Rise of The Undead Legion

Chapter 468 - Power Thief

Chapter 468 - Power Thief

The tengu flew high up, in his hand he was holding Dave, the Doom Knight Tengu's new strength was enough for him to carry himself and Dave with utter ease. The Tengu carried Dave to the teleportation gate, and they both entered, leaving through the other side of the Undead Frontier Raid Zond.

The Tengu kept flying, and batting his wings, crossing over terrain with ease, bypassing all mountains and hills, and headed directly to the heart of a rampaging storm.

In the depths of the raid zone, a storm churned with enough power that it could threaten all life that dared approach it. Lightning crackled and struck the ground with vicious strength, shattering boulders and dirt. Wind, cold as ice howled and raged, and clouds darker than night rumbled in wrath. The belly of the storm was a cyclone, that spun with speed far beyond what any normal storm could move with.

Dave frowned, Raijin and Fujin are gods, not demi-gods or just powerful entities, they are truly gods, even if they were much weaker than the other divinities ruling over the world of Conquest, that did not reduce their danger.

"The kids are unusually angry, this should not be happening, something has ticked them off," the Tengu said.

"Let's check things up and see what pissed them off," Dave said, and the two dove down to the entrance of the dungeon.

Like the last time, Dave and the tengu walked through the two massive pillars making the dungeon entrance, and once they stepped in, they found themselves inside a paved tunnel with spheres on the ceiling lighting the way.

At the farthest end of the tunnel was a golden gate, it was open inwardly, one of the doors broken off its hinges and the other barely hanging on. The massive three thick doors were blown inwardly as if the fist of a god had smashed into them.

This didn't bod well with Dave, someone had broken into the dungeon. Once Dave had a better and closer look at the gate, he saw traces of black scorching on the gate. As if lightning had struck the whole gate. The gold on some of the carving on the door had melted off, probably from the heat the lightning had generated.

This was of course all, just Dave analyzing what he saw. He walked in and began moving through the dungeon's corridors, careful that either of the two deities were not waiting in ambush, or whatever entered the dungeon.

"Shouldn't we call for the aid of the rest of the troops, my lord?" the Tengu asked.

"I tried that the moment we stepped into the dungeon's perimeter, it appears only you are allowed in, none of my other Undead can enter the dungeon for now. Something is blocking their access, and since you're from this place, I guess you're an exception," Dave said.

"Hmm, I understand, then let's proceed with prudence, I sense the presence of vile magic. Much more terrifying and nefarious than Undead Magic."

"Yeah, this place is giving me the creeps," Dave said as he gazed at the scarred walls. The dungeon was not the same as it was the last time, it looked like it had aged for thousands of years.

The very stones making the dungeon were cracked and fractured, dust gathered in corners, and walls ere frayed with lightning marks.

"Could this be Raijin's doing?" Dave asked as he touched the marking on the walls trying to inspect them, yet came to no fruitful result.

"No, Raijin might be a mischievous kid, but his lightning is pure and divine. This is black lightning, it is inherently evil, its only purpose is to destroy." The Tengu replied.

"Isn't normal Lightning Destructive?" Dave asked.

"Not entirely lightning could be said to be the source of all life. When the first lightning struck, it was pure and blessed, it struck the water and created air, breathable air, giving life to plants, and gave life to creatures that crawled on the surface of the land. It has created life, as for this lightning, it is vile, devoid of all bless and once it touches anything, it shatters it, breaks it, and turns it to nothing." The tengu said.

"Damn, that's nasty," Dave said, "But I can't help but feel that this is quite familiar, I just can't remember where I saw something like this before." Dave shrugged.

The tegu bent and picked up a small plant, "What do you see my lord?" the tengu asked.

"A plant? Perhaps it had a flower on it, but the stem is charred black," Dave said.

"Yes, but it is a dead plant, void of life and soul, once the black lightning had touched it, it killed its soul. It was the same as what happened to my arm earlier, it will no longer sprout and no longer give birth to other plants. This is the difference between this vile lightning and Raijin's lightning. My kid's power would have given this plant the power to grow even stronger, but this vile magic had fully killed this weak defenseless creation."

The Tengu threw the plant down and moved with a poised and purposeful march as if he was going to beat the living crap out of whatever harmed this place and probably caused his kids some troubles.

Dave and the tengu went past the area where the Cyclopes used to be, then they moved through more corridors only finding more destruction. The living area of the Tengu, the peaceful mountain with the red pagoda was razed to the ground. Yet the Tengu didn't even bat an eye or care, he was headed with an even faster pace than before, bypassing Dave and toward the last room of the dungeon.

Dave walked down an enormous pathway, fit for five or six Drahma sized creatures to walk through side by side comfortably. A large door, pretty similar to the entrance was locked in front of Dave and the Tengu. The door was the color of jade and it didn't have a blemish on it. It opened up, inviting the two in.

Once they walked in, braziers lit up revealing a huge circular room with large statues of monks and eastern warriors carved into the walls. And as usual, just as they moved past the gate, it closed, locking them in.

A lightning bolt and a tornado came down and crashed on the platform revealing the two deities. Raijin and Fujin,

The one on the right had a wild mane of reddish hair, his body was taut with well-defined muscle, including an impressive six-pack of abs. The other statue was bald with the build of a powerlifter, including the belly of a happy Buddha. He carried some sort of bag across his neck and shoulders and heavy, spiked cestus encased his thick forearms and fists. Both were depicted wearing only loose Arabian-style pantaloons with wide cloth belts wrapped around their middles.

The tengu made shinobi seals with his hands, his speed incredibly faster than before, that Dave couldn't even see the symbols he was making. Finally, he created a triangle with his fingers and blew through it and toward the two gods.

A green blueish flame shot forward and covered the two gods, momentarily freezing them from action.

"Lord, I have used Soul magic to calm them down, we'll have to be really careful not to enrage them or do any sudden actions, they are unconscious and what moves right now is not them, but the rage of the storm that is inside them."

"Okay, I'll be quiet and let you do your thing," Dave said then wandered with his eyes upon the deities until he noticed an irregularity

The two deities had only one thing that was completely different from the last time Dave saw them. A large patch of black burns running through their chest area.



Level: 749

Tier: Holy

Danger level: ☠ ☠ ☠☠ ☠

Damage: 150,000-200,000

HP: 950,000,000

PD: 400,000

MD: 400,000


|Active Debuff | : <Pilfered Strength> Raijin has lost one Level of Power.

[Lightning Aura] Lightning surrounds and protects Raijin. Random lightning bolts strike out from the aura doing 10% of the target's max HP as flat damage and stuns targets for 5 seconds (Skill duration: Until dismissed).

[Thunder Drum] Raijin strikes the tomoe drums around him, calling down thunder and lightning. When the lightning strikes the ground or a target it causes the status effects Dazed and Blindness.

[El-Thor] Raijin's ultimate attack, calls down a powerful lightning strike that instantly kills any target that it hits, no matter what skill is used to protect oneself. The attack can be dodged but not blocked or defended against.

[Brothers of the Storm] if either brother dies, the remaining brother enters a berserker state. Players have exactly 1 minute to kill the other storm brother or all their attackers will be executed (Passive Skill).


Raijin, Son of Lightning, one of two mischievous brothers often called Sons of the Storm. He was gifted the power to see the past, present, and future.




Level: 749

Tier: Holy

Danger level: ☠ ☠ ☠☠ ☠

Damage: 150,000-200,000

HP: 950,000,000

PD: 400,000

MD: 400,000


|Active Debuff | : <Pilfered Strength> Fujin has lost one Level of Power.

[Flesh Tearing Wind] storm-winds circle Fujin. The wind slowly drains anyone's HP by 1% every second (Skill duration: Until dismissed).

[God of Wind Palm-strike] an elemental open-palm punch. Does 200% base damage in a cone area of effect.

[God's Wrath] Fujin picks a primary target and stomps his foot doing 100% of base damage in a cone area of effect. All targets in the area of effect will be thrown into the air, the primary target will be struck repeatedly while in the air. The sequence inevitably leads to the primary target's execution and death.

[Brothers of the Storm] if either brother dies, the remaining brother enters a berserker state. Players have exactly 1 minute to kill the other storm brother or all their attackers will be executed (Passive Skill).


Fujin, Son of the Wind, he was said to be the harbinger of typhoons, causing the suffering of many sh.i.p.s at sea.


Dave frowned deeply these two 'monsters' of a god were powerful beyond recognition, yet something had stolen a level from them. The last time Dave saw them they each were level 750 and now they are both 749. It might not look like much, but a level of strength at level 750 is incredibly powerful, and cannot be compared to hundreds of levels below it.

Something had come and stole power from gods. And this made everything click in Dave's mind perfectly. The power thief, the Monk that kept chasing after Dave, could he be the one who stole the energy from these gods?

The last time Dave fought the monk he tried to take Satan Slayer's legacy, a godly strength, and by deduction, this could only mean that he attempted, no, he succeeded in stealing from these two. Yet still things didn't add up.

The monk was a pure physical fighter, he did have some magical prowess but they were all battle oriented, the lightning didn't fit in this scenario. Then it finally hit him.

"F.u.c.k! Ashkar!" Dave called, and the Tengu Snapped his neck at Dave.

The moment Dave uttered the word, the seemingly behaving gods roared at once.

"You have spoken a word of Omen! My Kids apparently despise that name! Prepare for battle!"

The two behemoths charged headfirst. Every step they made shook the ground, foretelling an impending doom.

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