Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 1076 A Place To Hide

“So, Mana and Qi Origin forming was just a coincidence due to the high amount of energy on the planet when the Origin was starting to form?” Ely asked.

“Yeah, that’s about right,” Ning said.

“Such a thing is even possible huh?” Ely asked.

“Yeah, but it is extremely rare,” Ning explained.

“At least we have an explanation now,” Ely said. “And what about her?”

Ely held Emma in her lap and asked. “She took over 70 years to be born and came out stronger than me. That’s not normal is it?”

Ning gave a rueful smile. “No, that is not normal,” he said. “And the reason for thatโ€ฆ well, that’s not normal either.”

Ely frowned. “Is it bad? Is something wrong with our child?” she started to worry.

“No, nothing is wrong with her,” Ning said. “Although, you can judge it for yourself once you hear what is happening with her.”

Ely waited for him to start explaining and Ning sighed. “It all starts with Bayrus again,” he said.

“Bayrus? Why him?” Ely asked, slightly frowning.

“Not him, exactly, but the energy he was putting into my system, that was falling into this world,” Ning explained. “It all started with that.”

Ely was confused, so she kept on listening.

“At first, nothing happened with the energy that fell onto earth other than the fact that it increased the amount of energy on earth. That slowly lead to the point where the Origin was starting to form.”

“The two origins formed, which led to the planet being covered in even more energy. Then, when the Origins formed, a requirement had been fulfilled, one that was the last of the 3 requirements that needed to be fulfilled for something to happen.”

“First, there were enough humans living on earth, which was the first requirement. The number of souls was exactly what was required.”

“Second, there was enough energy on the planet. Usually, the amount had to be over a certain threshold, but this time around, there was nothing to worry about. Earth had infinitely more energy than was ever required.”

“And finally, there was the last requirement. An Origin had formed on the planet.”

“With all the three requirements fulfilled, Earth had become ready for its will to form,” Ning said. “And it slowly did.”

“For years it slowly developed on its own. The will was getting more and more sapient, but not to the point where it could manifest. However, something happened that stopped it from forming entirely.”

“The energy coming from Bayrus was too strong and foreign to the will. Each time it happened, it would fear. It was young and naive, so it feared anything it didn’t understand. As such, it started looking for a place to hide, a place where it could have others protect it.”

As Ely listened to Ning’s explanation, she could guess what the next string of words was going to be and was surprised.

“Are you sayingโ€ฆ?”

“Yes,” Ning said. “The Will searched for a place to hide, and it just so happened that it had gotten very familiar with you, who were cultivating by the Origin all the time it formed. So, it chose you to become its guardian.”

“Butโ€ฆ at that time,” Ely’s thoughts moved faster than she could speak, so she started speaking in broken words.

“You were pregnant, and the Will of this world went into our child,” Ning said. “Emma is the Will of planet Earth. That is why she was born so strong.”

Even Ning couldn’t hide his shock as he spoke those words. Ely didn’t even know what to say anymore.

“Mama, are you okay?” Emma asked when she saw that the both of them had stopped speaking.

“Mama is fine,” Ely said before looking at Ning. She spoke with her spiritual sense. “Are you saying our daughter is not our daughter?”

“What? No,” Ning said. “She is still our daughter. It just so happens that she is also the will of the planet Earth.”

“But how the hell can a human be a will?” Ely asked.

“They can,” Ning said, before hesitating a little. “Although the type I know about is usually someone taking the place of a Will, not the Will itself being born to a human. But the system says it’s possible, and only happens when the Will is terrified of coming out into the world due to outer influence.”

“Soโ€ฆ she is still our child?” Ely asked. “What about a soul? What about if the earth were to one day be destroyed? What about when the Origins disappear or the threshold lowers?”

“Don’t worry, she still has a soul. If the world were to ever disappear, only the Will part of her would be gone. I don’t know how much less powerful she would be at the time, but I don’t doubt she will be any less strong than she already is. After all, she’s lived so many years already.”

Ely felt relieved when she heard that. She sighed and hugged Emma again.

Ning looked at Emma and said, “no more reading papa’s mind, okay?”๐‘ต๐‘œ๐‘ฝ๐žฎ๐“๐—‡๐‘’xt.๐“ฌ๐‘‚๐—†

“Eh? But it’s so fun,” Emma said.

“No, you can’t read my mind,” Ning said. “Reading minds is not something a good girl does.”

Emma pouted a little. “Okay,” she said.

Ning pinched her cheeks a little and shook her head. “No pouting,” he said. “Now, tell your papa what you want. I can give you anything you want.”

“Really?” Emma’s eyes went wide. “I want to go see the other places.”

“On earth?” Ning asked.

Emma nodded. “You always make me stay here, so I never got to see the other places. I want to go,” she said.

Ning thought for a moment and nodded. “You’re right. You’ve stayed in here for a bit too long. You need to see the outer world too,” he said.

“Yay! We’re finally going out,” Emma said. “I know exactly where I want to go.”

“There’s no hurry,” Ning said. “You, Mama, and I will go on a little family vacation and we will go through the entire world.”


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