Muxin. “Ah. It’s nothing. A small matter, small matter. Dali wouldn’t care. Haha, haha. Let’s continue our inspection…”

Tang Muxin muttered, “What is it, why are you so secretive? Is there really someone here to harm Dali?”

After a short break at the lawn garden between the two teaching areas, they arrived at the Automobile Maintenance Area. Automobile maintenance had become a very popular profession in recent years. The main reason was that there had been more and more cars in recent years. Correspondingly, more and more cars required maintenance and repair…

Hence, automobile maintenance was much sought after. It was easy to find a job with automobile maintenance skills.

It was rather spacious at the Automobile Maintenance hall of New Lanxiang. Only a few mid-range cars were parked there. It was not that Principal Wang was not willing to spend. The problem was that there were not many students.

Hong Dali was naturally not satisfied. So was the bunch of reporters following behind. A hall area of a few thousand square meters with no students and only a few cars was no different from a few meters long fish tank with only a few tropical fish inside. It was simply not pleasing to the eye.

But the reporters had learned their lessons. They were waiting to see how Hong Dali would squander this time.

As Hong Dali’s loyal fan, this was the perfect chance for John to show off. He stuffed the microphone to Hong Dali’s mouth again and asked, “Young Master Dali, do you have anything to say regarding the automobile maintenance profession?”

The other reporters were curious by how Hong Dali would answer that question.

“Hmm, this question needs consideration!” Hong Dali rubbed his chin and smacked his lips. “I think, in this high-tech era, information technology is a skill… Ah, in any case, the country needs high-end automobile maintenance talents, so I decided to make some arrangements.”

As he said that, he looked at the empty halls and thought about it. Then, he smiled and said, “I think the frequency of traffic accidents is rather high now. Every accident will cause wear and tear to cars. I intend to get students to simulate various car accidents every day then get them to restore the car to its original state. That should be sufficient…”

One of the reporters was shocked. “Mr. Young Master Dali, do you mean this hall will become a car accident area in the future?”

“Yes, something like that.” Hong Dali looked around again and nodded. “This place is big enough. We practice one-to-one teaching here, there must be enough teachers! Oh yes, the cars used for the accidents must be of good quality. It’s meaningless if it’s of bad quality. At least 200,000 yuan. That should be sufficient…”

The reporters exclaimed. “Oh my god, if it’s according to what Young Master Dali says, there is no teaching required. Just the car accidents are enough to attract people’s attention!”

The next few majors, as there were no students yet, there was nothing to show. Of course, Hong Dali continued to show his astronomical squandering skills. For example, Culinary Arts Major, Hong Dali insisted that the ingredients used must be top-notch. Even the pork should be from pigs that were fed ginseng every day…

Soon, the crowd arrived at the final Hall—Computing.

The biggest computer room resided in this hall. The computers inside were all arranged by their quality.

It was, after all, the computer age. There were many more students here compared to other majors. Although there were many students, most of them were playing games. The reporters were already drained of their energy from the tour and were ready to leave after taking a few photos.

Just as they were ready to leave, a boy eighteen or nineteen years old stood at the corner of the room and said, “Wen Wen, do you mean what you said? Don’t go back on your word later on!”

The lady beside him named Wen Wen nodded slightly and said, “If you manage to do it, it proves you are eligible. Whether it works in the end depends on your performance!” Another boy said, “See who’s faster! The one who loses has to give up!” Wen Wen said, “Let’s begin then. Hehe. It’s time to test the both of you!”

“Okay! I’ll start now!” The boy from earlier was eager to express himself and started immediately.

It was obvious what these three kids were talking about. It seemed that the boy who won would earn the right to court the girl.

Understanding that, the reporters got curious. They wanted to know what they were competing on. Hence, a big group of people quietly surrounded them.

At this moment, the girl noticed the crowd and quickly nudged the two boys. “Quick, stop. Someone is here!”

“So what if someone is here.” The outcome of the match was clearly more important to the two boys. They ignored Hong Dali and the crowd and focused on what they were working on. After five minutes, the first boy acclaimed. “Hahahaha! I won, I won!” The second boy said, “I rushed over too. You didn’t win. This is a draw!”

“What are you doing?” Hong Dali asked curiously. “What are you competing? You can tell who won and lost so quickly?”

“Oh, it’s nothing.” The first boy was a little shy and embarrassed. “We are competing to see who can hack the server faster, but it seems that it’s a draw.” The other boy pointed to the girl. “Whoever wins can go after Wen Wen. But we have to compete again and choose a better server to hack.”

“Oh.” Hong Dali beamed. “Remember to leave a note to say that ‘New Lanxiang Vocational School Computing Major students were here.’”

“That’s a good idea!” The two students’ eyes shone with excitement. “We’ll go leave a message immediately!”

Tang Muxin held herself back from kicking Hong Dali. “Are you trying to tell everyone that they are hackers?”

When the reporters heard that the two students were hacking a server, they whispered among themselves. “It seems that the Computing Major also teaches students to hack. This is awesome.” “So it’s like that. I know how to hack too, it’s a personal interest.””The kids are just bored and meddling with computers. Nothing unusual. But these computers are really good, much better than mine.” “That’s obvious. Anything that Hong Dali meddles with will be of top quality.” “Well, that’s true. Aiya, the tour is finally finished. Shall we go look around ourselves?””I think that works!”

Ten minutes later, on the other side of the ocean, Merika, Hexagon Building.

Salon was in his office. He pounded on the table and roared. “Are these technicians good for nothing?! Our top-secret database server was actually invaded twice in 20 minutes! Twice! The first time it happened you didn’t defend against hackers. The second time it happened there is still no defense! They even left a message on the desktop?!”

The technicians were covered with sweat. “Chief Salon, the attack from the other side is very strong. Our firewall was unable to withstand it. But we think that the other party is trying to cover up something. It must be a ploy to distract our attention! It must be!”

“Crap. Of course, I know they are trying to cover up something!” Salong snarled. “‘New Lanxiang Vocational School Computing Major students were here.’ New Lanxiang Vocational School! Just a student from a vocational school can hack into our top-secret database server?! Are they challenging our intelligence quotient! This is an upfront challenge! Go check! Check it out! I must find out who is behind all this!”

When the technicians left, Salon was still mad. “New Lanxiang Vocational School… Even if you use a zombie system to cover up your real IP address, you should find something more decent. This is an insult. This is an upfront insult!”

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