Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 755 Endless Abyss

Chapter 755 Endless Abyss

?Gabrielle was impressed by Evansen's buff, but her hands which were conjuring a magic circle didn't stop moving even as she spoke.

A blue-black circle with intricately intertwined lines and spell formulae shimmered into existence before her, with the four blue-black rings around it showing its tier.

'Gravity magic isn't my thing so I'm taking this long even for a Tier 4 spell…'

With that thought and a light sigh, she activated the spell.

"Gravity Magic: Carnage of the Void."

Six identical blue-black portals opened up in the sky, forming a hexagram of doom which summoned a 'small' hail of meteorites from the void beyond the portals.

They streaked across the sky in all their blazing glory, headed towards the Transcendents who roused their energies to defend.

Despite the powerful attack that could level an entire city with ease, the Transcendents slashed through the meteors with their swords and spears, turning them into rock splinters that rained down on the ground.

However, the short few seconds they took to do this—those seconds their attention was directed towards the meteorites, gave Gabrielle the time and opportunity to prepare for her final move.

Spatial law energy burst forth from her body, intertwining with the swirling blue-black liquid surging from beneath her feet, delineating a boundary that enclosed her and the five Transcendents within.

She slowly unclasped her palms, releasing more of the thick, viscous, blood-like liquid mixture of darkness and abyssal essence that poured onto the ground.

Her irises glowed with light and the colours of her sclera and pupils inverted as she declared with a dead calm voice.

[Bounded Field: Endless Abyss.]

More of the blue-black liquid appeared on the floor around her and Evansen, surging forth with the force of a tidal wave and engulfing the entire area with its power.

The scenery transformed and they found themselves standing atop a platform floating in the middle of a dark abyss, surrounded by impenetrable darkness stretching into infinity.

Save for the faux sun hanging in the sky and the eerie blue luminescence emanating from the liquid, there was no other source of light.

Buildings slowly melted into it and tendrils of the dark liquid shot upwards and wrapped around the limbs of the flying Transcendents, pulling them down to the ground.

Despite how much demonic energy or divinity they used, the blue-black liquid crept up their bodies and leeched into their skin, trying to drag them to the depths of the dark sea around them.

The dark liquid made their skin peel, like acid was poured on them and it seeped into their bodies through their pores, infecting them with its corrosive powers.

Just when they had their hands full trying to deal with it, long dark blue-scaled tentacles lunged forward from the deep abyss behind them and wrapped around their arms and legs.

The tentacles held onto them with a vice-like grip and regardless of their attempts at resistance, it slowly pulled them into the deep eerie darkness beyond.


Evansen muttered as he saw the fearful expressions on the faces of the Transcendents who were dragged into the abyss by the tentacles and this remark prompted Gabrielle to turn towards him.

His eyes widened in surprise when he saw how her eyes had transformed, with her sclera now being black and her pupils white.

When she saw his expression, the light of remembrance flashed through her eyes as she sighed and returned them to normal.

Usually, people either had one of two reactions upon seeing her eyes in that state. They either got scared, or they called it creepy.

Evansen on the other hand, had a third reaction she hardly ever saw.

"Damn, that's fucking cool! Do it again!"


Gabrielle looked at him dumbfoundedly, seeing as he stared at her with shining eyes that demanded she transform her eyes again.


"But why?!"

The young woman ignored the boy's strange reaction and dismissed her bounded field, returning them to the Mirror Dimension where they saw Vincent seated on a broken fence with the unconscious body of the god Lord at his feet.

"Took you long enough."

The man was buttoning his sleeves as he spoke and Gabrielle looked around to see they were still in the Mirror Dimension.

"It's not broken?"

"It's being supported by this one's power. It wouldn't collapse till I kill him."

"What about the Demon?"

When she asked that, Vincent scratched his head with an awkward expression on his face while replying.

"I may have completely disintegrated his body with a Gravitational Singularity…"


"Don't worry, he's a Higher Existence so his soul is still intact to an extent."

As he spoke, he held up his hand and revealed a black ball of light emanating potent demonic energy, with a pressure that made Evansen nearly choke on air.

"Please…put that thing…away."

Vincent flicked his wrist and the soul disappeared, with Evansen taking a moment to stabilize his breaths while wiping the sweat off his forehead.

Gabrielle didn't seem to be bothered by the pressure and she walked up to Vincent with her hands in her pocket and asked the most important question.

"Did you find out why they were after Evansen?"


After he replied, Vincent looked at her in silence without saying anything for nearly a minute. She was wondering why he wasn't explaining further, but after a moment it dawned on her why.

"It's because of Evankhell, isn't it?"

Vincent nodded before finally beginning his explanation.

"Those Demons were from Prime World Gozon and they seem to be planning on Invading Aidos. Or rather, they already did but were repelled."

"Huh? Aidos repelled a Gozonian invasion? Weren't they weakened badly after the war? How did they manage it?"

The answer to Gabrielle's question came not from Vincent, but from Evansen.

"Through the sacrifices of millions of soldiers, and the work of the Seven Heroes sealing the Dimensional Rift."

Hearing him, Vincent nodded, inadvertently confirming to Evansen that the 'Invaders' he knew of from his time in Aidos were indeed the Demon Race.

"A millennium has passed and the seal on that Dimensional Rift is weakening. As such, the Demons are planning a re-invasion.

They want to take advantage of this weakening and break it open so they can regain entry to Aidos.

This is supposed to be done 'from' Aidos, with the cooperation of a group called the 'Demonic Hand'.

Sadly, their plans for the past three years have NOT gone well."

Vincent then looked towards the two of them and posed a question with a wry smile.

"Guess who else has been on Aidos for the past three years?"

"Evankhell. He's the one interfering with their plans."

Gabrielle replied and Vincent nodded in affirmation.

"With the information I got after reading their memories, I have a guess on what Artemisia wanted from him.

From the Demon's memories, I discovered one of the New Generation of 'Seven Heroes',is called 'Evan Eris'. He also appears to be their Leader and the one responsible for majorly messing up all the Demonic Hand's plans."

"That's my Aidosian identity—the one Evankhell currentlyholds"

"Yes. The reason this lot came after you is simple.

'Evan Eris' is originally your identitysothey want togive it backto you."


BothEvansen and Gabrielle let out confused voices when they heard Vincent's words. How were the demons planning to give Evansen back his identity? When they asked that, Vincent explained.

"I don't know how they found outbutthese two Race Lords were sure that the soul in your body is not from Aidos.

As such, they traced the location of the original soul down to thisplanet,so they could take it and put it back into your body."

Hearing this, Evansen shook his head and muttered.

"That's not gonna work."

Vincent nodded in agreement, his expression resolute.

"Of course. It's been three years.

That body is notEvansen'sanymore, it'sEvankhell's."

The man's voice then took a dark undertone as he held up three fingers and continued.

"It may belong to Evankhell now, but that was NOT the case three years ago.

In a situation where a soulis putinto a foreign body, there's usually a period where the body and soul lack synchronization with each other.

That period is even longer if the Soul and the body originate from two different planets.

I'm willing to bet that for the first year and a half, maybe two years—there was a lack of synchronization."

Seeing that Gabrielle and Evansen still weren't getting what he was insinuating, the manjust straight updecided to say it all.

"What if they took the soul of the current Grandmaster Evansen, sent it back in time to Three Years ago and put it into your old body?

Sometime around…let's say a month after Evankhell entered it.

Your soul now isstrongerthan Evankhell's was three years ago, andto top it off, the body was still 'yours' then…"

Evansen guessed what would happen and Gabrielle confirmed said guess with a deep frown on her face.

"Evansen's soul would force Evankhell's soul out of the body."

"That's what they were aiming for.

Now then, what do you think would happen if Evankhell's soul is to be forced out, with no 'body' to contain it?"

Once again, Gabrielle answered.

"The Universal Law of Death would consider Evankhell to be 'Dead' and it would take his soul into the Cycle of Reincarnation.

His soul would be wipedcleanandthe person we know as 'Evankhell Bourne' would cease to exist."

To say Evansen was shocked by this potential outcome was an understatement. He certainly hadn't expected the Demons to use such a roundabout means toget rid ofEvankhell.

"The Causality Index of a titled Hero of a Prime World like Aidos should be high enough that they shouldn't be able to interfere with his past soeasily.

What's more, that goddess Artemisia is there, isn't she? There's no way she would not notice such a thing happening!"

Gabrielle spoke as she held an understanding of the kind of power a Main Entity of the Pantheon like Artemisia wielded.

Vincent,nodded in agreement with her, as that would have been the casenormally.

"That's how things are supposed to be, but these guys were awfully confident in their success.

They were just sentto retrieve Evansen, and someone elsewas going tobe the one to take it through time.

It'spreciselybecause Evankhell is an Irregular and has a high Causality Index that they could not afford to go back in time on multiple instances 'Because of Him'. So they could not target Evansen's soul from the time he had just reincarnated into this world and had to go after the 'Present Evansen'."

As Vincent spoke, the man's expression turned darkfor an instantandheheaved an exasperated sigh.

'Even if they succeeded…Evansen's soul would not have forced Evankhell out as they planned.

What would havehappened,is that Evansen would havedied…'

Vincent knew that Evansen harboured the desire to return to Aidos oneday,andalso tomeet his namesakewhohad taken over his identity there.

However, the man had been blatantly dissuading him from ever doing so over the years, knowing fullywellthat it wouldn't turn out well for him.

'To think he was the missing fragment…'

"Do you know who that 'someone else' is, Mr Vincent? That EOTDguyperhaps?"

Evansen's voice brought Vincent out of his thoughtsandhe shook his head before replying to the boy's questions.

"EOTD wouldn't go through the stress of saving your soul if he was going to do this."

Vincent got up to his feet and stepped forward as he continued.

"I do have a guess who the person is.

There were hints everywhere, after all.

Their confidence in Interfering with the past without Severe backlash from the Universal Laws…and the fact that a 'god Lord' and a 'Demon Lord' were working together."

In the Valmone Universe, the relationship between the god and Demon races has been irreconcilable for millennia.

A godLordandaDemon Lord together in the same area would usually result in a fight.They would never work together unless under extreme conditions.

Even then, they wouldn't mesh well.

"But these two did.

Their cooperation with each other was impeccable."

"I also noticed the Transcendents had good synergy as well.They'vedefinitelybeen together for long."

Gabrielle stated her observation and hearingthat,Vincent was 99% sure his guess was correct.

"In this Universe, there's only one person capable of making gods and Demons work together with zero problems.

They also happen to be pretty adept in Space and Time Manipulation as well."

When he said up to that point, Gabrielle's eyes widened as the realisation dawned on her. 𝖋𝔯𝔢𝔢𝖜𝖊𝖇𝖓𝔬𝔳𝖊𝔩.𝖈𝖔𝖒

"One of the most powerful 'New gods', a Main Entity with power on par with that of Artemisia's."

Looking up at the setting sun on the horizon, Vincent concluded.

"If that person is the one after Evankhell, then hemight bein for someserioustrouble…"

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