Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 1042 Confusion

“Master, what’s going on?” Night asked as he and the rest came up to Ning. “I can hear many people crying out in fear. Something bad is going on.”

“Yeah, I too saw a bunch of people trembling after getting some sort of news,” Blue said.

“Honey, are you alright? Did they attack you?” Ely asked as she got close to check on Ning.

“No, I’m fine,” Ning said. “But earth might now be.”

“What do you mean?” Ely asked.

“Those bastards, they are preparing another dungeon break, this time one of a much larger proportion than before,” Ning said.

Ely frowned slightly. “A dungeon break?” she asked. “Like the one that killed so many people before, including my mother?”

“I’m afraid so,” Ning said.

“Should we fear that, master?” Blue asked. “Aren’t we strong enough to defeat them? Even the one from the strongest dungeon was easily destroyed by sister Ely.”

Ning shook his head. “The problem won’t be their strength, it will be their numbers,” he said. “I’m afraid there will be no chance for us to win against all with just all four. And only a few minutes ago, all the strongest fighters of the planet lost their powers.”

Ely frowned slightly. “What can we do then?” she asked. “Do we migrate these people somewhere?”

Ning shook his head. “We don’t have the method to,” he said. “The best we can do is evacuate them from places with dungeons and keep them somewhere safe.”

Ely suddenly fell into thought as something brewed in her mind. “I might have a way to protect them,” she said. “I can make some defensive artifacts that can protect many of them.”𝑛𝓞𝑣𝐄𝔩𝑛𝓔xt.𝗰𝑜𝚖

“Can you make them so that they can save billions of humans?” Ning asked.

Ely hesitated and shook her head. It was impossible for even her to make something like that, especially with the resources of the earth. They just weren’t used to working with Qi.

“What else can we do though?” she asked.

Ning quickly shook his head. “You’re right. We have to do what we can,” he said. ” Start working on that. The two of you, help her. I will go talk with the others about quickly making magic circles to  defend the rest of them.”

The three of them nodded and left Ning. Ning turned around and walked towards the panicking world leaders that were evacuated far away from the battle location.

He explained to them the problem that was happening and what solution they could take to avoid most of it. There was no guarantee that people wouldn’t die, but he wanted to have it be as little as possible.

The Apostles, while having lost their powers, were still Hunters. So, even weak, they were stronger than average hunters. So, they too got to work despite their fear of being weak.

There were 2 things that Ning forced them to do as soon as they all could after going back.

First, they would find large, open land outside major cities and draw massive magic circles there to defend the people.

Ning’s plan was to have them make magic circles in the cities themselves, but with the lack of time, they simply couldn’t make enough planning to create one in the city itself.

After all, many buildings would have to be destroyed in order for the magic circle to be drawn.

For now, a normal magic circle out in the open was the best choice in his mind.

The second thing he forced them to do was prepare the willing hunters to fight back the dungeon break.

There was no saying when the dungeons would break or how strong they would be, so they were forced to have Hunters be on guard every second starting now for the dungeon break to happen.

The last time, nearly a year had passed before the dungeon had broken. But that was only because the barely formed will of the galaxy on the other side was copying the Constellations. It had no thought of its own as of yet, so it couldn’t make any changes.

However, the many constellations could make those changes and even make it very fast. Ning couldn’t help but wonder if it would only be 2 or so days before the dungeons broke.

‘But it doesn’t make sense,’ he thought to himself. There was something going on that Ning simply couldn’t understand at all.

‘Why the hell would all 143 of them work together?’ he thought. This was the most confusing part for him. After all, the reason they had been working on the opposite side in the first place was that it would not make sense for so many of them to be working together, as the ‘thought’ of each human being could only be spared to so many of them.

With all 143 being involved, this would mean that after many of the humans were dead, the remaining humans’ thoughts of them would have to be split among them.

Negative thought was more powerful than positive for sure, but with the lack of numbers, Ning couldn’t understand just how that would benefit them.

Also, he understood why the ‘good’ constellations would want to switch sides if Ning was going to make their presence useless by revealing the truth about the magic circles. But he hadn’t really done that, had he?

All he had done was teach them a defensive circle, and one that would help teleport them. The humans would still very much have to rely on the Apostles and hunters for a lot of things.

On top of that, why the hell would the ‘bad’ constellations let the ‘good’ ones join their rank this late into the game? Did they just accept them because their number was higher?

“Just what the hell is going on?” Ning thought. There was something happening here that he simply didn’t know about. He could’ve learned that if he had the system, but without it, he would simply have to guess.

And Ning could not make any sensible guesses at all. At this point, he needed to wait for Ning himself to tell him the answer.


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