Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 1047 More Fighting

Jung-Hee stood on top of a decently tall building and looked at the open land in front of him. Below him, the hunters had been fighting the monsters that had come out of the dungeons.

He had wanted to go down to help them, but apparently, his aid was needed elsewhere. He looked in the distance where the demons started coming out of the dungeon gate.

One after another, they came out like an army and quickly ended up with more than a hundred of them, with more coming out.

Jung-Hee shook his head and pulled the string on his bow. As he pulled, the bow drew out Qi from his body and it turned the energy into a glowing arrow.

Jung-Hee pointed the bow toward the demons for a second before pointing it into the sky. Even then, his eyes never left the demons at all.

Then, he let the arrow go.

The glowing arrow flew into the air, disappearing above the clouds. Jung-Hee stood up and felt the Qi in his body.

‘This definitely uses quite a lot of my Qi,’ he thought. At this rate, he could only shoot about 50 or so arrows before he was completely dry. He hoped that was enough for now.

He flew away, flying as quickly as he could towards the other city. After he had gone far away, the arrow finally came flying down.

This time around, there was not one arrow, but a hundred. The energy of that one single arrow had split into a hundred different splinters, each of which struck the demons out of nowhere, killing them instantly.

When Jung-Hee arrived in the other city, he once again attacked the demons before flying to another city.

He was going to have to do this over and over until he ran out of Qi. At that point, he would go back to using Mana to fight while he slowly absorbed more Qi to use.

* * * * * *

Blue was massive at the moment. He was a giant True dragon that was at least half a kilometer long. He flew through the ocean surrounding the continent of Australia.

His speed was incredible in water, and he only came out when his help was needed. Shots of water flew through the sky and landed on the demons with such force that their skin and muscles left their bones before they even realized something had hit them.

Blue continued flying and swimming around the continent helping both Australia and New Zealand as well as he could

* * * * * *𝑛𝓞𝑣𝐄𝔩𝑛𝓔xt.𝗰𝑜𝚖

Africa was perhaps the continent that needed the least amount of help.

The humans there had to fight in a sort of perpetual twilight as Night’s presence caused the light everywhere to dim.

He flew high in the sky like a bird of death that looked down on all beings, humans, monsters, or demons.

His mind saw everything, and everything he didn’t like burned in his fire.

Every single one of the dungeons in Africa was perpetually burning with Midnight Phoenix flames in Night’s presence.

Africa didn’t have that many hunters, to begin with, so they were very grateful for this.

Night continued focusing on it all as he kept the fires burning everywhere. If he were to stop focusing, there was a chance that the fire would either get snuffed out after everything was burned away, or it would propagate away from the dungeon, endangering the humans.

Even the ground burned with his fire, so he had to remain here, very careful as to not let any of it get out of hand.

* * * * * * *

“The fight is going better than we hoped,” Ely said as another one of her artifacts launched somewhere in china, killing the newly arrived demons from a dungeon.

“Yes,” Ning said. “But I’m afraid this might go on for much longer than we hoped.”

Ely couldn’t frown at that thought. “Do you think they can handle it on their own for an hour or two?” she asked. “I don’t think I can go on for more than 3 more hours.”

“Let’s just hope for the best,” Ning said.

Ely nodded and killed another group of demons somewhere in the Czech Republic.

One of her artifacts was mounted on top of the alps, which threw out a barrage of attacks in all directions, killing every single monster that was coming out of the dungeons in a certain area.

In another place, the cloud of hers that flew in the sky was raining down lightning all around the place, killing the monsters and demons.

She was handling all of Europe and Asia all by herself. However, she didn’t overestimate herself. Whether it was her mind, her body, or her Qi, something would give out in the next few hours as she had been continuously using all 3 for the past few hours.

With each country having somewhere between 50 and 500 dungeons now, it was taking a lot out of her to help the places that needed help.

Ning was the same. He couldn’t let Sorlus and Saphandra handle all of South America, so he was helping there whenever he could.

Unlike Ely, his cultivation base didn’t reach that far while he was in the upper USA or Canada, so he had to teleport there manually before checking on the situation.

He had been fighting nonstop for the past few hours, so he had been struggling as well. Worse of all, he had a feeling that the energy he had left himself with would run out in the next hours or so.

At that point, he would have only his cultivation base and Mana, which was nowhere near as efficient as his energy.

Still, he didn’t let that stop him as he teleported everywhere, killing every demon and monster he came across.

From one place to another, he killed everything.

He teleported once again, to help somewhere else. However, just then, something struck him, sending him into the asphalt below him.

Ning’s body healed itself with what little energy he had remaining and he looked up in the sky.

Standing there, Briss looked down at him with a rather angry look on his non-human face.

“Where the hell is he?”


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