Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 748 Interlude 13- Echoes in the Void

Chapter 748 Interlude 13- Echoes in the Void

Hall of Stars

The Interstellar Citadel

Prime World Gozon

January 1st

Year 1054 of the 51st General Calendar

The Annual Gozonian Interstellar Summit.

It was an occasion where Generals and Soldiers deserving of special merit from all of Gozon's Battlefront Worlds across the Interstellar Stage gathered to report their yearly achievements to the planet's Rulers.

Outstanding Achievements were also?Specially?rewarded by the Planet's Rulers, with even things like Pseudo-Authorities being up for grabs.

Merits and Awards were given depending on how good the achievements were and Generals were able to make many requests like asking for more troops, and resources or they could even gain the right to draw from the planetary defence budget.

The event was a mix of strategy and then celebration, an important moment where the power dynamics of the Interstellar Empire's Armies were recalibrated.

Many things had changed since the Seven Deadly Sins last saw Gozon. The 'Demon Lord' rank, once defunct, was now reinstated, ranking above Peak Rank Demons but below the Demon King.

However, this title was not awarded easily, as it was a 'Race Ruler' title, just like that of the 'Demon King'. It was reserved for those who had surpassed Transcendence?and?had?also?joined the Universe's Pantheon.

Gozon's power restructuring had initially stripped its 'Race Lords' of authority. Now, with the reorganization complete, these 'Race Lords', or rather—Demon Lords were reinstated.

They oversaw the conquered worlds of Gozon's Interstellar Empire, taking orders directly from the Supreme Demon King.

◇ ◇ ◇

At the heart of the Interstellar Citadel—the Headquarters of Gozon's Interstellar Administration—lay a magnificent hall hosting the first stage of the Summit.

Its high ceilings mirrored the night sky, with a vast, pillarless space capable of holding thousands.

Illusory star maps decorated the ceilings, showing Gozon at the centre with other 'nearby' celestial bodies.

Further along and nearing the circular hall's other end sat the Demon Lords.

Finally, at the opposite end of the doors was a collection of 72 Thrones haphazardly arranged on an inclined elevated platform.

However, only one of these thrones on this multi-layered dais, the one in the very centre was occupied.

The closer a person's seat was to this dais, the higher their rank.

Most seats nearby were taken, but seven at the forefront where the Greater Generals with Four Stars adorning their uniforms sat were conspicuously empty.

Although they were spotless, no one had occupied them for centuries.

The doors opened and a ten-man group wearing the Demon Army uniform took dignified steps in, stopping in the Hall's centre, where a long path led up to the Throne platform.

Silent gazes enveloped them, as they all went down on one knee and spoke.

"We greet the Rulers of Gozon."

Even though there were over a hundred people gathered in this hall, it was completely silent.

A heavy voice finally cut through the quiet, originating from the woman at the Throne platform's base.

Adorned in the Demon Army uniform, her chest bore five stars denoting her high rank.

She was the head of the Merits Department of the Interstellar Citadel.

"Verdantia Prime Representative. Make your report."

"Yes, Your Ladyship."

The leader of the ten rose to his feet, the four stars on his uniform catching the light as he began his report.

Upon finishing, his gaze lifted to the central throne on the dais.

The man seated there radiated a presence that eclipsed even the collective auras of all the Peak Ranked Demons present.

Clad in a simple double-breasted pinstriped suit, the man's glowing red eyes surveyed the assembly with a detached air.

A palpable silence settled as he locked eyes with the Verdantia Prime Representative, holding the gaze for a full, intense minute.

[I want that Planet subjugated within the next decade.]

The Representative's face flickered with emotion at the man's orders, but he swiftly regained his composure, bowing respectfully before departing with his group.

The pattern continued with the following groups, however, each one met with the unyielding silence from the man on the throne.

But when the representatives from a Prime World stepped forward, the man finally spoke again.

[Cyroth IV, huh? You will be assigned 12 extra Peak Ranks to compensate for the losses sustained.

Have the Dark Elves of Cyroth II lead their armies to aid you. Agriker would handle the Dark Elf Lords.]

"Thank you, Your Excellency."

The Representatives bowed before leaving, and the next group entered right after.

A similar scene of reporting played out for the next hour.

After the last group reported, discussions on rewards and merits began. Generals debated, with Demon Lords adding their input.

Votes were cast and decisions were made as the discussions continued.

Finally, the topic of discussion shifted to one everyone had unconsciously been avoiding.

"What about the Sealed Dimensional Rift to Prime World Aidos?"


A very LOUD silence filled the room after that line was spoken.

It was eventually broken by the Five Star General standing at the foot of the dais.

"I received reports stating that more cracks had been opened for Lower Ranks to slip inside. What are the updates on that, Lesser General Gillet?"

All eyes turned towards the man who had been called out—the one who sent the Demon Xakon Ilmoth and four others into Aidos—and he got to his feet before speaking.

"The Scouts I sent earlier had brought back information which I sent to the Greater Generals for review."

"That was reviewed. Is there anything of note we would need to take note of?

It did not include information on?that world's?'Seven Heroes' and their current status. They-"

[The Seven Heroes of Aidos are dead.]


All parties who were talking amongst themselves went silent the moment the man atop the throne spoke.

[I cursed those fools before they sealed the rift, and I don't believe my curses are so weak that they'd still be alive after a millennium.]

Surprised expressions crossed the faces of all those present, especially the Demons who had participated in the War on Aidos 1000 years ago.

They didn't even know that person had taken action at all!

[If there are any Heroes, then it would be a new generation. Weaker, and not as experienced as those Seven.]

The Merit Department head nodded in understanding, before turning back to Lesser General Felix Gillet and posing a question.

"The report you sent stated that Aidos had Five Transcendents currently. Are you sure there was no mistake in that number?

It wasn't five hundred they told you but was mistaken as five?"

When she spoke, murmurs erupted in the hall as many other Demons began voicing their opinions.

"Indeed, I find It hard to believe a Prime World could only have five Transcendents."

"That doesn't even make sense."

"Aidos was an Interstellar Hegemon on our level, even if they've weakened over the past few millennia, it cannot be?that?bad."

"True. When we left that planet a millennium ago, I?personally?confirmed hundreds of Transcendents remained.

Those tenacious annoyances wouldn't have perished so easily."

"Especially that Barbarian, Morass!

The scar he gave me still stings! He's likely surpassed Transcendence by now."

As Transcendent beings from a Prime World, they found it hard to accept Prime World Aidos being so…'understaffed.'

Make no mistake; Five Transcendents, each possessing power to devastate continents were nothing to scoff at.

However, Aidos was a Prime World. Five was too small of a number for it!

Yet, the truth stood: Aidos had only five Transcendents.

This then begged the question:

Where did all the Transcendents who survived the War 1000 years ago vanish to?

One of the Demon Lords present had confirmed that there were 'hundreds' alive at the end of the war.

So how did 'hundreds' become 'five' after a millennium? It should also be noted that no one on Aidos had exuviated in the past millennium as well.

("Exuviation" is the shedding of one's mortal shell at the end of Transcendence, marking the transition to the next Existence Level.)

Unfortunately, these Demons certainly did not have the answer to that query, so they could only focus on things they knew.

"Our 'contacts' on that side have sent us information about a plan to accelerate our re-entry to Aidos.

If it succeeds, our Vanguard can arrive faster than our initial estimate.

It is a plan advocated by a member of the Agriker Family, and from what I hear, he intends on using the 'Wild Card Protocol'."

Hearing Felix's words, the Peak Ranked Demons all nodded in understanding.

"Using the 'Wild Card Protocol', I expect nothing less from a Prime World."

"An Agriker you say? I wonder which of my descendants that is."

"It could be one of your siblings' children or grandchildren."

"Whichever one it is, he has made it clear that Aidos is not to be taken lightly by using the 'Wild Card Protocol'."

"Indeed, he has."

The Demons discussed for a few minutes before one of the Peak Ranked Demons stood up and made an offer to the man on the Throne.

"Your Excellency."

[Ilmoth? Speak.]

"Thank you.

I would like to lead the Vanguard to Aidos in this plan by the Agriker on that end."

Surprised gasps rang out across the Hall. Many were surprised that a distinguished Family Head wanted to lead the attack.

This was the kind of thinglower rankedDemons seeking to gather Merits usually did, so the Noble Demon Family Heads refrained from taking away these opportunities from them.

It wasn't a rule, per se, but an unspoken agreement.

Felix, on the other hand, knew fully well why this Peak Rank Demon wanted to go.

'Xakon Ilmoth…the one who died was a descendant of his. He most likely feels it's a stain on his record that a member of his family died on a mere scouting mission and wants to clear it up.

Hmph…obnoxious ball of pride.'

Felix snorted and looked away, silently hoping his request would be denied. Sadly, his wish was not fulfilled.

[Very well. You may go when it is time.

Gillet, brief him after this Summit is completed.]

"Yes, Your Excellency."

The discussion proceeded with Felix mentioning information from an Aidosian traitor, revealing that spies among the Transcendents' servants learned that divine intervention from Aidos' gods was unlikely in another war, as it was believed these gods had abandoned the world.

"To be specific, it is the Chief goddess Artemisia who is said to haveforsak-"



All the demons shifted their gazes to the man on the throne, surprised by his sudden outburst of laughter.

[Foolish Lizard.

And here I thought she'd be half as smart as Gorm was. Does shereallystill think Artemisia did nothing in that War?

Do not believe whatever nonsense you hear. If it comes down to it, Artemisia would personally descend into that world without regard for the consequences.]

His words seemed to imply that Aidos was very valuable to Artemisia, something that was the exact opposite of what everyone on the Interstellar Stage believed—that Artemisia regarded Aidos with the same level of importance she placed on other Prime Worlds she controlled.

Nevertheless, the man didn't bother to correct their misconceptions, as it was better for him that way

The topic of Discussion moved on from Aidos to other worlds, and then a few hours later, the official part of the Summit was complete.

All the Representatives were called in at once for the Award/

Merit Ceremony and afterwards, a party was to be held to celebrate those who had gained new honours.

The Hall of Stars was emptied, save for the lone figure seated atop the Centre Throne. He remained there with his eyes closed for hours, eventually opening them as his pupils darted to his right.

[Did she give you a message for me, Gozon?]

At first, he seemed to talk to empty air, but then the figure of a 'woman' materialized beside him.

'She' was ethereal, with iridescent eyes and long black hair that shifted to grey halfway down—the kind people up there in age usually had.

'She' wore a shimmering gown of midnight blue and silver, with a delicate silver pendant around 'her' neck, adding to 'her' mysterious aura.

From the way he addressed 'her', it was easy to discern 'her' identity.

'She' was the Incarnation of the Prime World Gozon!

[All she said was that when the time came for the Fallen Celestials to make their move, she would take action.

You are to send the Ilmoth boy any time after that.]

[So, her 10,000-year wait is finally over, huh?]

The man muttered to himself after hearing 'her' response, before looking up at the Star Map on the ceiling and continuing.

[Come to think of it, it was around that time Father and Mother met…]

After saying those words, 'Demon King' Ginaroad Sargon silently vanished from the hall, along with Gozon's Incarnation.

◇ ◇ ◇

While a certain Hero was preparing for his trip to his predecessor's house and the Gozonians were having their Summit, there was a certain being floating adrift in an unworldly place, just like a block of stone.

In the darkness of the void of space, within the peace of nothingness, she floated, unaffected by the gravity of the Supergiant Stars nearby or the Exoplanets she passed by. f𝐫𝗲eweb𝗻o𝐯el.𝚌o𝗺

Just like a speck of dust. Just like a scrap of dirt.

Just how long had she been this way?

Years? Decades? Centuries? No one knew.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes.


With a light cough, she stretched her body which had been curled up. She raised a small groan since her bones and flesh had not been working for a long time.

|It seems the group I sent to retrieve that 'fragment' failed, huh? Who would have expected Vincent of all people to be on that remote planet? |

She yawned and stretched once more, before pushing away the strands of long white hair that floated in front of her face.

Her hazel eyes glowed and the energy of the law of time stirred, bending to her will and feeding her information.

|It's January on Aidos…That means there are 10 months left.

The Nexus Event is fast approaching. I'll see you then…Evan.|

After muttering that line to herself, her eyes slowly fluttered shut and she returned to her deep slumber amidst the silence of the void.

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