Rise of The Undead Legion

Chapter 486 - Skelly Joins the Battle

Chapter 486 - Skelly Joins the Battle

A sword of flame, far bigger than any spell Dave had ever seen before dropped form the side where the Undead King was at. This was obviously the Ash King's initiation to the battle.

Dave was stuck, he was unable to join the Ash King, the player party was holding him down. His troops were facing both the demons, Heaven Dawn A Team, and Blood Rager's A team. It was not a bad tactic for the players, Dave had to admit.

Among all the Troops that the Undead led to battle, Dave's troops were the ones that could be handled the most efficiently. Wendigos on the side of Dortha required a lot of manpower to pin down, which was not a valid point for the players to focus on, especially with the probable casualties that could shred their ranks if they dared contend power against the hulking man eaters.

As for the Undead King's side, that was even more dumb to attempt and assault, his royal guards, and his archers and sheer firepower was bound to scare off anyone who dared fight him besides a World Boss of the Ash King's Caliber. This left only left Dagla's troops or Dave's troops as a viable troop to break and destroy.

Though Dagla's troops prided themselves with amazing firepower, as most of his ranks were pure casters, the heavy hitters of the legion that could literally wipe an entire army in the blink of an eye, if the players managed to get deep into their ranks they could easily destroy Dagla's troops. Yet the risk was too high, Dagla's troops were well organized and they marched steadily never overcommitting and warry of ambushes.

So, this left only Dave's troops, they were mostly Knights, Undeads, sword and shield and battling him was nothing but straightforward. And thus they focused on him, making his ability to rejoin with the Undead King unavailable.

Dave could only curse his luck, if he were to leave and assist the Undead King, his troops will suffer from the lack of leadership, but if he were to stay here, there was a big chance that the Undead King might die while he never had the chance to do anything to aid him in the process.

Dave's only option was to break the players, and fulfill his objective of breaking through the rampart on his side. Once his undead are in the Ash King's Keep, he will have the ability to move and roam the battlefield.

"Dog, come," Dave called and the Dullahan replied.

He came with his own azure basilisk, fully armored with steel and Oprenieum, killing Dog's basilisk would be nothing short of an impossible task.

Dave slapped the ground with an open palm, bursting black sigils and writings on the ground that blew up in smoke and summoned Grumpy. The Onyx basilisk was the same, fully armored up and ready to hunt.

"Bud, stay close, Spark, assist Samael, Tengu, lead the rest of the Undead, I'll leave all into your care." Dave called.

"But where are you going lord?" the Tengu asked.

"Those demon turned humans are going to cause a lot of trouble, I'll have to deal with them myself."

"But it is apparent that they are using these tactics to lure you out," the Tengu said.

"So what?" Bud replied, the shadow ghoul's eyes were fixated on the players fighting the five hundred Doom Knights, "They wish to wake the dragon, and an enraged one they shall meet. Lord, let's bring them to their knees."

"Right then," Dave said in a wide grin. "I guess it's time I use this, I still have one last use of it, it's better now than never."

Dave pulled a purple jewel from his pocket. It was filled with cracks, and barely able to hold it sheen. He threw it as far as he could in the direction of the players.

The jewel broke in the skies, shattering to glittering bits and pieces. And from the glitter, space shuddered, contracted and detracted, then a wide opening in space opened up like the mouth of a world eating beast had come to feast on all that ever lived.


Anti-Bully has broken


From withing the fracture of space, two arms, thicker than a building grabbed at the sides of the void, tearing the whole thing even further apart to let its massive size come out.

Drahma, red, enraged and unfettered came out of the void.

"You have called upon me, and it is my duty to aid. Lord Prince Kis'Shtiengbrah, Here I come, to bring our foes a timely death!"

Drahma's words resounded through Dave's side of the battle for all to hear. He then stomped on the ground with enough might that he cratered it. and from the crater rose a pillar that Dave had personally named, "The Paste Maker".

Drahma pulled the massive pillar with one arm and twirled it over his head with enough speed that wind gales spiraled around him. In one move, Drahma tucked the pillar under his armpit, one arm pointed at the players.

"TODAY! YOU DIE!" Drahma roared then charged the players with bulldozing might.

"Dog! Bud! With me!" Dave called and the three charged, Dave riding on Grumpy, and Dog on His basilisk, while bud followed behind them in a swirl of dark shadows.

The three made it to the player ranks where they were fighting Dave's five hundred flank Doom Knights.

Drahma was the first to make it though, and he initiated the battle with a wide sweep of his Paste Maker that took any player off guard out of the battle instantly. Drahma was no pushover, his might was well known, and for the players that still thought that Drahma was nothing but a boss of a level 120 dungeon, today was their wakeup call.

His attacks would outright one shot any priest, ranged player and any assassin type of players as they didn't have the necessary HP or defensive stats to survive a direct attack from Drahma. As for the Tanks, it would take away a huge portion of their HP leaving them dazzled or stunned on the spot.

Dave came in with Durandal, charging on the back of his basilisk. Dave held his sword up, forcing a Guardian to hold his shield up, but he failed to understand that while Dave was mounted, he was not fighting as a single person.

Grumpy's eyes flared yellow and the Guardian was instantly placed in a petrified abnormal effect status. His allowed Dave to strike down unperturbed with Durandal, powered up with Herculean Strength.

The Guardian, inherently resilient, didn't die, but the blast sent him rolling away from the front of the battle.

Dog swung his bone whip, or rather his Oprenieum coated bone whip at the players in the vanguard position, stunning, bleeding and crushing skulls whenever he swung.

Dog's assault was even more sinister. He avoided all types of front focused players and surged with his smoky body to the back, he pulled healers, bards and ranged players down to the ground and slaughtered them where no one could aid or assist them.

Dave's five hundred doom knights were endowed with a renown vigor as the Prince of the Undead had joined the fray with them. They didn't want the rest of Dave's personal Doom Knights to overtake them. They also wanted to please Dave. He was their prince, and they wished to please him with the blood of his enemies.

The Undead roared, with enough force that their mouths tore open, their jaws opened wide in one single hollering roar.


Undead Might!

In the Face of the enemy, we give our all!

The Undead around you have been empowered with Rampage!

Whenever they suffer damage, they shall give it back twice as more.

All Undead Around you will have a 1% chance of instantly resurrecting after dying.


"Break them!" Dave shouted with similar might and the Doom Knights charged the players. They didn't even bother blocking the players attacks anymore, some of the Doom Knights who held a shield and a sword threw their shields away and wielded their sword with two hands, focusing on slicing and cutting the enemy more than their own safety.

The situation turned to the worse far faster than White Ghost ever believed possible. His idea was to hold off Dave for a long while, giving a select group of players the chance to assist the Ash King in his surprise assault on the Undead King. Yet if Dave manages to break the troops that are holding him down, he will not have the time to accomplish his plan.

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