Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 1037 Addressing The Assembly


The speech booths on the podium had all been removed, leaving behind just a normal stage in the end.

Ning sat on a single chair on the stage and closed his eyes as he waited for the various country’s world leaders to arrive in the meeting hall.

He opened an eye from time to time to see how many people had come and closed them again when he realized that the room was still not full.

He was a little annoyed about having to open and close his eyes just to see. It had been a long while since he to do something like this so… consciously.

Usually, he could see things no matter where they were without his eyes, but with the system gone, he was just an above-average person.

He used his divine sense this time around to see everyone in the room and noticed Night, Blue, and Ely staying on the other 3 sides of the circular room.

The director and prime minister from South Korea had also arrived at this meeting and were sitting in their own section of the room. They were perhaps the only leaders there that did not have an Apostle guarding them.

The rest of them each had at least one, sometimes even two guarding them.

“Hmm?” He opened his eyes and looked ahead. “Is that all?”

He looked around and realized that the room was filled up.

“When are we starting?” a voice spoke in English. The president of the United States of America was rather loud and boisterous, and he shouted at Ning after seeing that he still hadn’t started.

“Yes, yes, I’m starting,” Ning said as he walked away from the chair and arrived at the edge of the podium. His voice boomed through the hall, catching everyone’s attention.

He spoke in English, as that, Chinese and Korean were the only three languages he had let himself understand. He could use his ring to translate the other languages too, but that did not mean he could fluently speak them.

The English language was the most widely used language among them, so he decided to speak to the assembly about that.

“I see you have all gathered,” he spoke loudly with a slight pause to let the translators have an easier time doing their job. “Welcome.”

A few people started clapping for no reason and others joined in as well. However, not many clapped, so it died down as quickly as it started.

“Anyway, I know you have come here for two reasons today. First is the list of dungeons that have formed in your country and the second is to learn about Magic circles,” he said. “Just in case anyone is just here for the dungeons, I will be providing that information after I’ve taught you about the magic circles.”

A few people grumbled, but most of them were there for both, so they remained quiet.

“First, let me tell you what exactly a magic circle is,” he said. “Basically, it is a diagram that lets you cast a spell without you needing to know that spell. That’s as simple as it gets.”

A few people talked with each other, trying to understand what they were hearing. They spoke to the apostles and asked if that was true. They wanted most of them to find out if that was true or not.

Not all Apostles were aware of this, and those that were didn’t have much idea about it either.

“You all see confused,” Ning spoke to gather their attention again. “Let me give an example.”

He slowly walked back away from the edge of the podium and stood at the center of the stage. “Can someone please attack me,” he said.



Multiple such confused words, all in their own language were spoken throughout the assembly when he asked the question.

“Anyone? Just attack me,” he said. ‘Don’t worry, I have 5 Gods on my side. I won’t be hurt.” He took any opportunity to fulfill his end of the bargain with the five constellations.

The president of India nudged someone, and a dark-skinned young woman stepped out of where she was sitting.

“May I?” the woman asked Ning, and Ning simply opened his arms wide, waiting for the attack.

The dark-skinned apostle took a deep breath as the people around her rubbed their arms as cold air flowed next to the woman.

Next thing anyone knew, there was a large icicle right next to the woman, floating like it was her own sword.

Many apostles took a defensive stance in front of their leaders, but the Indian apostle’s target was always Ning.

“I’m attacking,” she said and Ning nodded.

Everyone was confused why this was happening at all, but since it was, they couldn’t help it at all.

The woman threw her ice spear directly toward Ning, aiming right for his chest. Ning was surprised that she was bold enough to aim at his chest but other than smiling, he did nothing.

The icicle slammed onto him and shattered into a million pieces, the shards of which scattered throughout the podium.

Everyone gasped when they saw the subtle greenish barrier in front of Ning which had blocked the attack. The glint vanished and no one could tell that there was even a barrier there anymore.

Ning slowly stepped away from where he was standing and removed the carpet from underneath. People were curious, so they looked to see what he was showing.

When they saw a 2-meter wide circle with intricate details drawn onto the floor, they were surprised.

“For today’s example purposes, I snuck in here last night and drew this magic circle, which can create a barrier around the place it was drawn,” he said. “I’m sure Miss Apostle wasn’t trying anything strong, but she was still stopped. Imagine such a circle covering your entire city. Any sort of attack by any foreign threat would be snuffed out in an instant.”

“Would you not want to learn more about this?”


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