Chapter 598

Chapter 598

Chapter 598: Lucifer (1)

For a brief moment, I stared at her blankly.

‘The Seven Demons?’

I had never heard of the fact that there was a demon reigning over the 72nd Corps.

Before that, neither Belial nor Benignore had mentioned it. Limur and Ronove too…

Context-wise, should I have thought of it as a line similar to the higher-ups Benignore spoke of?

That reasoning seemed to line up with why she wanted to hide the fact that she had set foot on our world and how she could summon herself of her own volition.

Why she came to see me remained as my main question, however. I couldn’t help but wonder why the chairman of a large company came looking for me.

Of course, I could deduce a good reason. I wasn’t a new employee waiting for an interview. Rather, I was someone waiting to be promoted to an executive or managerial position.

Doom Kiyoung, the manager who would one day run his own company, was an innovative talent whose ideals would dictate the future and was a new wind that would bring creativity to eradicate stagnation.

If I had to choose a position in Hell, I would’ve been compelled to serve as commander of the 72nd Legion.

In fact, if I got that role, wouldn’t it be like being in charge of an affiliate company?

No wonder Lucifer, who headed the group, wanted to see me at least once.

Considering that even her competitors were interested, I was worthy enough for her to arrange a meeting with, at the very least. Of course, it was vague to conclude that it was just for that reason, but no one would disagree that there was something at stake to an extent.

I wondered if I could try to get closer to those ranked above Benignore as well.

Amid many thoughts and speculations, I gazed at Lucifer, who was looking at me with interest in her eyes.

[It seems to me that you’re curious.]

‘To be honest, I am.’


‘Of course, I’m grateful that you visited a lowly mortal like me, even if it meant going to such lengths, but I can’t help but be curious about the motives behind such actions.’

‘It couldn’t be ordinary.’

[There’s no need to overthink it. You can just think of it as me satiating my curiosity. I heard many stories from Belial and Limur that you were crucial in improving that kid’s performance… Not only that, but you also helped Ronove get the position of Corps Commander.]

Did Ronove become commander of the Corps?

How did I help her?

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[Even if I wanted to look indifferent, I can’t stop myself from being interested in you. Honestly, it’s been a while since I’ve been in this world myself. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have come here.]

‘I see. Thank you so much for saying that.’

[You don’t need to be so stiff. I am your fan. We shouldn’t stand like this. Please, help yourself with the food.]


I felt as if she was trying to make the atmosphere as comfortable as possible. However, it would’ve been better if she hadn’t prepared such a luxurious dinner.

Everything came at a price. It wouldn’t be wrong to think that the reason why the fallen angel was acting friendly was all because she had something she wanted.

How could I not know the basic rule of equivalent exchange?

It seemed like she was saying, ‘I treated you this much, and I even have something to give to you, so you must repay me in turn.’

It was a classic method, but it still worked.

Of course, thinking about it, I realized I had to be delighted that she was social around me.

However, it was better to avoid deals where I had more to lose than gain.

[I hope the meal suits your taste. Of course, we’re not actually eating it… But I still wish it satisfies our Legion General Lee Kiyoung, who eats like a bird.]

‘It’s more delicious than anything I ate before. The same goes for wine… This lowly human doesn’t know what he did to be treated so amazingly.’

[I told you. I’m your fan. I’m a bit into that popular book… No, honestly, I’m really into it. Recently, I’ve been having fun while watching you in secret… Well, this is a side story, so let’s just skip it. You won’t be very interested in what I think of you, isn’t that right?]

I didn’t know how the hell the fallen angel being into that book was related to being friendly to me, but it was true that I wasn’t interested in investigating further.

[I think you’re most curious about what you’ll gain and what the cost is.]

That was correct.

[What I can give you is limited. If I could, I would solve your problems for you, but that’s not possible in my current state. Of course, I can’t say it’s totally impossible, but if you’re in my position, you’ll quickly come to the awareness that there are a lot of restrictions on your movements… I believe that you understand.]

‘Of course, I understand. You don’t have to explain at all.’

[There is no need to write a contract. You just have to listen to my request.]

So what was it?

for the time being, I kept quiet.

I raised my glass before she could answer since I got thirsty.

The fallen angel at the other end of the table raised her glass as well and smiled. I unknowingly thought she was beautiful, but it felt strange, and she seemed to have seen through my nervousness.

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Before long, unacceptable bullshit flowed through her lips carefully.

[I want another one of those who are with you, the high-ranked human.]

What? That was impossible. What was up with that bullshit, crazy crow bitch. Why was she laughing?


[No. That’s not what I mean. I’m not telling you to hurt him. Rather, it is a proposition that may be beneficial to you.]


[Yes, I’m talking about the human Kim Hyunsung. I want him.]

‘I don’t understand what you exactly mean.’

[Fret not. There is no need to show hostility. There’s no malice behind my words. I’m not trying to take your human away. I just thought that it would be nice if he could join us. Of course, his disposition is very different to share the will with the demons, but… If you’re with him, I think he’ll be able to get used to it sooner or later.]

That was what she meant?

In fact, I was worried that she was making a ridiculous suggestion. However, after I listened to her, I thought her request was nothing but a little unexpected.

Perhaps it wasn’t possible.

I had thought about it for a moment, but it was definitely an impossible order.

Kim Hyunsung’s hostility toward the demons was beyond imagination. He would even get mad just thinking about them.

It didn’t feel particularly strange that Lucifer, the fallen angel who was once said to belong to the light, was interested in Kim Hyunsung, but…

She was saying that without knowing our Hyunsung.

Even if I said that I could get Kim Hyunsung to their side, I could still bet everything I owned that he wouldn’t move cooperatively.

Perhaps the demons were wary of Kim Hyunsung going to the opposing faction. Maybe they didn’t necessarily want him, but they might not like having a talent stolen by a rival company. The synergy between Kim Hyunsung and the light side was pretty good, after all.

It felt like the matters at the heavens were going a little more beneficial than I imagined.

I knew they would be passionate about him, but I didn’t think they would go that far.

I was puzzled by the fact that he hadn’t yet been contacted, but it seemed that the two camps were testing each other.

[I’m not asking you to persuade him or to use any means necessary. If you take the position of Corps Commander, he would most likely follow… You just need to talk to him so he can accept the facts when the time comes.]

‘I don’t know. I’m not sure if that’s possible, but…’

[It wouldn’t be a bad proposition for you either. Think about it.]

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That was true. If I really had to choose either side, wouldn’t it be beneficial to take Kim Hyunsung with me?

Even though I had both Belial and Benignore, it couldn’t be better than moving with someone I could really trust.

Perhaps Kim Hyunsung, who lacked a sense of politics, would also want me to stick by his side.

If he realized that we could ascend together, he would surely pull me towards the light.

‘If that’s what you really want, I’ll accept it for now. But… I think you already know the details of the contract between Belial and Benignore. First of all, Benignore has the right to bargain, and if a better proposal comes out from their side, it would only be natural for it to shake me. What’s happening here right now… It’s practical, but it’s a contract violation. It may be unpleasant, but I’m taking this seriously, Lucifer. I thought maybe this would be more helpful than just agreeing to please you…’

[Yes, I know. I know who you are. I am glad that you are taking it more seriously than I thought you would.]

‘If there is something else that I can help you with, I’ll do my best.’

I nodded for the time being, but the nuance of being unsure remained. Her response wasn’t that bad, at least.

‘Maybe she’ll test me a little more? Or will she offer other conditions? The contract can’t be broken…’ I looked at the Fallen Angel in front of me while thinking that.

She was still smiling as if she didn’t know what I was feeling. The mustached butlers, standing upright, were silently pouring wine into empty glasses.

[It’s a pity that I’m conducting a deal where I’ll lose a lot… well, I don’t think it really matters. You are more suited to our faction much better than theirs anyway… You’re aware of that as well, right?]

‘To be honest, I admit that there is a high probability that I’ll be going to Hell, but… I don’t know what the future has in store for me. Still, the fact that I didn’t give a sloppy answer, even verbally, is my way of showing that I respect the Supreme Demon Lucifer. I hope this doesn’t anger you.’

[Your face looks like you’re worried about the future…]

‘I won’t deny it.’

The atmosphere hadn’t seemed to be ruined, so I hoped she’d just let it slide.

[Well, this is better. If you answered right away, I wouldn’t have liked it. So, enough about me, and let’s talk about you. You seem to be struggling a lot recently…]


[I know roughly about your situation. I know that you need new power as well. I want to give you my own strength, but unfortunately, Commander Lee Kiyoung’s wavelength seemed to fit better with Belial. If you force yourself, I might be able to accept it, but since the result wouldn’t be that good, I can’t recommend it.]

Of course, I had no intention of receiving it.

[I’d like to give you even ten wings as a gift, but…]

If there were any side effects, I would rather refuse.

[It seems impossible with that maggot-like body. Oh, don’t be mistaken. I’m not criticizing you.]

‘Even if you want to give me something, I’m not in a position to ask for anything right now. Instead, I’ll use whatever gift you have for me with great and overwhelming gratitude. I’ll slice the throats of the spoiled outer god and those dirty pigeons open. I’ll also work hard to declare that this continent is moving at the palms of your hands.’

[You have quite an interesting expression. I didn’t feel the sincerity, though… If I could, I would go to the battle myself, but I don’t think I can do that. It’s better to show you a few things… Would you like to check them out for yourself?]

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It was now done.

I didn’t know what it exactly was, but it was done.

When I looked at Lucifer with an expression that would’ve told her I’d sworn my allegiance to her the rest of my life, I heard a brief burst of laughter.

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