Chapter 746

Chapter 746

Chapter 746: To the End (5)

“You have prepared it thoroughly.”

-It would’ve been impossible if the Vice Guild Master hadn’t returned.

‘How can our manager Kim Mi-young say only such pleasant words?’

In fact, she was right. It was an operation that couldn’t be established without me in the first place.

“How’s Hayan?”

-She’s already chanting the incantation.

“At just the right timing.”

I wasn’t certain, but I thought we could do it in time at such a pace.

But it took two to tango. I could bet that it wouldn’t have felt like things were working in the right way if it weren’t for a solid, conceptual command.

I naturally looked at the situation by tapping on the Goddess’s Hand Mirror at manager Kim Mi-young’s affirmation.

I felt that the divinity surrounding the northern region was slowly fading. I had some doubts, but her judgment wasn’t wrong.

Considering that some of it had been completely lifted, it wouldn’t be bad to chant the spell in the current state.

They might’ve been making similar judgments with me in the control tower, but maybe…

‘They want to be sure.’

I didn’t want to bet on the uncertain side either.

“I’ll send the troops who have finished their mission to escape an order to retreat. Please organize additional troops headed for areas that haven’t yet been resolved on the command side.”

-Yes, Vice Guild Master.

‘Most of the little things have been resolved. Are only the big matters left now?’

Jihye would probably solve the situation where Dominions and Cho Hyejin were filming a drama…

I didn’t think we were running out on time.

I felt that the pigeons’ control tower still wasn’t being built.

I even felt that some of their troops were confused.

Just as Cherubim and Seraphim were occupied with each other, the elder pigeons were likely to be hostile against their own kind as well. They were probably talking on the table about who brought humans over. I didn’t even have to look through the telescope.

-The operation was successful.


-The Friendship Guild has completed their mission and has joined the others. Raphael is also on the move.

‘That’s so good to hear.’

-It seems that the Garrosh & Cash Guild and the Love America Guild have also succeeded in reaching major points, and they’re currently engaged in battle. Forces from the Republic are expected to join too.

‘Yes, I can see that.’

-The mission in Area 67 has been completed.

“Yes. I checked.”

-The Black Swan Guild is returning after completing their task. Do you have any separate instructions?

“No. The Black Swan Guild should return as quickly as possible.”


As time passed, divinity continued to fade.

“If you have any other specifics, please keep reporting.”

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-Will do.

It was then that a little unexpected report came in.

-Vice Guild Master, there has been a report that the Mercenary Queen will start a battle with Cherubim. I received a message that you don’t have to send a separate support force…

“What? When…”

-Just now.


It seemed that the bout between Cherubim and Seraphim had ended faster than I thought.

‘Did the blue-hair win?’

I thought they’d be fighting each other for at least a few hours. Hence, I had to admit that things got a bit complicated.

I turned my gaze immediately. As reported by manager Kim Mi-young, I saw Cha Hee-ra and Cherubim staring at each other.

The most striking thing was Cherubim’s current state. I didn’t know exactly what’s going on, but his body didn’t look well. No, he was already dying.

I immediately looked around him, but I couldn’t see Seraphim. I immediately realized what the current situation was.

‘Seraphim won. Hee-ra came to deliver the final blow.’

One small problem was that Cha Heer-a was hurting herself.



“No, it’s nothing.”

‘Ah, why are you doing something cool again? Really. You just need to give the final blow quietly, but why…’


‘What will you do if you lose?’

Of course, I didn’t think Hee-ra would lose. As I said earlier, Cherubim seemed to be dying already.

I didn’t know if Cha Hee-ra noticed that, but he didn’t have a body that could recover by itself.

No, there was a possibility, but he was eating away the possibility himself. It was like burning up again after the candle had consumed all of its wax.

Honestly, Hee-ra was a little cool, but she didn’t have to prepare for a fair fight against her rival based on his condition.

‘I’m the only one who thinks of this continent, fuck.’

She was like a gamer who chose hard mode to fight for her own fun. Considering that the continent’s fate depended on it, her choice was bound to feel disturbing from my perspective.

-Haha! This is fun, blue-hair.


However, the way she fought made me feel awe. Leaving Cherubim aside, Cha Heera made me doubt whether she was even human.

Her eyes were becoming redder, and it was visible that she was trying to let go of her reason.

When she grew silent as if starting her engine, no other sound could be heard other than explosions and shouts.

The battle between skills has already passed. Considering that Cherubim was smiling amid it, it seemed that they were feeling a bond with each other that I wasn’t aware of.

Maybe it was similar to the feelings Jin Qing and I had for each other.

The praise and reverence to the opponent he recognized, the respect for the existence of someone with similar power, the excitement in participating in such a fight, and the bitterness of knowing that his end would come as a result.

It might’ve been a little different, but the two looked like they were genuinely enjoying it.



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However, one small problem was…

‘It’s such a waste, the research facility. Such a pity.’

They completely smashed the surrounding area. It was the same as in their first match. During the second match, the terrain was also completely changing, causing the lab to lose its usefulness.

I could tell at that moment just how quietly Seraphim and Cherubim fought.


-Are you having fun?

-What are you talking about, red beast?

-You are smiling now, blue-hair. What? Is it fun?

-I don’t get you.

No, he clearly did.


Maybe he had to admit it too.

-What would you like to do, Vice Guild Master?

“Keep support troops nearby, but far enough, so they don’t get caught. I don’t think I have time to worry anyway…”

As time passed, his smile grew more and more.

His long hair was already a mess. Unlike before, when he had his hair tied neatly, the current guy didn’t seem to care about that.

It didn’t look like dystrophy or anything, and the objects attached to his face or body didn’t seem to bother him.

A huge scythe and an ax collided. As soon as the weapons bounced off, I watched Cherubim hit Cha Hee-ra with his head.


Cha Hee-ra was also similar. After grabbing his long hair, she immediately hit his face with her elbow.


There was a sound of an explosion, but they didn’t step back. The scene felt like I was really with them.

It didn’t seem like a fight between a human and an angel, but a fight between beasts. No, it was more like mythical beasts was clashing.

Cherubim called Cha Hee-ra the red beast. In my opinion, he was worthy of being called the blue beast.

He was burning his last vitality as if vomiting everything that was holding him down.

I thought he was a cold guy, but he wasn’t. Wasn’t he the same as Hee-ra, too?

A blazing flame.

A fire that was never going to go out.

I couldn’t understand how he was holding down fire like that until now.

Still, those flames also faded. Whether he wanted it or not, he had passed his limits.

‘Hee-ra can’t lose, can she?’

They were struggling with each other, but he was the one who ended up stepping back, the one who couldn’t get up, the one who eventually collapsed, stumbled, and lay on the ground pathetically.

The red beast spoke to the blue beast, spitting out bloody phlegm.

That was the moment when anyone would’ve uttered mocking lines, but the red beast’s face looked serious.

-It’s a shame.

They were different from Jin Qing and me.

-Right… it’s a shame, red beast.

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-So, do you feel a bit refreshed?

-Yeah. Maybe so.

-How do you feel?

-I don’t know exactly. It was us who didn’t put much meaning on ending life or disappearing by nature, but… I think I know why humans are so obsessed with the end. But I have no regrets. It felt like I had let out everything that was inside me, but bond… yes. I thought I could understand what a bond is.

-A bond?

-I don’t know exactly. I don’t know what to say, but I feel like you have something like I have. It’s funny that we’ve never had a conversation and that I felt that kind of feeling with a human like you, but the whole time I clashed against you, that was the only thing I could think of. No, it’s all just bullshit from someone dying, so you don’t have to take it seriously.

-That’s mutual. I don’t know exactly what you’re talking about, but I can’t deny that you and I are alike. I think it could be interpreted as a sense of bond if I have to, but I want to say this. We are of the same kind, blue-hair.

-The same kind…

-Yeah, the same kind. I knew it from the first time I saw you. The way you look now is proof of that. You try to hide it, but there are things you can’t. I don’t feel like it’s something you acquired. Rather, it’s an innate nature. Well, in the end, you also have it.

-We weren’t designed and born that way…

-I don’t care about that. That’s why you and I are of the same kind, and that’s why you felt like we bonded. So did I. Honestly, I think I felt similar to you. I wanted to fight a little more, but it’s a shame.

-Right. It’s… a shame.

-What do you think? Do you want me to stay with you until you pass? I could do that much.

-Ha… haha. You don’t have to. I just want to close my eyes like this. It’s not something I can say as a replacement for that offer, but… I have… I have a request to make to someone of the same kind.


-Can I…

-You have some gust. They usually don’t listen to a request just because they are of the same kind.

-I know… I’m asking too much, but… please… take care of my siblings…



-That’s… out of my abilities, blue-hair.



-Then… I can’t help it.

He quietly looked at the ceiling and opened his mouth.

I couldn’t understand what the blue beast was thinking or why he muttered it, but he still said their names even in the end.

-Seraphim, Dominions, Thronus, and me… Ha… haha…


-Seraphim… Dominions, Thronus, and me…


-Seraphim, Dominions… Thro… nus… and… and me…

The red beast turned her back against him.

-Sera… Domi… nus… me…

-We’re really of the same kind, bastard.

-Thro… nus… a… an… and…

Amid that beautiful place of struggle and fierce war…

I could see my bag rolling, all ragged and tattered.

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‘Gosh, I think I left the anesthetic potion…’

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