Chapter 505

Chapter 505

Chapter 505 What He Wants (3)

Chapter 505: What He Wants (3)

I wasn’t scared at all. Hyunsung’s face was becoming darker, but he hadn’t been trying to threaten or harm me.

Rather, with an expression that seemed even a little sad, I looked straight into his eyes. I wasn’t very pleased being pushed against the wall, though.

It was then that the guy who was staring at my face lowered his head slowly.

His shoulders intermittently shaking seemed to represent his true feelings. He didn’t deny or affirm what I had said, but it seemed that he didn’t want to accept it just by looking at the atmosphere.

As I frowned as if it was painful, he slowly stepped back with a startled face, but the reaction itself was as if he still didn’t know what to say.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You don’t know, my ass…”

“Let’s stop here for today.”

“What do you mean stop, you bastard? Look straight into my eyes. Are you really going to end it all here?”

“It seems like you haven’t completely returned to your mind yet.”

“It’s you, not me, who’s gone nuts.”

Watching him take care of his luggage calmly while turning his back silently, I began to get angry. It was because I could understand him a bit.

“You seem to be very tired.”

“Don’t change the subject.”



“Why are you saying that?”

“You know why better than I do, Kim Hyunsung.”

“I’m tired now. I don’t want to do it anymore. I don’t want to talk about this either. Please stop.”

“You are not exhausted. You are running away. Do you really want to rot here forever?”

“That’s none of your business.”

“What will the people who are following you do?”

“Stop… now.”

“Are you going to let them die?”

“I don’t want to see them die. I don’t want that to happen.”

“They will die in a place where you won’t see them. That will turn into reality if you don’t wake up, you dumbass.”

“Yes, I am someone who has already failed once. If I leave this place, nothing will change. Eventually, the situation as it is now will come. Kiyoung won’t be there too. I’ll watch everyone die again. I don’t care if you blame me. But I am not confident to handle it. So please stop now.”

“A lot has already changed.”

“That’s… because of you.”

“It changed because you saved me. You idiot, no one ever told you to hold a heavy burden alone, and no one ever asked you to watch them die. Don’t talk like it’s all over because you slipped once. Don’t even think of finishing it like this.”

“Didn’t I tell you to stop now?”

“Stop, my ass! You crazy bastard.”

“Shit! What do you know! What do you know!”


“Damn, damn it! Don’t imitate him. Don’t imitate him. Shit! Don’t appear that way and force me to take responsibility. Don’t show up like this and force me to take responsibility. I never said I wanted to start over. I never asked anybody to do it again! So leave me alone. Please stop! Leave me alone! Don’t force me to take responsibility anymore! You motherfuckers! Fuck, don’t force me to take responsibility, fuck…”


“Please don’t make me think about it… please… Please don’t make me do that. Don’t think about it… I’m so sick of it now. Please don’t think about it. Don’t think of anything.”


“Please stop… please… Please don’t force me to take responsibility by looking like that.”

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Not only did his face become crumpled, but he seemed completely out of his mind, which made his behavior hard to describe.

I was surprised by him screaming, but I thought he wasn’t screaming at me.

Since he probably didn’t know that the real Lee Kiyoung was in front of him, it wouldn’t be wrong to judge that he felt angry with the unconscious inside himself.

He thought that the burden on the unconscious that he had to carry deep inside came through Lee Kiyoung’s image, which was one that he had created.

The way he said not to impose that responsibility and to stop the conversation right in that instant was, in fact, no different from crying out to himself.

If he didn’t think about responsibility…

‘Does he think I’ll start talking about else?’

There were several hypotheses, but that was the most probable one. When I saw him becoming quiet for a moment, glancing at me, I had to admit that I was half right.

However, I couldn’t play along with that motherfucker’s behavior. It was up to him to judge, but I looked at him again.

“I’ve never forced you to take responsibility.”


“But you have to pick up the water you spilled, right?”


“What? Did you think you created me too?”

That was when his face changed. He looked as if he had just realized something.



“Aah… ah…”

‘I don’t know if it worked, fuck.’

In fact, this was also a gamble.

I wanted to play along with him a little more, but if I didn’t finish it at some point, I felt like he would keep dragging me with him.

The reason I got annoyed was because of all the emotions that came into my mind. Above all, I thought there would be no better timing than that moment to mark a period. It was also true that I was a little anxious.

Explaining how I was able to reach him was also bothering me, and I started to remember all the things I said without thinking.

From Kim Hyunsung’s point of view, there were many things he could feel a little strange when I thought about it. He just hadn’t noticed them yet.

“Ah… Sni… ff…”

‘Ah, this bastard is crying again.’

Rather than being suspicious, it seemed like he felt relieved. I wasn’t sure, but it felt like that.

It seemed that he felt more at ease because I was safe and that I had come to him.

‘Fuck… you shouldn’t have let go of your mind.’

He didn’t think he’d ever see me come to my senses for a second.

Kim Hyunsung’s heroine trio’s efforts weren’t ignored. They really simply couldn’t be heard.

Once again, I was in a situation where I had to express my condolences to Cho Hyejin, but I had no choice but to give a quiet smile.

I couldn’t help but realize that the atmosphere was different from before.

Kim Hyunsung was surely aware. He was surely aware that that place wasn’t where he should be.

“T-There… was some parts that are left of you. There… were still some parts of you…”


“You came to find me.”

“It’s because I thought you would be like this.”

“Somewhat… It looks like I hadn’t been reliable.”

“It’s not that.”

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“Are you okay now?”

“In fact, it would be right to see it as a little dangerous situation. Coming here was like gambling.”

“I’ve shown such disgraceful behavior.”

“I can understand.”

“I’m sorry.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about.”


“No one ever told you to take responsibility. No one’s ever said that. It’s understandable that you feel pressured to have someone expecting things from you, that you have to deal with a lot, and that you don’t seem to be able to withstand it. You don’t have to be stressed in isolation. We can hold the burden together.”

‘Whew… great line.’

My emotions started to rise more and more. It felt weird, but what did that matter?

It just had to work anyway.

I didn’t know why Kim Hyunsung valued me so much, but I had no choice but to take advantage of it at this moment.

“I will take the responsibility.”

I didn’t force him to take responsibility. At least, I only made it sound like that.

I could see a smile drawn on Kim Hyunsung’s face.

He grabbed my hand and raised himself.

‘Ronove, it’s now. I think now is the timing! I have to do it now. I said it’s now! Fuck!’

It was no longer the red sunset that illuminated Kim Hyunsung and me.

“It may be difficult to understand, but…”


“I only thought that the scenery I was looking at so far was the setting of the sun. Of course, there was no such thing as the sun here. I just kept…thinking so.”

‘Our Hyunsung is becoming sentimental.’

“But… It looks like it wasn’t.”

The sunset occurs both when the sun goes down and when the sun rises. Although the direction in which it arose was different… There was no doubt that such a law would apply to a world that had already been ruined.

Anyway, Kim Hyunsung, in the first round, seemed to have never expected that phenomenon to occur when the sun rose.

I could understand. Who would see that and think the sun is rising? Perhaps it was the red light of the curse.

‘In fact, in the first round, the sun might not have come to his mind in the first place.’

Looking at the light shining on his sentimental face was satisfactory, but somehow I started to feel a little sorry.

It was because I knew that the phenomenon was nothing more or less than the masterpiece Ronove made.

‘The truth doesn’t matter.’

It didn’t matter what happened. The important thing now was how he felt.

As I frowned at the bursting light, the buildings that had been ruined began to be torn down one by one. The light that spread out with the momentum to completely destroy the burden in Kim Hyunsung’s heart had already begun to remove the traces of the first round that remained in him.

Of course, that was also fake, but honestly, it was spectacular to watch.

Maybe I really did think that Kim Hyunsung had gotten rid of the burden in his heart.

I could see him slowly starting to walk.

I watched as he struggled to move to a place that was getting brighter and brighter.

I could feel his hand as I guided him through the place where the influence of the light had not yet reached. Kim Hyunsung silently walked and was going into the artificial light.

I thought it would be finished, and when I gently shook off his hand, I saw him looking at me with a puzzled face.

“I can’t go out here.”


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“Other people are waiting for you besides me.”

‘Come on, motherfucker. Why are you hesitating? Go out quickly.’


‘This son of a bitch. Fuck, won’t you leave? Get out, quickly.’


‘Quickly, you bastard.’

I pretended to be bitter, but we were running out of time.

I could see that Ronove also created some people as if she thought it wasn’t going anywhere.

The production in which the Blue Guild members, including Park Deokgu and Jung Hayan, reached out to him was an amazing sight.

‘This is too much, Director Ronove… sigh… It’s too childish. This is an oldies cliché.’ It all felt so awkward that I felt like I wanted to die.

“Hyunsung, o-o-oppa… come on, quickly.”

I wasn’t sure if it’s because of impatience, but Jung Hayan’s face looked unnatural.

It wasn’t just them. All those with familiar faces were waiting for him.

“Guild Master.”



Three defeated heroines with 38 losses.

Ahn Ki-mo, Sun Hee-young, Hwang Jeong-yeon, and the newbies were also there.

All of the characters who had built up relationships with him in one way or another were present. Even the figures of the State to the figures of the Republic could be seen.

And even…

‘Why is she here?’

Even Lee Kiyeon, whose face I hadn’t seen in a long time, was smiling at him.

Even I had to be a little nervous because it told me how desperate Ronove was.

‘Would something like this work?’

A wet blanket situation.

It would be natural to think that Kim Hyunsung, who intuited something strange, might even notice it.

“H-Hyunsung is not… not… alone.”

In the end, even my lines had become twisted because I thought I had to participate in that cheap scene.

However, Kim Hyunsung, who became even more sentimental, didn’t seem to have noticed that all those situations were fake.

As much as he was involved in the case, his hands and feet seemed safe. Even the way he shouted lines like a protagonist, I had no choice but to bite my lips tightly.

“Yes. I’m not alone…now.”

‘Fuck… It’s a miracle.’

The sight I was seeing was not a miracle. Rather, Kim Hyunsung being convinced by that cheap scene itself was the miracle.

With a sigh of relief, I hit my chest with a fist.

“We will be able to meet again. And…”


“I believe in you.”

“Yes, surely, surely.”

The way he threw himself into the light with a pretty bright face looked the most relaxed I had seen so far.

I was left alone and had to clench my fists. There were some flaws in the end. Still, it was okay to think of it as an awakening cliché close to perfection.

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“Fu… ha… fuhhehehehaha!”

Laughter burst out of my lips without my knowledge. I had no choice but to have a pleasant imagination.

“To the golden land, El Dorado!!!”

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