Chapter 528

Chapter 528

Chapter 528 Doom Kiyoung (3)

Chapter 528: Doom Kiyoung (3)

“Ki… Kiyoung-ssi, if you’re feeling better, what don’t you eat a little bit…”

“No, I have no appetite.”

“You should eat a bit Mr. Kiyoung. You barely ate anything yesterday.”

“O-Oppa, l-let’s eat together.”

“I’m okay.”


“If you leave it, I will eat it by myself. Just leave it by the door.”


The atmosphere completely changed. I had to agree that Lee Jihye’s trashy plan worked.

Kim Hyunsung was going through some mental strain again.

A secret that he kept desperately hiding from me had just gotten revealed in the worst way possible.

I didn’t know what exactly he was thinking, but I was sure he was being troubled by all sorts of things.

He probably thought he made a mistake, but I bet he was worried about my mental health the most. In his perspective, I dedicated my life to helping other people, but without my will, I had soon become a villain that caused huge damage to the empire.

He was probably worried that I might make a rash decision or reconsider “my” disposition. He might’ve also thought it wouldn’t be weird for me to hurt myself, or for my mind to crumble.

I said I wanted to be by myself, but I kind of felt guilty that Kim Hyunsung had been checking up on me every 3 minutes.

I felt like he thought I was some fragile glass right at that moment, and that wasn’t the only issue.

‘If you want to lie, Hyunsung, you shouldn’t get found out.’

I bet he was feeling guilty that he tricked me and was worried about how I thought of him.

Even if I would return to normal, and it would not change the fact that he tried to trick me.

In a deep part of his brain, I was almost certain he was thinking, ‘what if Kiyoung-ssi is disappointed in me and the Blue Guild?’ and then thought of how he could regain my trust.

I was a bit sorry that my guild members were suffering mentally, but I was glad I accomplished what I wanted.

It was a good escape plan, and if someone asked me if I wanted to go back, I would say no without hesitation. And so…


“Yes? Yes, Kiyoung-ssi, I will be there in a moment. Is…is there anything you need?”

“I think… I should go back.”

“Why do…”

“Please, can you turn the carriage back?”


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‘What the fuck. What’s up with his expression? Is he really going to turn back the carriage?’


I let down a stream of crocodile tears, and it was only then that I got the response I wanted.

“I know what you’re worried about, Kiyoung-ssi.”

‘Yes, this is how it should be.’

“But what you’re worried about will never happen. No, even if it happens, I will do everything to stop it, so don’t be worried. You are not dangerous. This is what I fervently believe.”


“Please trust me. I hope you trust yourself as much as you trust me.”

Yeah, that was the situation. Which crazy bastard was going to lock up someone willing to lock themselves up because they didn’t trust the dark being inside of them?

I bet he thought that if he really locked me up, my mentality would worsen even more.

He also learned that, when negative thoughts consumed me, I went back to Doom Kiyoung, so he would probably do his best to prevent me from locking myself up.

‘This is the moment when he’ll probably make his move.’

That was just my guess, but I was sure his confession wouldn’t be far off.

The first twenty days were to protect my mental strength, but the current situation was different.

Wasn’t it the main character’s responsibility to console a character in a dilemma with words about how they should continue living? Perhaps it would be something as to how we need to save the empire, or something about him needing my strength.

I already heard some of those thoughts from his subconsciousness. Hence, I knew that sooner or later, he would probably say such lines to me.

‘It’s just about how long it will take.’

It wouldn’t probably take too long. No matter what happened, I was going to make him confess that he was a regressor.

‘The matter with Doom Kiyoung too…’

I couldn’t believe I couldn’t think of such an obvious cliché as having to fight the internal darkness in my soul.

After I went back to the Vatican and resolved the current dilemma somewhat, I had to show them that I could control my dark powers to a certain extent.

If Benignore acted as my witness, this would be even better.

Of course, other people would be wary about me using my Doom Kiyoung power, but I could drop subtle hints that my new power now carried a huge penalty.

Perhaps something like if I used it even once, I could never use my right arm again, or if I continued using it, I would be completely swallowed by the darkness.

Wouldn’t those kinds of details make it sound more realistic? And more people would also be worried about me…

Even though this went all according to Lee Jihye’s plan, I didn’t care for as long as it brought good results. Instead, I welcomed it.

While I was happily thinking of all that, Kim Hyunsung carefully chose his words as he spoke again.

“We are going to reach the Vatican soon. I don’t know why you can’t return to normal, but I’m sure they can help. So please… don’t blame yourself anymore…”


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“And I also want to apologize for… making rash decisions by myself.”

“No, it’s not something you should apologize for. If I were in your position, I would do the same. No, it was the right decision to do so.”

“No, it’s not like that…”

“I’m not blaming you, so you don’t have to make that kind of expression. I know that was the only way you could… Regardless, I completely understand.”

I wanted to really make sure he didn’t lock me up again, so I gave him another burden to carry.

At that moment, I felt the carriage slowing down.

We reached the capital of the city. I looked at the empire with a sad expression, but there wasn’t much damage in that area as I thought there would be.

Actually, there hadn’t been much damage to the whole empire. To be specific, the only place that was completely destroyed was Lindel and the Union.

In the case of the capital, not only did the demons not invade it, a single fight didn’t even occur there.

Since Lindel was still recovering, the place before us was probably the best place to reside in the empire. As I predicted, I began adventurers.

It was as if Lindel’s popularity had been directly moved to the capital.

Most of the adventurers had begun to stare at the sudden arrival of a carriage from the Blue Guild, but I didn’t bother to close the curtain. The windows were tinted anyways.

But it seemed to bother Hyunsung. He asked for permission before closing the curtain.

‘Is he going to stop the carriage right in front of the Vatican? No, he’s definitely going to drop me right in front.’

It was not a good decision to show everyone my Doom Kiyoung form.

I bet most of the adventurers and the residents of the capital would be startled by our entrance.

Even though the Blue Guild was supposed to be occupied with fixing Lindel, they brought most of our forces to the capital. I was sure they were wondering why we came all the way there.

I was also certain that they guesses in the carriage and if the Blue Guild would move their entire base to the capital.

And they might’ve even thought that Holy Cardinal Lee Kiyoung was riding the carriage.

‘I really am curious, though.’

I wondered what the extent of my popularity was. I was so curious about how they would react if I appeared before them. Would I get cheered on or admired? I wanted to see with my own eyes.

But the carriage kept moving. When the carriage finally stopped, everyone except for me went outside.

I bet Pope Basel was explaining various things to them.

When I slightly opened the window, I saw Pope Basel and a bunch of other priests.

Pope Basel looked as if he aged 30 more years.

As I expected, the Pope nodded very seriously and began walking towards me.

Some of the guards tried to stop him, but Pope Basel yelled and pushed them away.

‘Our Pope’s fiery personality is still very much alive.’

I could hear his loud voice.

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“Let me go, you dull guards!”

“If what the Light Swordsman is saying is true… it might be dangerous for you.”

“What’s dangerous here is your rotten thoughts. Despicable fools! Did you not hear me when I said let go!”

“Pope Basel!”

“Disappear from my sight right now! Get out! You useless guards…”

“At least…”

Hearing a thud, I predicted that one of the guards fell.

It was kind of funny that a Vatican’s holy knight with such high stats was having a hard time with an older man, but that just showed how emotional the Pope was.

As the Pope came closer to me, I saw how strained his face was.

‘I hope he doesn’t die from a heart attack… This is making me nervous.’

I was worried that he might grab his heart from shock, but he actually had a calm expression. He looked at me as if nothing was wrong and that everything was fine.

“Pope Basel.”

“You suffered a lot. You… really suffered a lot.”

“I apologize for coming like this…”

“Hahaha. No matter how you look, it will never cover the shining light inside of you. In my eyes, I can see that Holy Cardinal Lee Kiyoung still has not lost the light in his heart.”

“Pope Basel…”

“Don’t worry about anything. The goddess will be taking good care of you. She definitely will. Here, can you get up?”

He tried to help me get up with his own hands. The holy knight behind him muttered Benignore’s name and tried to stop the Pope in vain.

In truth, however, I was actually me who tried to avoid the Pope.

As if my body was dirty and cursed, as if I might dare cause harm to the Pope, I moved my body backward awkwardly. However, Pope Basel took a step forward and was trying to help me get up again.

“H-H-Holy Cardinal Lee Kiyoung… we will be the one to escort you. Pope, please take a step back.”

“I think that’s what the Holy Cardinal… wants too.”

Even with the Holy Knights’ words, Pope Basel did not move a single step.

“No, I will be the one who escorts him directly to the goddess.”

“But, with this appearance… I’m worried he might cause harm to the goddess.”

“For the Holy Cardinal’s safety too… I think we should think more carefully…”

“You useless fools!!! Be careful with your words!!! You rotten knights! Your minds are only occupied with those cursed demons! That is what the demons want! How stupid can you be!! Do you not see the shining light inside of Holy Cardinal Lee Kiyoung!! Do you not know why the Holy Cardinal has changed like this…? Do you not know why the demon implanted their powers inside his body! Do you really not know?! You fools!!!!”


“Your minds are completely filled with thoughts of filthy demons!! Bring me my weapon right away! I’m going to crack you numb-skulls with my own two hands!!”

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