Chapter 555

Chapter 555

Chapter 555 Preparation (2)

Chapter 555: Preparation (2)

-Let’s start today’s presentation. I sincerely thank you all for coming to this conference today. As stated in the schedule, we will start with a short briefing. On the 24th at 12 p.m., after the Blue Guild returned from vacation, Goddess Benignore once again descended onto Honorary Cardinal Lee Kiyoung’s body. We were unable to prepare much because there was no foreshadowing. Still, we received the message of Benignore’s descent- no, Benignore’s prophecy from the Blue Guild. In accordance with that, we would like to make an official announcement.”


– An ancient devil, wearing a mask of gods and angels, will burn the whole continent and make all living creatures in this realm cry. There are those who are coming out of unseen darkness to threaten our place of haven. I also can’t tell you much, but this threat will be a great disaster for humankind and the continent, and everyone must unite their minds and will into one. A lot has happened that caused us to experience countless dangers and conflicts.


-I’ve watched over you all as you lived on this continent for an unmeasurable amount of time. Many lives have been lost, and many lives were born in return. Some have caused others great pain, and there are those who are filled with malice. However, my belief has never wavered. I believe that humans like the honorary cardinal, whose body I had borrowed, are born good and will eventually do what’s righteous and just.


-Ahead of you is a great trial, one that’s deep and tremendous enough to dictate the fate of this continent. But I still believe. I do not doubt that you all will eventually regain your peace as you have shown me thus far. I know you will all emerge victoriously. Please overcome this great ordeal. Let the darkness trying to step onto this sacred land realize how strong the light within you is.


-That is all. We’d like to form an organization to fight against the ancient darkness in cooperation with the Benignore Church and other denominations across the continent. Many churches are currently waiting for the other deities’ voices. Additionally, it has also been confirmed that even Elune-nim has conveyed her will through Elena. Deep darkness that we’ve never seen before is finally revealing itself. Therefore, the Churches, the Republic, the alliance of the kingdoms, and the neutral countries consider this an international crisis. Thus, the Continental Protection and Management Committee plans to protect and manage the entire continent under them.


-Is that true?!

-Please say that again, Oscar-nim.

-Yes, soon, the Continental Protection and Management Committee will be in charge of the entire continent, and we will be able to talk about the appointment as soon as it has been decided. Currently, all states and denominations are discussing possible candidates for the positions in the committee from the military and the big guilds, and we are doing our best to ensure that all states are satisfied. Until then, the government will unify and manage the continent.

-As soon as the committee is formed, the media, publishing, rallies, and associations will all start moving under the committee’s authority. Considering the specifications of the situation, we will exercise minimal authority over organizations while making decisions. Still, I thought it had to be announced here, so I told you all ahead of time. That’s all we prepared from the central government. Afterward, I will relay more information as decisions are made. I’ll now be taking questions.

-I’m reporter Kim Sung-kyung from Continental Press, Oscar-nim.

-Yes, reporter Kim Sung-kyung-nim.

– All countries are somewhat aware of the threat coming to the continent, but I’m sure you’ve considered the impact it will have on state agencies. In short, it seems like you have indirectly expressed the possible damnation of this continent… Is there a reason why you’ve made such an official announcement, despite all the great concerns and confusion it will cause?

-We also had a lot of concerns about whether or not we should present this message. As reporter Kim Sung-kyung said, I think it will be hard for most citizens to accept this situation. Perhaps, if this story gets out through the goddess’s mirror, it will cause great confusion throughout the continent.

-But then again…

-We are strong. We’ve been through a lot, and despite all the risks, I’m standing here. Honorary Cardinal Lee Kiyoung feels that this is a matter for the government and everyone living on this continent to know. Therefore, we had also decided to accept his wishes. The continent can overcome the chaos and fear this will bring. As Goddess Benignore said, I believe in human possibilities. That is all.

-I’m Jacob from Raios.


Updated from

-You quoted goddess Benignore, saying, “An ancient devil, wearing a mask of gods and angels, will burn the whole continent and make all living creatures in this realm cry.”


-I’m curious about the expression “wearing a mask of god and angels”- has there been anything that’s been specifically revealed about it?

-There’s nothing I can say for certain. Several denominations are currently interpreting Benignore’s prophecy but aren’t making enough progress to make an accurate, official conclusion. However, wearing a mask of God and an angel may not just mean the appearance but the use of divine power. We will also announce an update as soon as the interpretation is completed.

-Thank you.

-I am Sergeyski, from the Republic column.

-Please, continue on.

-I’m curious about the intention of putting the entire continent under the Continental Protection and Management Committee’s jurisdiction. Can you go further into that?

-I’m sure you all know that the darkness on this continent hasn’t been completely lifted yet. Remember Ito Souta, the devil worshiper of the kingdom and the Republic’s demon summoner, Jin Qing, as some of the many darknesses hidden in this continent… A national emergency and a continental crisis have come. I hope you understand that it is an inevitable choice that our national leaders have to make.

-I want to ask some more questions.

-Of course, go ahead.

-Why didn’t you reveal Benignore’s descent through the goddess’s mirror? The Continental Protection and Management Committee’s restriction on citizens’ free rights seems no different from declaring martial law. There are concerns about whether it is a self-made play to raise Honorary Cardinal Lee Kiyoung to the post, but…


-What is that bastard saying?! Pull him out immediately!

-I actually have doubts about Goddess Benignore’s descent. As there are still suspicions that Jin Qing was falsely accused of summoning the undead to take the blame for the last war, I hope that the declaration of martial law and the Goddess’s descent will be made more transparent!

-Shut your mouth right now, demon summoner’s spy! What are you calling martial law?!

-Jin Qing-nim is not a demon summoner. Check this information and circumstances! Jin Qing is also a victim…

-Who let that bastard in?! Pull him out immediately!

-Jin Qing is not a demon summoner! Ah! Ah…Argh!

-You devil’s pawn! What do you think you’re doing?!

-Argh! No! Noooo! Urgh…

-Bring in inquisitor Ethan right now!

-Noooo! Lee Kiyoung, are you even human?! Are you human?! There’s no way that our commander could’ve done that! There’s no way!

The source of this content is

-Shut his mouth!

-The demon wearing a god’s mask is actually you! Lee Kiyoung! It’s you!!!

-Damn it! Drag him out!!




-This is the reason. As you can see, there are still people like that on the continent. I understand that it will be inconvenient in many ways and that there may be many voices of concern. But this is not for the personal benefit of the powerful. Rather, it is for the continent. In addition, Honorary Cardinal Lee Kiyoung has repeatedly refused to sit in our committee, but…

-I’m reporter Kim Sung-kyung for the Continental Press. Is that because of Honorary Cardinal Lee Kiyoung’s health…?


-I understand that Honorary Cardinal Lee Kiyoung had suffered a lot the other day when Goddess Benignore borrowed his body. I’d like to ask you a new question. Are you sure there’s nothing wrong with Honorary Cardinal’s body? It is the most important issue for our people. I really want you to answer.

-That is…



“He is really healthy.”

“It’s so bothersome to see you lie down and eat snacks like this. People over there will probably flip out if they see you right now, Oppa.”

“Then, what can I do? Benignore didn’t even come inside my body.”

“It would have been more effective if you had shown everything for real… you’re not going to reveal a video this time?”

“I can’t reveal it this time. I can just say we didn’t take a video, and it’s not like a lot of rumors have been spreading.

Truthfully, I wanted to reveal it publicly, but I couldn’t do that.

To just go with the story that I had suddenly received a message from Goddess Benignore… My focus had been on Kim Hyunsung too much.

It was better to make him understand that than suddenly turning into gold and making things look far-fetched. There wasn’t really a problem when we had already agreed that presenting something like that to the public was good enough.

It was saddening that I had to manipulate the press that should be transparent, but it was all for the continent. There was nothing more important than unity at that point.

In fact, I wanted to declare war immediately, but…

The source of this content is

‘Rather than that, this is better.’

-Since there could be room for many complaints.

Of course, we could cut down complaints immediately, but it was more beneficial to have administrative influence over the continent.

How easy was it to manage the entire continent? As I was lost in thought, Lee Jihye, who was next to me, spoke to me again.

“Did you see that?”

“That’s a special case. He is no different from the guy who got a whole broadcast cast for a bug in my ear. How many people do you think actually cares about that? Even his fellow journalists around him are holding him back. I don’t have time to care about every single crazy person who looks like they are the devil’s spawn or suffering from paranoia.”

“Anyway, is that true? Where did you get that information, and what is the extent of this issue?”

“I also don’t know for sure. But I didn’t just make up a story that doesn’t exist.”

“Ah, I see.”


“I thought you were trying to eat the whole continent earnestly. Like I thought you were trying to shake up the press, declare martial law, sit in a high position, wield your power, and enjoy dictatorship for more than 100 years. And while blabbering that ‘the risk is real. It exists.’ I thought you were going to enjoy your position for a long time.”

“I am not that trashy… In the first place, our people don’t really have a good perception of martial laws because of the country’s history, but at this moment, I’m not just saying this. It’s really a national emergency. I’m not lying. Even if only one person makes a small mistake, it might ruin everything. I don’t even want to declare something like this. This is simply inevitable.”

“You’re actually serious.”

“Yes, I am really serious.”

“Then, are you really not going to do that? You’re really not joining the committee?”

“No, I’m joining. Why won’t I join?”


“I’m just not going to go with my own feet. I’m going to wait until they call for me.”

I glanced at the slightly crumpled newspaper and saw many titles.

[Who is qualified to be the leader? Several candidates have been nominated, but there’s still no conclusion. -Kim Sungkyung, a reporter for the Continental Press.]

[Only if Lee Kiyoung, Honorary Cardinal, makes the big decision…- News from the Vatican News.]

[‘Genius Swordsman and Alchemist of Light,’ published after just a month. All fans cheer in unity for the shortest time ever to publish a new book. -Kang Yu-mi, a reporter for Lindel Culture Department.]

[Republican Party’s Lien Xiao was nominated, but could he lead with the support of all leaders and continents? -Republic Channel]

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[A situation where the clearest judgment has to be made. Lee Kiyoung, the Honorary Cardinal, what are you thinking? – Kim Sung-kyung, a reporter for the Continental Press.]

Nobody would’ve argued against me that this was a pathway to promised victory.

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