Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 733 The Hero Trio goes on an ‘Otherworld Exploration Trip’

Chapter 733 The Hero Trio goes on an ‘Otherworld Exploration Trip’

'WE SURRENDER'—Wolfen President Lee.

That was the next headline that took the continent by storm, barely a week after Evan's attempted assassination incident.

Despite the ruckus Evan had caused, people had not forgotten about the Wolfen War, and many were eager to see the GEE's and Wolfen's reactions on the matter.

This was expected since Evan was allying with the GEE and was against Wolfen.

The sudden surrender on the 31st of July was one that shocked International observers and even Wolfen government officials were dumbfounded.

Nevertheless, people on the International stage felt it wasn't unexpected.

Evan's international influence had grown by leaps and bounds due to the way the boy took advantage of the Assassination attempt on his life.

Right now, Evan's words and actions had the weight of a Nation's Leader behind them. Of course, he had to wait till he became a Sovereign to have the physical power of one too.

Due to this, not many were surprised by Wolfen's call for surrender, with some people mocking them and saying that they should have done so earlier.

Surprisingly, the first to bite back at those saying Wolfen should have surrendered earlier was Evan who had been silent since the Court Hearing.

'Don't talk nonsense if you don't know the full story.'

The boy had implied that there were special reasons Wolfen could not surrender, and indeed there were.

The fact that Zakaria had suddenly surrendered overnight meant one thing.

'The Demonic Hand has abandoned Wolfen!'

It also meant that President Zakaria would soon die as well.

Evan grabbed Amelie from her church in Bonas City and took her with him to Wolfen's capital Agla when he heard this news.

Coming with him was Bourne in his 'Human Flame' mode, and together they stormed the Presidential Villa and headed straight for Zakaria's location.

Wolfen Ministers and Generals tried to face them, but surprisingly, it was Rodald who subdued his own country's people and allowed Evan unrestricted access.

When Amelie saw Zakaria, the woman's face scrunched up as she instantly saw through his illusions and discerned the man's pitiful state.

She didn't need Evan to tell her what to do as she used her divinity to begin purifying the corruption he had.

The Wolfen Ministers were all shocked as they never knew that Zakaria was basically half-dead.

It was only when Zakaria regained consciousness a day later that Evan finally left the Presidential Villa.

However, the instant he and Bourne stepped out, they felt powerful gazes fall on them.

Simultaneously turning in the direction of the gazes, they found two people wearing black trench coats staring at them from within the crowd of civilians flocking around the Presidential Villa.

"Evan…those two…"

"You don't need to tell me."

Both pairs of eyes locked onto the symbol on the chest pockets of the two.

It depicted a hand holding up a 'Planet' in its palm, and on the back of that palm were the numbers '1' and '2' respectively.

Evan also recognized the faces of those people.

'Senior members of the First and Second Divisions of the Demonic Hand! I understand the First Division, but to think a Second Division member is here…'

There wasn't supposed to be even a single Second Division member on the Alpha Continent at this time. There being one here meant either one of two things.

'It's either they're closing in on the Location of the 'Master of Dragondune', or the Second Finger is finally interested in what's going on here.

I'd very much like it to be the latter.'

Such thoughts crossed Evan's mind before he let his lips curl up into a grin. Activating Blink, he teleported right in between the two frowing Sovereigns, patting them on the shoulders as he spoke.

"It's not nice to see you too."

After leaving those words, the boy disappeared from their sight, leaving both of them shocked at his audacity.

◇ ◇ ◇

Evan knew the Demonic Hand had taken a step back in this matter as the First Finger had concluded it wasn't worth it to use Wolfen against Evan anymore.

He wished he could see the infuriated expression of the man who must have been angry at the Kings of Osmaoque, Goshya and Zoskye, whose actions helped Evan's power grow to an unprecedented level in a mere matter of days.

Besides, he was sure the First Finger knew that he was planning 'something' with the Alpha Continent's Living Legends, however, Evan knew that due to his 'Irregular' nature, the First Finger could not deduce what Evan was doing via Fate laws.

Neither could he figure out that Evan had taken a page out of the Demonic Hand's book and planned to attack not this year, but sometime in November of Year 1054.

That was more than a whole year later.

He would let them be vigilant, anticipating an attack; only to strike when they were exhausted from being on edge all the time.

While the Demonic Hand was busy thinking Evan was coming for them, the boy proceeded to do the exact opposite and leave the entire planet.

He showed up at the Barthmont palace on a random afternoon, grabbing David who was in a discussion with his sisters before teleporting to Gerfast and grabbing Laurene who was talking with her Father and Brother.

The boy then took them to Duscon, where he stopped by to chat with Hydran for a bit in 'Aidos' Underground Crystal Cove.'

It went without saying that David and Laurene were shocked to find out that there was a Sovereign chilling in Shelde, even more so than the fact that Evan was seemingly able to teleport across countries in mere minutes. (He wasn't, it was Artemsia carrying him around.)

They knew about Hydran though, as the Ouroboros had been active during the war 1000 years ago.

Evan told Hydran to warn his brother, Lios, to be careful in case the Demonic Hand tried to pull anything, citing that the 'First Finger' was probably aware of the latter's location.

He didn't even give the man an explanation of how he knew this, before taking Laurene and David and jumping straight into the Regal Void Expanse's dimensional rift.

Although Wolfen had surrendered, the GEE had a lot of work to do in order to assume full control of Wolfen territory and this was going to take a while so Evan just left a message telling them he was gonna 'disappear' for a few weeks and he'd be back the beginning of September.

It was on the 4th of August that Evan left Aidos with Laurene and David and he spent the next four weeks in the Regal Void Expanse.

Well…it was Four Weeks of Aidos' time, but on the Regal Void Expanse, it was almost seven due to the time difference.

He had Laurene and David gain new Unique Skills via a starry meal, chatted with the Pheonix Revi for a bit and asked her a few questions regarding him hiring the Transcendent Level Automations to use for battle on Aidos.

Evan also had some questions about 'Pseudo-Authorities' as well.

Kolvar had gone to brag to Zaos that he had gained the Law of Wind's power and Zaos had then revealed that he already possessed a 'Pseudo-Authority' in that law.

This got Evan curious about the true nature of Pseudo-


Zaos had revealed his own Pseudo-Authority was gained through comprehending and understanding the inner workings of the 'Basic Law of Wind'.

This revelation intrigued Evan, putting it in comparison to Kayla's Pseudo-Authority as Aidos' 'Great Spirit of Lightning'.

Despite the assumption that Zaos' authority should be stronger, Evan didn't feel that was necessarily the case.

Especially given how Kayla was able to nullify Dominik Velak's Pseudo-Authority of Death with hers, something Kolvar said should only be possible if Kayla had comprehended the Law of Lightning itself.

Revi provided insight into the distinction, explaining that the 'Pseudo-Authorities' of Great Spirits are 'Bestowed' Authorities, inherently holding less power than those gained through comprehension of laws.

Bestowed Authorities, she clarified, couldn't compare to 'Acquired' ones and didn't automatically become 'Complete' Authorities upon surpassing Transcendence, unlike acquired Pseudo-Authorities.

She gave Evan an example using the Law of Knowledge, stating that an Acquired Pseudo-Authority in the law could allow one to peruse a planet's Records up to years or decades in the past depending on their energy reserves.

However, a Bestowed Pseudo-Authority could barely do the same for a year.

Revi saw no problem in answering his many inquiries, stating that 'since she was bored anyway, she decided to come out of her star and chat with him for a bit'.

Evan, Laurene and David pretended like they had not just heard her say she was sleeping inside a star.

After this talk, they left the 'Garden of the Stars' and headed into the inhabited areas of the Realm under the guidance of the Automations.

The other two Heroes were very curious as they had never been to other planets before. Sure, they had their predecessors' memories but personal experience was different from memories.

Laurene was very curious about what types of magic they had in this Realm; Evan acted like a child in an amusement park while David ended up being the stopper who restrained the two from going too far.

They were directed to a city where they discovered they were not the only Otherworlders in the Regal Void Expanse.

It appeared the Realm received visitors from other planets on a daily basis.

Laurene's eyes twinkled with light as she saw people from races considered extinct on Aidos.

They registered themselves in the 'Otherworlder Administration Organisation' of the City they entered, and when they said they came from a 'Prime World'; the reactions of the attendants changed and they were treated like VVIPs.

It seemed that existences from Prime Worlds were all afforded a certain level of respect across the Galaxy.

The Administration had a certain means to check and confirm, and also had them take an Oath of Mana to prove the authenticity of their words.

As they got special treatment just from being from a 'Prime World', Evan was actually scared of what the reactions would be if it was discovered they came from 'Aidos', one of the Galaxy's Former Interstellar Hegemons.

Gaining accommodation and other basic amenities was made a lot easier for the trio, and after settling those matters, they began their exploration.

They saw Vampires, Flugels, Demons (No Gozonians), as well as actual Angels. They saw Valkyries, Hermits, Arachne, Nymphs, Kappa, Harpies, Mermaids, Sirens, Dragonkins, and even some small giants too!

They also discovered this race apparently called the 'Drifter' Race. Drifters looked no different from humans, but they were renowned across worlds for their powerful spatial(mostly teleportation) magic.

It was said that just as Human babies learned to control their limbs as they grew, Drifter babies learned to use space magic.

They got embroiled in several strange situations which Evan always called 'Side Quests'. Said 'Side Quests' helped David and Laurene level up a lot so they could not really complain as they had gotten boons out of it.

The trip helped to close the distance between David and Laurene, as well as make the three Heroes closer—which was Evan's true goal.

He was close with Laurene and was chill with David, but the two Royals didn't know the next thing about themselves besides what was known publicly; as such, their interactions usually had a certain level of 'distance'.

So, Evan decided to use this trip, purposely putting them in a situation where they spent a week trapped together in a Dungeon to boost their cooperation, both in and out of battle.

After six weeks, Evan decided to end the trip with a 'BANG!' and unfortunately, David was too late in stopping him.

He decided it was best he took the law crystals he found in the nest of a Sovereign Level 'Hell Lamia', something the monster was guarding in preparation to use when they became Transcendent.

Naturally, this caused the Hero Trio to be chased around by the Sovereign's Monster Army, and Evan led the army into the territory of another Sovereign, sparking a territorial war between the two powerhouses.

The Hero trio snuck away using the war as cover, but they ended up being scolded by a Transcendent official of the Realm's 'Otherworlder Administration Organisation' who was watching that particular forest.

Couldn't blame the man, as if Evan wasn't careful, he could have caused a monster stampede!

Evan knew what he was doing so he was 99.99% sure he would not have fucked up that bad.

The boy waited for a few days, before sneaking back into the battlefield and stealing a 'Blood Fruit' that had been born after absorbing the blood of all the monsters that died during the war, stating to Laurene and David that it was a gift for 'Griselda'.

Of course, Evan's actions were all in line with a side quest from 'Aidos Online' that helped boost favourability with the Vampire Race on the Dark Continent.

All things eventually came to an end, and so did their Exploration of the Regal Void Expanse.

They had the automations from the 'Garden of Stars' come to pick them up, inadvertently revealing that they had a 'connection' with the Pheonix Revi and upping their Status in the eyes of the indigenous people of the Realm.

◇ ◇ ◇

The first thing Evan did after coming back and returning David and Laurene back to where he kidnapped them from, was to begin planning Eliza's birthday party.

Like last year, it took the combined efforts of Eliza, Laurene and Roselia to stop Evan from hosting a grand party that would make the Emperor's Birthday pale in comparison.

"Eliza's birthday should be a public holiday across the planet!"—

was Evan's declaration that left the birthday girl sighing in light exasperation.

They ended up having a small event with friends, and after this, Eliza whisked Evan away from the GWE.

The two spent the next month alone together, slowly travelling from country to country and enjoying each one's specialities as they made their way to Treeson in Eliza's home country of Vathax.

Their slow journey came to an end when they arrived in Treeson on the 12th of October, three days before Evan's birthday.

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