Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God

1110 Weak

Just when everyone thought they couldn’t be shocked enough, Dyon made their hearts palpitate with shock once more.

In an instant, his sword changed forms, becoming a glaive that swept through the skies.

His aura shifted from that of an honor bound samurai, to that of a King of War, galloping across the battlefield on a black steed, prepared to take tens of heads with a single swing of his blade.

The heavens blessings poured down as Dyon mastered technique after technique. Shattering through the lower levels of comprehension to sky-rocket into the One with Self realm with absolute ease.

From that moment onward, his weapon constantly changed in his hand. Sometimes it was a spear, at other times it was a rod, and yet other times it was a saber or a halberd.

His War God armor glistened under the skies as the three warriors fought. There was no doubt that if this Mystical World wasn’t far more robust in comparison to a planet, it would have been shattered to pieces by now.

The spirits within Dyon’s mind could only watch on bitterly as this battle continued. Just how many more years of life could Dyon afford to lose?…

‘If Dyon doesn’t have the same constitution as the Battle God, then what is his connection to him? How are these two things related?’ Esmeralda finally asked, clutching her small fists. ‘And why isn’t he aging even though he barely has 30% of his life left?’

‘Why isn’t he aging?… I don’t know…’ The Battle Prince shook his head. ‘However, I’m certain that he’s trading lifespan to copy the abilities of the Battle God.

‘The Battle God’s Ancient Constitution is aptly named the War God constitution. However, according to legends, the Battle God didn’t like the name because war implied relying on something other than himself. He believed that wars couldn’t capture the essence of true battle. There was too much scheming, too many weaklings involved, so he disdained the name.

‘In the end, when he left enough of a mark on history to forge his own Title Lineage, he changed the name from War God to Battle God.

‘I’m sure you’ve all guessed by now just how heaven defying the Battle God was… His War God constitution was capable of giving him all of the benefits Dyon is taking part in right now without having to pay a single price!

‘Not only could he enter this deep selfless state with the heavens supplementing his mental energy, he could instantly learn any technique or comprehend any will. He could see through and copy his techniques of his opponents with a single glance. He never lost a single battle because even when he was faced with terrible odds, he improved too quickly on the spot to lose!

‘From my understanding, the only restriction on the War God Ancient Constitution was your cultivation. You couldn’t learn earth grade techniques instantly unless you were a saint, and you couldn’t learn heaven grade techniques instantly unless you were a celestial. In addition, you couldn’t learn daos unless you were a dao formation expert and couldn’t learn intents unless you were in the corresponding realm, whether that be essence gatherer for the first to third stage intent and so on…

‘However, if God constitutions gave their wielders first grade meridians from birth, just what kind of cultivation talent do you believe the Battle God had? He was simply unmatched!

‘He wasn’t restricted by logic… He had an affinity for every will in existence, he could master any technique placed before him… His only limiter was his own curiosity! Even the legendary Weapon’s Master Supreme Law was only birthed into existence by him, a man who was capable of mastering any weapon placed before him with a glance!’

‘So you mean…’ The spirits mumbled.

‘Yes. There are two factors that has allowed Dyon to reach this state. The first is that he doesn’t care about his life. I’m not sure what the exact details are about his lifespan, but I’m certain that even if he was last to his last decade, he would give it up in an instant if it meant finding the answer to the questions he sought.

‘However, even with this resolve, the heavens needed something more. The Weapon’s Master will still contains the essence of the Battle God. Wills are named as such for a reason… They can be passed down to the end of time if one was strong enough… This was especially so if you created a will!

‘Communicating with the will of the Battle God is something those of us who hold the ‘Battle’ title dream of. It’s just that the method to do so is too complicated… How could learning the weapon’s master will be so easy? Yet, Dyon was able to do it…

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The spirits trembled… To have a constitution so powerful that it can have this kind of effect just from residual will… Were all Ancient Constitutions so overwhelmingly powerful?…

Dyon, though, hardly cared.

With each passing moment, his strikes only grew fiercer.please visit panda(-)

Suddenly, Dyon’s eyes blackened. The stars of red, violet and blue that danced in his eyes gained a backdrop of flickering black flames, extenuating them all the more.

“Existence only begets death… Good only begets evil… All things perish… Nothing ever lasts… Endless destruction is the only conclusion… I suggest that if you don’t want to die, to bring Percival here… I have a question to ask him…”

Dyon’s War God armor erupted into a blaze of black heat as he raised the Dragon King that had once more become a sword.

The flames concentrated onto the edge of his blade, darkening the already jet-black sword even further.

At that moment, the two Kings felt an overwhelming sense of crisis.


When Dyon’s arm raised into the air, it felt as though the titles of the two titled Kings were empty. Before Dyon, could they really boast having such a title? What could they rule in the face of such power? Could they even stand properly in the face of Dyon’s momentum?

Bors and Percival roared, having no choice but to raise their energy output to the max.

“[Rising Sun: Third Phase]!”

Percival’s golden armor turned into a blaze of red-gold light, heating to such a point that its original color tinted to a scorching white. He looked no different to a blinding sun standing in the skies.

His two-handed sword extended along with a solidifying flame, increasing its body’s length was a meter and a half to almost thirty meters in an instant.

“[Knight’s Honor: Ninth Phase – Holy Light]!”

Bor’s momentum soared, unwilling to be outdone by his long-time friend.

A strong pure light concentrated into his blade. There was no piercing heat, but there was an overwhelming sense of comfort… As though it was prepared to sheer through all evil and clear a path no matter what it faced.

Dyon’s arm calmly reached its apex. He didn’t use a technique. He didn’t feel that he needed to. In this world, his black flames were the inevitable end to all things.

All flames descended from it. All purity was tainted by it.

“Solidify.” Those were the only words he spoke.

At that moment, it was as though space was locked.

Head Arie was wrong. The characteristic that Dyon’s flames had wasn’t as simple as solidification. It was more accurate to label it as a characteristic capable of giving form to all things. Whether that thing be Dyon’s flames giving themselves tangibility, or space itself.

Dyon’s flames didn’t have three characteristics, they only had a single one. However, this one characteristic was so heaven defying that the idea of them having a second or a third would be too overwhelming.

The “augmentation” and “solidification” characteristics of his black flames were only roots of the very same characteristic, birthed from giving form to all things. This characteristic, one never before seen in the world before, was known as the Creation Characteristic. Not only did Dyon’s black flames have this characteristic, but so did his white flames.

Like yin and yang, they handled two spectrums of creation. The black flames could give birth to the path of greatest destruction, while his white flames gave birth to greatest good.

In this state, Dyon’s comprehension of his own abilities reached an unprecedented level. It felt as though he had used his flames the right way his whole life and he finally understood just why he had mistaken the characteristics of his flames as being so weak.

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