Chapter 508

Chapter 508

Chapter 508 A short break (1)

Chapter 508: A short break (1)

-Let’s go back, Ronove. It looks like something interesting has happened.

-Yes, Lee Kiyoung.

‘Whew, let me see it one more time.’

-Let’s go back, Ronove. It looks like something interesting has happened.

-Yes, Lee Kiyoung.

‘It’s really good.’

I wasn’t the type to reminisce about something that had already passed, but I wanted to keep repeating that scene for some unfathomable reason.

The sight of two people staring at each other from a distance whilst having different thoughts proved to be the best scene among them. It was the same as the way Doom Kiyoung turned his back and left without regret.

“Whew, this is a great scene. It’s amazing.”

I actually thought that it might be a bit cringeworthy, but at that point, it was enough for me to think that I fulfilled my role gracefully.

I had removed the idea that my overflowing teenager sensibility might not be much different from Ronove’s in my mind, and as I drank the wine, I felt as if I had come to heaven.

I liked the small but definite happiness that I was feeling. I had spent some time alone while congratulating myself on the feats I achieved that day. No one could hate such an ambiance.

‘I think I can work harder because I have times like this.’

In fact, it would be best to take a rest every now and then.

As I drank my wine again with my legs stretched over the desk to feel a little more comfortable…

Knocking sounds came from behind the door of the control room. Like a teenager who was disrupted while watching a private video, I tried to turn the video off in a hurry, but I made a mistake and pressed rewind instead.

I thought it was fortunate that my embarrassing voice did not come out, but the scene that came out was none other than Donovan’s video.


-I-I can’t be beaten… by a mere human…

-Sigh, sigh, sigh…

-I’m… sorry. My friend… I’m… sorry. Belial…

‘Fuck. I didn’t want to see this.’

I felt a little embarrassed, but I couldn’t express it at all. As I looked carefully next to me, I could see Limur’s face watching me anxiously.

-I’m s-sorry, external advisor. It seems that I came in too abruptly…


She had an expression that seemed to have misunderstood something.

-It is not your fault.

“What? Ah… yes.”

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It didn’t take long for me to grasp the situation.

-You don’t have to worry too much about it. It wasn’t your fault. Donovan, that stupid guy…


-Lee Kiyoung…

“I’m sorry. I never thought that this kind of accident would occur, but Donovan’s sad death… it’s all because of my carelessness. How disappointed others must be feeling right now…”

-No, you don’t have to think about it in this manner. This is not something that you should see or think of so deeply. It was an unexpected situation. It was a ridiculous and stupid accident.


-It is his fault that he ran to base 17 while ignoring the scenario in the first place. He even had a chance to reverse summon, but he tried to make a full descent instead. It’s not enough to just say it’s stupid. There is no need for Lee Kiyoung to suffer because of such a dumb guy.

‘I know, Limur. I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m not wrong. This is all Donovan’s fault. Yes, it is.’

In fact, apart from my reaction, the demons weren’t feeling very concerned about Donovan’s death. If one were to ask how they felt, they’d say they were rather embarrassed by the stupid guy. It would be a story that could be seen for granted from the position of the 27th Corps’s other generals.

He was in a situation that was no different from certain death because he had immersed himself too much in his role in the play. While ignoring the scenario, he took actions of his own accord and died after being split in half by a human being.

He had the option to choose the method called reverse summoning, but I thought he was even more stupid when I remembered his eventual fall.

His death was far from noble or honorable.

The end of Donovan, a warrior who had been defending the corps before the 27 Corps joined the 72 Corps, felt so terrible that laughter came out. It was too embarrassing that the high-ranking demons belonging to Donovan’s command wouldn’t even mourn his death.

Not to mention, the moderates in the legion had gained a lot more power.

It was pitiful since the guy thought about me as his friend until the end, but he put himself in a circumstance where there was no way for any of my sympathy to arise.

His end could be placed in the top ranks if I picked the most foolish death in the entire history of demons.

He made his name known according to his wishes, so in a way, I made his wish come true.

The method had to be a little different, but wasn’t Donovan too satisfied with the underworld?

While I kept feeling proud, crocodile tears began to flow from my face.

“Sigh, Donovan was a good soul…”


“He told me that he wanted to create a new hell and that he would make a place where everyone could be satisfied. He said that he would die for the 27th Corps.”

-External advisor…

“Sorry, Limur. Can I be alone for a moment?”

-Yes, of course.

“Oh, but why did you come here…?”

-No, it’s not urgent. However, I was curious about how you would handle the future for personal reasons. Rather, don’t be too bothered. I’m saying this sincerely. No one has complained about this. Really.

“Yes, thank you so much for saying so. And I will try to contact you as soon as possible for future schedules.”

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-Ah, yes. Sorry to bother you.

“No. Rather, I should be the one to apologize…”

Limur bowed her head for a moment and kissed me lightly on my cheek. I lowered my head a little in response. Perhaps it was her own way of trying to console me.

It didn’t matter what it was. All that mattered was that I was fortunate to be able to spend time alone again. I also needed some time to have fun and to organize everything personally.

It was okay to assume that Limur came in at the right time.

‘In fact, I’m not in a position where I can do anything…’

Based on the overall picture of the situation, the human faction had the right to dominate.

Since they were lighting up the embers of a counterattack, it was undeniable that they would come in sooner or later.

Maybe they had a lot of plans in their mind to finish the final chapter beautifully.

Of course, they’d also need time to revive the atmosphere, which should consume at least a day.

When I turned the screen whilst sipping the wine that Limur poured, I captured the image of the main unit of the Continental Union that was being surrounded by a good atmosphere.

-Cheers! Cheers! Sing the song of victory. Let’s go out, my friends and comrades. There were sacrifices, but their sacrifices will never be forgotten by our hearts. Cheers! Cheers! For our victory!

From the dwarves singing the song of victory…

-Raise your glass. Let’s toast to our triumph and in honor of the victims. Let’s be grateful for our small but important win.

…To the humans who celebrated in a respectful manner.

I didn’t think the atmosphere was too relaxed. They were celebrating their win in moderation. Rather, it felt as if it had given vitality to the heavy atmosphere.

In any case, that kind of time was absolutely necessary.

Humanity’s wounds were still too big to launch an attack of their own, after all. The entire army was exhausted both physically and psychologically.

If I were its commander, I would think that holding a banquet was an unavoidable choice.

I definitely would have done something like that.

It was a flaw that I wouldn’t be able to see up close, but I felt excited, even from a little far away. Of course, the most striking among them were those who praised Kim Hyunsung.

-Thank you. Really… Thank you.

‘Right, you should be grateful.’

-For the new hero of humanity. For all future battles.

‘It has a nice atmosphere. Really.’

-For the sword of light! For the sword of light!!

‘I like the nickname. Whew, you’re the sword of light, the sword of light! It suits you perfectly… Hyunsung, can you hear me?’

-Sing a song for the hope of sunset’s light!

‘The hope of sunset’s light. His special moves were intense, though. Yes…’

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-For the swordsman of sunset’s light!

‘Gosh. Good.’

It was the first victory of humanity, which almost completely collapsed.

When they thought that all the lamps of hope were out, the hero of humanity appeared and defeated one of the Four Demon Generals alone.

Naturally, the human faction had delighted reactions and created expectations.

‘That kind of event deserves to appear at least once.’

In fact, Kim Hyunsung’s impact had been weak during that time.

Of course, he raised awareness little by little through various incidents, but it was undeniable that there was no strong blow. People even wondered why I was under Kim Hyunsung.

Considering that they even said that Kim Hyunsung was only the figurehead, and the actual owner of the Blue was Lee Kiyoung, I naturally supported the current situation.

The more difficult the present became, the more heroes were desired, after all.

Kim Hyunsung perfectly met the conditions needed to become a hero and played a huge role as the medium that brought humanity back together. I didn’t like that he was struggling as the hope of humanity, but I could at least be sure that Kim Hyunsung had come in at the right time.

I left half of my luggage to Kim Hyunsung, but ironically, Kim Hyunsung’s face on the screen seemed to have abandoned the luggage.

Of course, I couldn’t see everything in detail, but I felt like he no longer felt nervous.

His face that had become even more relaxed, seemed to explain his current state of mind.

I was allied with the demons for the moment, so he might not be comfortable with it, but the reason he could make that face was probably…

‘I believe.’

He believed that I would be able to withstand the corruption well. The others’ faces weren’t all that much different.

I didn’t hear what Kim Hyunsung was saying, but looking at the crowd’s faces, I could predict his words. Of course, Park Deokgu’s loud voice was the most helpful.

-So, y-you mean, hyung-nim is still fighting, right?

Perhaps he had been telling the story of when I came to visit him.

-You mean hyung-nim came to see you?

He even told them what happened during that time in detail.

-He tapped his chest and said he believes you?!

Hyunsung also seemed to be talking about some very embarrassing parts.

-No, wait, hold up. The two of you watched the sunset together?

He didn’t let even the smallest detail remain untold.

-Then the technique you used to fight the demon was his gift?

He was shouting so loud that the whole unit could hear it.

‘This bastard, really…’

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I didn’t know why, but I could see female adventurers flocking around him. It even felt like their morale had risen to a strange extent.

The desire to rescue Cardinal Lee Kiyoung at any cost began to spread in all directions, and it came from that group.

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