Rise of The Undead Legion

Chapter 471 - World Shaking Battle

Chapter 471 - World Shaking Battle

Nick's guitar fell from withing the sky, causing pillars of smoke to rise up from around the area, converging into the dome and seeping out of it. The pillars around the battle arena broke and crumbled as if the smoke was the passage of eons that grinded away the pillars to dust.

The dark clouds merged with Dave's summoned Legacy power and they became darker, it was as if the power from the Undeath God was wresting control of the sky from the twin brothers.

The occasional blue lightening turned a shade redder. Undeath ruled this place now. And Dave was its commander.

"COME!" Dave shouted at the two gods who welcomed his challenge.

Raijin called upon a bolt of lightning, then gathered it into his open hand into a spear.

He threw it with power enough to break the sound barrier. The lightning bolt, shot from the hand of a god coursed the distance between Raijin and Dave in a fraction of a second.

It hit Dave square in the shoulder, breaking a piece of his bone armor.


Dave grinned, and answered the lighting god's attack with his own spell. He made rapid ninja Seals, summoning three Black Fire Orbs that floated above him. He then pointed at Raijin, and the fire orbs flew forward like cannon balls.

The orbs were by no mean small, and surprisingly they had a weight behind their mass. Even fire could turn material in the hand of a world boss. And Dave's spell shot Raijin in the chest, left leg and shoulder. Smashing into him like a high-speed train and sending the giant sprawling on the ground and smashing into the dome.

Fujin took the next turn, using wind, he pushed his hovering body forward into a frontal flying kick. Dave dashed forward and used [Infernal Tornado] slamming his fist into Fujin's flying kick, parrying it in the process and the rest of the spins from Dave's attack all pummeled into the wind god sending it flying.

Dave felt like a beast, with that much power going through his body, he let out a roar, this only served to cause the two Gods's blood to pump. This was one of the rare few fights that ever lasted this long in all their longevity. The have never encountered any creature that could stand or sustain the Storm Brother's assault for this long, and what made this even more exiting, is the fact that they didn't know if they were going to win or lose.

Raijin went toward Fujin, and the later threw Raijin at Dave like a literal flying bolt as Raijin was covered in it.

Dave prepared an upper cut to intercept the lightning god which landed squarely on his jaw and stopped his advance. Fujin arrived right after his brother and sent a fist toward Dave's face. The later dodged but before he could attack to retaliate, Raijin's fist shot at Dave's rib. Dave had to forcefully change his punch into a downward palm to swat away Raijin's attack.

The two sent consecutive fists, jabs and punches at Dave, where he struggled to hold of the offensive.

He took a few hits, but in a loud voice he roared a skill, "[Doomsday!]"

The world turned slightly grayish; it was the effect of his War King's Armor's full set. The effect looked like a heavily downgraded effect of when Albert shows up in the world.

Yet, even if it was greatly reduced, the time slowing aided Dave greatly in anticipating, viewing and retaliating to the incoming attacks. Dave parried with more ease, it was the best feeling in the world to see an incoming attack and being able to perfectly block it. Even while fighting two of the world of conquest currently known, mightiest beings.

The players on the outskirt of the protective Dome were in awe, they were not affected by the time slow, so they saw the whole thing happening in real-time. Seeing how Dave perfectly matched and even outmatched the two gods in the confrontation. His attacks were perfectly landing, and his defense impregnable.

What caused the scene to be even grander was the sound of every explosive impact he made. The fists and palms struck each other, causing the wind to blast and blow up. Every explosive echo sent a wave of sand, blasting outward and away from the dome as if sand itself was afraid to be caught in the confrontation.

Dave found an opportunity to reverse the fight, and change it from a defensive struggle to an offensive assault, he began adding more jabs and attacks, more variations forcing the approaching lords of the storm to take steps back. His fist rattled Raijin who was obviously less experienced in martial arts than his brother, and Fujin had to parry with carefulness as Dave's reckless assaults grew in strength.

Suddenly, Dave shot two fists at the two god's faces when he found an opportunity, yet instead of his fist hitting them in the face, Dave opened both palms and grabbed at the two's face.

"EAT DIRT!" Dave shouted, and in his roar, his muscles pumped once again as he activated the third [Herculean Strenght].

Dave easily smashed both of Raijin and Fujin's heads into the sand, it was so fast that their legs were in the air while their faces were buried dozens of feet deep into the ground.

He then jumped high and raised one hand up. Two raven wings, the size of the Leviathan's sails sprouted from behind him. Dave's head grew demonic horns and his color turned a shade redder while his bone armor turned brighter and leaner. Dark Red lighting gathered around him and a dark red fire coalesced all over the sky.

Dave made a grasping motion and caused the red flames of the sky to materialize into dark red bone dragons. He was using [Spectral Dragons Skulls] which changed to [Skeletal Dragons] once he had activated his legacy form. The Skeletal Dragon took in another aspect from Dave's current Demonic Ascension form, turning to Skeletal Demonic Dragons with horns and eyes that saw nothing but the evil of the world.

More than 48 Dragons materialized in the sky and shot down at the two Gods. Their speed unimaginable and their size of great length and width.

Fujin was the first to get his head out of the sand but once he noticed the incoming assault he flexed both arms and opened wide, a wide grin plastered on his face as if he challenged Dave's attack, wanting to see what damage it would cause him.

Raijin noticed the incoming attack a second later and decided it was best to use his lightning to protect himself from the attack, those Demonic dragons were a bad match against his lightning as they could sap the magic from him.

The dragons fell, and the world turned silent.

The players were mouth agape at the current scene. How could anyone fight against that? They had planned to battle Skelly and the Two Storm Brothers, but Skelly was piling down skills that could crumble mountain and decimate armies, not to mention the other gods who were powerful beyond belief or anything they had seen before. And they had the audacity to try and join the fray?

Booms and explosions, then fire. Raging and roaring echoed in the dome, turning it into an enclosed torched up oven. The fire lasted for several minutes, and once it died out, it revealed a badly scorched Fujin and Raijin with a knee in the sand, and heaving, as he tried to get more breath.

"Mo, Wattja?!" Raijin addressed Fujin.


One of the players looked at one of his Asian party members, "Do you know what they are saying?" he asked.

"Just because I'm Asian doesn't mean I know what they mean…" replied his Asian friend.

"Oh," the first replied, disappointed.

"But, I actually do know, the first asked if they were done, the second said that no, they aren't done and this was fun."

"Damn, that's sadistic."

"Bro, can you even blame them? Look at the epicenes of this damned battle, shit I envy Skelly."

"Don't we all," Warlord's voice sounded from behind the players. Apparently, they had finished with what they had in the Underworld and came as soon as possible.

He had arrived with valentine and a group of A rankers. They were all interested in battling but seeing the current state of affairs, they had decided to wait things out.

"I suppose the lure was strong," White Ghost also appeared among the players, "Who wouldn't want a piece of the action here.

"You think you can take on Skelly?" Warlord asked.

White Ghost shook his head, "Not like this, we need at least 600 players, best of the best to get into that battle arena, in case you forgot, Skelly is now a World boss. And once we enter the Dome, we'll be facing him and those two other giants. The risk of dying is really huge. Especially since we don't know how capable those two are."

"Then you're planning on Kill Stealing," Warlord asked.

"Of course, aren't we all here for that. Skelly will be doing us a favor, and we'll take the kill just before he finishes them off." Wan Yi said.

"That's going to piss him off,��� Valentine said.

"Don't really care, those are gods, the loot they will give is worth pissing Skelly off," Wan Yi said.

"Your funeral," Warlord shrugged.

"The old Warlord wasn't like this," White Ghost grinned.

"The Old Warlord would have killed you here and now."

"Chill man, we're not your enemy. Hah, well just wait and see."

Dave dropped down to the ground, lighting crackling around him.

"It's just gotten fun. Why are you stopping?" Dave provoked.

The two gods understood immediately what Dave had said.

Raijin disappeared from where he stood. Dave turned around to see the Lighting god behind him, his still working arm extended to the side. He then turned to see Fujin, who was also doing the same thing.

In one blink of an eye, both Raijin and Fujin teleported, no more like moved with incredible speed toward Dave, both their extended arms, were already locked on Dave's neck, and the other on his back neck.

It was like his neck was placed between the sharp edge of a scissor. And a fraction of a second, Dave's head flew…

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