Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 760 “That’s a nice skill you got there. Mind if I borrow it?”

Chapter 760 “That’s a nice skill you got there. Mind if I borrow it?”

?The 'World' Laurene could see with her Mystic Eyes was vastly different from what others did, so she sometimes switched them off to allow her brain to rest since overuse could put too much pressure on her.

She could see the flow of energies; magic, ether, celestial energy, prana and many more. She could even see the powers of the World Laws and how they intertwined to make up the very fabric of reality she could perceive.

Most importantly in this situation, Laurene could see that what were supposed to be random rocks were actually the spatial barriers of a Dimensional Realm, with her gaze locking onto a particular point.

She raised her hand and created a Target Symbol around it, before speaking.

"That's the weakest point in the barrier."

"Really? I can't even tell if there's anything there. Would it break if I bust this rock?"

David knocked the rock multiple times, feeling no spatial barrier present in the area. Hearing him, Laurene shook her head and spoke.

"I don't think your 'Magic Break' can break it."

"Lemme do it."

Evan spoke up as he walked up to the point where Laurene targeted and she questioned if it was really necessary.

"I'm the one with the spatial magic here. Aren't I the best suited to breaking a spatial barrier?"

"Normally, yes.

But I'm trying to test a new skill."

"Suit yourself then."

Laurene took a few steps back, knowing fully well whatever Evan wanted to 'test' would be very loud and explosive.

Evan raised his hands above his head and summoned the 'Unforged Vale', the combination between the 'Unforged Vanquisher' and the 'Vale Blade'.

Naturally, he had it in Light Sabre mode.

Holding up his Light Sab—correction, Sword, Evan took a stance and inhaled a deep breath.

'Burn, Mesarthim.'

Prismatic flames lit up on the sword, with three of the seven colours being more prominent than the others that were translucent.

Red, Orange, and Yellow.

|Mesarthim: Prismatic Inferno;

Type: Unique Series Skill

This Multifaceted skill allows the user to command flames that embrace the vibrant hues of the rainbow, engulfing targets in a magnificent display of prismatic flames.

When used offensively, Mesarthim has a fixed chance to ignore a percentage of the target's durability and resistances, dealing percentage damage in accordance with their maximum Health Values.

As the skill ignites, an ethereal blaze dances with vivid reds, dazzling oranges, vibrant yellows, luscious greens, brilliant blues, and majestic purples. These swirling hues create a mesmerizing spectacle that captivates both allies and adversaries alike.

This skill cannot be lost or taken away unless very special circumstances are met.


Mesarthim's multifaceted nature allows the wielder to manipulate each individual colour within the inferno, granting them extraordinary versatility.

RED: The red flames of Mesarthim embody relentless fury and unparalleled heat, capable of scorching enemies to cinders. These fiery tongues possess an insatiable appetite for destruction, devouring all obstacles in their path.

ORANGE: The orange flames of Mesarthim radiate intense warmth and energetic vigour. They lend their invigorating power to allies, bolstering their strength and resilience, inspiring them to face any challenge with unwavering courage.

YELLOW: The yellow flames of Mesarthim carry the essence of enlightenment and purification. They possess a cleansing touch, able to dispel curses, and banish malevolent entities.

GREEN: [Locked Effect]

BLUE: [Locked Effect]

INDIGO: [Locked Effect]

VIOLET: [Locked Effect]


Due to the true nature of the power that is 'Mesarthim', certain abilities of this skill are sealed and would only be unlocked either when; The user's Attunements to Flames increase, their proficiency with the base abilities of the skill increases, or the user gains a deeper understanding of 'Flames' and 'Mesarthim' itself.

Utilizing this skill demands a deep reservoir of Energy. |

The new flame was unlocked when Evan became an Epic Level, so he expected to get 'GREEN' when he became a Legendary, which should not take 'too much time' by his calculations.

As for Laurene, despite casting Heat Resistance magic on both herself and David, she felt sweat run down her cheeks when Evan's sword lit up with flames.

It was that hot.

With his sword raised overhead, Evan muttered a line under his breath.

The name of the new Unique Skill he recently gained from the boss of a dungeon in the Holy Kingdom.

"World Sunder."

His black blade engulfed with prismatic flames swung down, releasing a surge of destructive energy capable of cleaving through any obstacle with ease.

The moment it hit the rock wall, the entire cave shook and the skill's unique properties came into play, tearing apart the invisible spatial barrier like paper and wreaking havoc on whatever was on the other side.

Laurene and David heard the sound of glass breaking, followed by shouts of surprise and screams of agony as the radiant flames surged outward, engulfing everything in their path within a kilometre radius. Buildings crumbled like mere sandcastles, devoured by the searing inferno, while the force of the explosion wrought devastation, claiming the lives of all living beings in its wake.

As if that wasn't enough, the slash of flames continued onward, going on to create a massive fissure that stretched from one end of the Dimensional Realm to the other!

This was a distance of around 50 complete kilometres.

"Hmm? Works well enough."

Such were Evan's words as he jumped into the spatial crack visible before him, while Laurene looked at David and asked.

"Can you pull that off?"

"Huh? I'm a normal person, you know?"

While David was casually insinuating Evan was abnormal, the boy charged through the Dimensional Realm, his smile widening as he sensed over a thousand more presences before him.

'Average Power is around Level 200…this would be a cakewalk.'

Landing atop the ruins of a half-destroyed building, he shouted with a magic-infused voice.


Naturally, the Demonic Hand members who were trying to understand why the place had suddenly exploded sensed him and turned in his direction, their eyes widening as they instantly recognized the swimming trunk-clad wearing boy.

"Evan Eris?!"



Faster than the person who spoke could even compute another thought, Evan's hand was already pointed in his direction and the boy released a focused Energy Blast that was akin to a laser.

The man's body was rendered headless in an instant and the rest of the corpse dropped down and was quickly consumed by Evan's flames.


Hearing the voice shouting, Evan turned to his side and saw a Demonic Hand member punching towards him from afar.

Just when he expected a shockwave to fly, ambient energy condensed and formed a giant fist-shaped construct that nearly punched Evan off his platform.

"Woah, there!"

Evan raised his left hand and caught it before saying.

"That's a nice skill you got there. Mind if I borrow it?"

Evan flexed his fingers and the giant Hammerfist shattered into shards of light as he continued speaking.

"I promise, I'll return it."

Golden chains burst out from the ground beneath his feet and snaked towards the guy, wrapping him up and pulling him towards Evan who grabbed him by the neck.


|Hammerfist Acquired|

|Normal Skills require one skill slot. |

|Seven Skill slots remaining. |

The guy tried to use magic, but Evan's lightning-encased fist punched him right in his mouth, after which a golden chain burst out from Evan's fist and pierced into his head, bursting out from the top of his skull.


Evan muttered under his breath as he tossed the corpse aside, thankful he used an Elemental Shield at the last moment.

As more Demonic Hand members rushed to the scene, a cacophony of spell incantations filled the air, summoning a kaleidoscope of magic circles that crackled and swirled with elemental energy.

Each circle materialized with a distinct hue, representing the varied elements they wielded, and all were unleashed at Evan who had just discarded the corpse of their comrade.

The spells surged towards Evan with the force of a tidal wave, their combined might threatening to engulf him in a tempest of destruction.

"Seriously, Evan. You were waiting for them to do this, weren't you?"

David remarked as he strode past Evan, his gaze fixed on the barrage of spells hurtling toward them.

He tipped his hat upwards, his reddish-brown eyes flashing with a golden hue as the letter representing 'Anti-Magic' manifested within them.

As he gazed at the spell barrage, the power of his Mystic Eyes began to deconstruct the spells, unravelling their elemental energies and reducing them to mere wisps of ambient magic power.

Just as the first barrage dissipated, a second wave of the spell onslaught loomed on the horizon. Without hesitation, David activated Counter Spell and in an instant, the spells reversed course and hurtled towards their astonished senders with newfound ferocity.

The display of retribution as their magic turned against them was so unexpected that more than half of them were frozen in place, long enough for the spells to reach them.

With a resounding impact, the spells struck their intended targets, eliciting screams of pain and agony that reverberated through the air like a haunting melody.

"You both have bad taste. Besides, don't forget I'm supposed to use these guys to level up."

Laurene's voice echoed with a hint of exasperation as she harnessed the ambient magic power that had filled the air after David deconstructed the first spell wave.

With a flicker in her eyes, she locked onto the weak points of all Demonic Hand members in her field of vision—which was vast, even vaster than Evan's—and drew magic from the eight orbs hovering behind her.

Lasers of elemental light erupted forth from them, consuming the ambient magic she had gathered and growing stronger and faster the further they went.

Each beam found its mark, piercing through the weakened durability of the Demonic Hand members and sealing their fate, sending them swiftly to the afterlife.

"1, 2, 3, 4…! Laurene, you say we have bad taste but you just shot four guys in the balls!!"

Laurene's brow twitched when she heard Evan's exclamation, turning to glare at him as she replied.

"It's not my fault they have such an obvious weak point!"

Her response prompted David and Evan to cover their crotches with their hands and instantly take distance from her, with Evan even summoning the Gazebind Aegis.

"…do you two want me to test out how effective it is on you?"

""No way!""

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