Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 1044 Last Day

Ning got all the information from the real Ning and got to work. With hopefully two days remaining, he could help them all as much as he could.

He made Ely, Night, and Blue go around the world, helping the various countries evacuate and helping them draw the magic circles to the best of their abilities.

In places that didn’t have anywhere to draw the circles, for example in mountainous regions or deserts with loose soil, he helped evacuate them on large ships that Ely had made.

People from all around the world were very surprised, and many even wanted to learn what it was all about, but no one had the time to ask. They were all busy saving themselves.

Ning worked for an entire day straight, and after he was done, he stopped.

Everyone gathered in his house as they waited for the apocalypse to begin.

“We don’t have to worry, right?” Jung-Hee asked. “It’s only S-ranked monsters at most. We can defeat them.”

“It’s not the rank of the monster that’s worrying here, it’s the numbers,” Hi-Ah said. “How many of them can you fight at once? Especially with so many dungeons all over the world.”

The young man frowned. That was right.

“Here,” Ely said as she brought out something. “I’ve had these prepared for you two.”

She handed the two of them something, which they took with weird looks on their face.

For Hi-Ah, Ely had given a shield of some sort with spikes growing out on the front side.

For Jung-Hee, it was a bow. A very thin one at that, but it felt extremely sturdy.

The two siblings looked at the gifts with weird looks on their faces. “I think this is meant for you,” Hi-Ah said as she handed Jung-Hee the shield.

“No,” Ely said. “I made no mistake. Those are meant for you. They are the best I could make by reusing materials from other useless artifacts.”

“But, I’m not the defensive one, sister Ely,” Hi-Ah said. “That’s Jung-Hee. Wouldn’t this fit him better?”

“These are not meant to help you improve what you are good at,” Ely said. “You are already good enough for the upcoming battle. These are meant to help you address your shortcoming.”

“Hi-Ah, you use long-ranged attacks, but if some monsters were to close up on you, you have no good way of defending yourself,” she said. “Sure, with your new Immortal body you would most likely survive, but with how many monsters you will have to fight, you will get tired easily. This is meant to stop you from that.”

“I… see,” Hi-Ah said as she looked at the shield. “In that case, I must thank you, sister Ely.”

Ely smiled. “As for you, Jung-Hee. Your defense is already good enough, but if you were to try and take an offensive approach, you would have to put your defense away and that is dangerous. For that reason, I made this bow for you. You can fire as many arrows as you can, and they will all hit their targets. I will teach you how to use them later.”

“Thank you,” Jung-Hee said as he looked at the artifact in awe.


“Also, you all. Wear these,” she said as she brought out some armor. She only handed it to the two as the others had no need for it at all.

Even the weakest of the rest, Sorlus was far stronger than any average monster that would come out of the gate.

Saphandra would take Void, Terra, and Gray to fight on her own. They didn’t have much power as the world was lacking spiritual energy, but they were still quite strong enough to beat the monsters that would come out.

Chase was about as strong as the two siblings, maybe a little less, and he would be fighting as well, in Paris.

Ely had already given him various artifacts to protect himself, so there was no reason to worry on that end.

His Uncle wanted to fight too, but due to the lack of experience, Ning decided to keep him in the house, along with his grandmother.

He was slowly teaching them to cultivate so that they too could become immortal, but it was taking some time. The two of them were old and thus weren’t strong enough to cultivate constantly.

With time, however, they would certainly be able to.

That was if the apocalypse didn’t destroy everything they wanted to protect.

“Did you give the weapons to everyone?” Ning asked.

“As many of them as I could,” Ely said.

“Keep count of that. You don’t want them falling into the wrong hands once all of this is over,” Ning said.

“I know,” Ely said. “I’ve put failsafe on them. They will deactivate when targeted on a person.”

“That’s good,” Ning said. “Were we able to save any animals?”

“I did save as many as I could,” Ely said. “It’s sad that we couldn’t do anymore.”

“It’s alright,” Ning said. “There are many worlds out there. I will find some with similar animals and bring them here if we do lose them.”

Ely nodded.

Suddenly, the 4 of them all looked away as they all sensed the same thing.

Hi-Ah and Jung-Hee were surprised and spread their divine sense around them too. They noticed the dungeon that was closest to them had monsters coming out of them.

“So it begins,” Ning said softly. “Hi-An, Jung-Hee you are in charge of South Korea. Do the best you can.”

“Yes,” the two of them said and moved out.

“Ely, you take care of all of Asia and Europe,” Ning said.

“Consider it done,” Ely said and left.

“Night, you are in charge of Africa,” Ning said. “Make sure not to bring out the night. These people need to see to fight.”

“Got it,” Night said and left.

“Blue, you’re in charge of Australia,” Ning said.

“Leave it to me,” Blue said and flew off.

“Come the rest of us are going to the Americas.”

Ning grabbed Sorlus and the spirits from the room and vanished.


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