Rise of The Undead Legion

Chapter 492 - End of an Era

Chapter 492 - End of an Era

"NICHOLAS!" uttered a being, far too powerful than anyone present in the moment. This was all shown by the message that appeared right in front of Dave when he heard the word.


A god has spoken; you have been suppressed!

You cannot move or use any abilities!


"F.u.c.k! What kind of messed up shit is this!" Dave shouted.

He tried using [Undying Will] to remove the debuff, but the skill was also grayed out.

"You have broken the rules! You cannot kill my son!"

"I have broken no such things," replied Nicholas, the Undeath God who appeared out of nowhere right in front of Dave.

"You have used your power to break my son, you have given the Undeath King your heart to empower him, that is by all, personal involvement into matters of the worlds below. You have broken the rules!"

"Smody, I told you, I didn't break any rules. Kis'Shtiengbrah is my champion and is allowed to use my power. As for the Undeath King, that heart is an item belonging to his legion. If he wishes to, he could destroy it for all I care. Even if it is my heart, it is not in my hand and I hold no responsibility over its usage."

A wrathful growl echoed in the world, then a laugh followed after.

"Then so be it! if its like that! Children who wishes to become my champion! Aid my son and I shall promise you might beyond your wildest imagination!"

A notification appeared right in front of Dave.


God of Hell Asmodeus has given a promise to anyone that is willing to help his child to become his champion.

The first to accept will award the player with an SS Class legacy item.

You have 60 seconds to reflect.


"That's a low blow!" Nicholas shouted.

"I have the right to give anyone my legacy!"

"But they will not work hard for it, you're just giving it freely. The champion can be unworthy!" Nicholas shouted back.

"I do not care! As long as one is able to wield my power, I can personally manifest and aid my son! It is my right as it is yours! I will have the ability to bend rules, like you always do!"

"At least leave! Your pressure is stopping everyone from moving!"

"Hah! Never, my presence here is not affecting the outcome of the battle!"

"My ass it's not! It's enough time for Kis'Shtiengbrah to kill that Ash brat of yours, but you're purposefully wasting time until your champion is chosen!"

The players among the Ash King's side rejoiced, it was true, they could get an SS class legacy item and ability just by being the first to accept. It was a fair competition between them. There was no need for a guild, or for a background, all that they needed was to be faster than everyone else. For now, they didn't even care if the Ash King lived or died, all they wanted was the legacy item.

"How come you can move?" Dave asked Nick.

"Huh? Are you dumb kid? I'm a god, his pressure can't affect me."

"Right… Shit I didn't want to use this so early, but I guess I don't have a choice. It's time for you to fulfill your promise." Dave spoke. And almost immediately, a loud thunderous boom echoed in the distance.

Right after that, a notification appeared for everyone to see.


The battle of the Underworld has ended!

The Ash King has fallen in battle!

The Undead Legion has won the war!

The Undead Legion has the ability to conquer and obtain the Ash King's keep. Once Done the Underworld will be open to the public.

The Servers will go down for the Pack Installment in 60 minutes, please log out as soon as possible. All players currently doing a dungeon will be able to leave and continue once the servers are back online.

Patch duration is 72 hours!

All the dungeons of Conquest have been locked and are inaccessible.



"Huh?" was the collective word spoken by every player, creature, and even gods. They had no idea what happened, but they all turned to the sound of the explosion. Two giants as big as the Ash King if not bigger were standing right on top of his corps. While his head was still rolling on the ground. Both their arms were locked against each other.

The two gods, Raijin and Fujin had come to fulfill their promise to Dave. A promise they gave in exchange for Dave sparing their lives.

A one-time assistance in the world of man.

"That's what I call a godly decapitation…" Dave muttered. Soon after the two gods disappeared for good, never to be seen in the world of man again unless they pick a legacy holder and a champion of theirs.

He then received a personal notification detailing his rewards that he moved to the side.

Asmodeus was still too shocked to realize what went on. But all he could do was shout in rage as his voice was muffled and muted to nothingness.

"Well, he has no ability to change anything now, even his promise should be void," Nicholas said.

He then turned to Dave and said in a wide smile, "Now, kid. You have finally done it. You've really conquered the entire underworld."

"Yeah… I still can't believe it," Dave said.

"You should…now what are you planning on?" Nick said.

"I don't really know, maybe world domination who knows…for now let me get my loot," Dave grinned and walked up to the Ash King's corpse.



Somewhere in the vast expanse of Conquest, a robed man with two half gods stood in front of a box. It was the Pandora's box that Dave strived hard to get.

"Are they all here?"

"Yes, the pilfered might of every being in this world is contained within this box." Spoke Ashkar.

"Good. What about the stones?"

"I have them right here," spoke the monk and placed some tablets right in front of the robed man. If Dave was here he would realize that these were the tablets he needed to open the Vault behind Raijin and Fujin's boss chamber.

"We're missing a few," I couldn't find them.

"The lad has them. But believe me, the real treasure is not what beyond the wall it's these stones themselves. I only need two, and these are more than enough." Ashkar said.

He then touched the stones and pressed his hand on pandora's box. Funneling the energy from them into the infinity abyss of the box that harbors doom.

Soon the stones turned to dust.

"All the ingredients are in here…" Ashkar's voice was suddenly interrupted.

"Oh…the lad had used the gods…" spoke the robed man. "What a great piece of news, I feared that he would save their usage for a while longer, making me stay in hiding for a bit more. But it seems that he was too wasteful and just destroyed his only chance of actually destroying me if I were to consume this power. Such great luck I have…no wonder…" the man spoke the last words and laughed.

The monk frowned at Ashkar, wondering what the hell was the robed old man talking about, but the latter just shrugged.

"Now, in here, we're in hiding from all eyes, no one can see us."

The old man stood up and went to the box, he opened it, letting the energies within it funnel toward him.

"It's finally time that I set everything straight!" the old man said…


HEY GUYS THIS MARKS THE END OF RISE OF THE UNDEAD LEGION! HOW DID you like the story so far? I hope you enjoyed it!

Nah just messing with you, we're actually done with the Ash King's arc, now it's the beginning of a new arc and probably the last one… but I promise it will be a long delicious arc : ) so far the story has been fun to write And I'm planning on releasing Requiem of Souls and Starting a new Book (Cultivation book as they seem to be the most popular here) Only it's gonna be Cultivation Biako Style and you all know how I write. No fillers, no useless 1-dimensional characters that are only there to make the mc look like a badass, but real-life characters that actually feel alive. And events so strange and so vivid that none look like recycled stuff.

I've already written a few chapters of the new book, you can check it out and tell me what you guys think about it. It's called Poison God's Heritage. IF you read it and have come from Rise of the Undead Legion, please do mention it, you'll be the first ones to comment on a story that will probably be at least 1k chapters long! WITH FREGGING DAILY RELEASE! (cuz cultivation is much easier to write than this stuf…man LITRPG is really hard…but I love it, but it's supa hard…) Aight Biako out, see you guys soon.

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