Rise of The Undead Legion

Chapter 495 - A Promise of MR Skeletal

Chapter 495 - A Promise of MR Skeletal

That was Dave's que to enter the set. And he did, walking from behind the stage and into the spotlight. People began screaming and shouting Dave's player's name. Some whistled and some outright fainted.

Dave laughed as he walked to the set and sat right next to Valentine in one of the sofas on the set.

Next to Valentine was warlord, and on their left was White Ghost, and a short stout man, who was obviously Wang Yi. On the left side of Dave was another sofa where Demitri was sitting and next to him was a person of Asiatic features, his expressions were the sourest of the group.

"Mr. David Ruster, or Mr Skeletal, or Kis'Shtiengbrah, which name would you like me to address you with?" Susan said.

"Whatever you feel comfortable with." Dave replied with a nod."

"Then we'll go with the crowd's favorite! Mr.Skeletal, tell us please, why have you refused using makeup, do you have a stand against it?"

"Huh, I thought we were here to talk about gaming and more important matters," Dave said.

"Yes, but you have to know, you're a world superstar, everyone would like to know what your preferences are and are not, every action you make has an impact even if it looks as simple as doing makeup, it could mean the business of many industries.

"Huh, I never thought of it like that but let me tell you one thing." Dave gazed right into the camera.

"I played my whole gaming career as a druger, an undead, I didn't even have proper unrotten skin to put makeup on it. Everyone knows me as an undead, I don't have to put makeup or pretend that I'm someone I'm not. I am the whole package, you either accept me as I am, or you don't. If you like to put makeup on, enjoy, it, if you don't, no one is forcing you to do it. So should your stance in life be, do what you feel is right, not what it is supposed of you to do."

Susan clapped her hands and said," Wise words coming from a twenty-six years old, it's no wonder you lead a group of NPC undead to a landslide victory against the Ash King's forces."

"It wasn't all me, I had a legion behind me to help."

"Speaking of the Ash King, your actions have heavily compromised the wellbeing of the Blood Ragers guild, do you have anything to say to them?"

Dave smirked and said, "They shouldn't have gone to help the Ash King, he was going to bite the bullet anyway, with or without their help. it was their choice to assist the Ash King, they should assume the responsibilities."

"Bullshit! You're a selfish person!" the man next to Demitri said.

Susan lifted a brow. Some cuss words were allowed in the studio, but if Zhang Shi were to increase the potency of them, he will be kicked out.

"Me? Selfish, how so?"

"You caused the deaths of many players and ruined many careers. Your actions were selfish, you gave NPCs aid in destroying our hopes. You gave NPCs more than they deserve. You favor pixels and numbers over the lives of the real living people. Do you know how many futures you destroyed by your selfish actions?" Zhang Shi spoke while angrily pointing his hand at Dave.

Dave's brow lifted, he grinned and said, "NPCs are worth more than you think. In my opinion, a lowly level twenty skeleton is more useful to me than you'll ever be. You're leading a guild in search of money, you don't care about your comrades, you never did, you ordered them to their death in our last battle with little regard to the levels they'll lose. You're not fit to lead, Zhang Shi, and not fit to say those words. I have told you before, you made your choice, you'll have to accept the consequences."

Before Zhang Shi could interrupt, Dave lifted his hand to shut him up.

"I haven't finished. Also, for every player in the last siege that died to undead. Once the Undead Expansion opens, I'm willing to personally turn you to undead, you can join my legion, be part of it and grow to heights you would never have seen possible by being with the Blood Rager guild. I will never shut any of you down, and all you have to do to prove your value will be to work for the legion. D your quests and rank up. You'll no longer have to kiss someone's ass to climb the ladder, and you'll never be anyone's subordinate. In a matter of fact, if you feel like your commanding officer is less powerful than you, in the legion, you can challenge them for their position, so only the fit and worthy may rule! It is a legion that is reserved for those who adhere to the saying MIGHT IS RIGHT!"

With Dave's claim, all of Zhang Shi's tricks at making him sound like the bad guy were void. Dave's promise to turn players that lost their legacies into undead personally was enough of a reward, he didn't have to even do it. But now he promised, they could suck up the damage they received from losing their legacies and advantages, and in joining the legion, it will only make it much more powerful to face off against any other threat.

"I believe that many players will be more than happy to learn this Mr. Skeletal," Susan said. "Also, it was recently divulged that Mr. Skeletal has survived an armed attack in the sanctuary of his home! Could you please share with us the details?" Susan added.

"I'd rather not dwell on the matter. It was only a result of hotheadedness that pushed a young man into illogical thinking and doing what he did. Thankfully nothing serious resulted out of that matter and everything was solved." Dave said.

"No," spoke Demitri, "Everything will be solved now, Mr, Ruster."

Susan didn't know what t do, as Demitri had spoked out of order and this was going off-script.

"What do you mean, Mr. Rospatchov."

"Everyone knows who I am, right?" Demitri looked at everyone in the room. Who didn't know Demitri Rospatchov the Pakhan of the Russian Bratva?

"Mr. David Ruster is under our protection, and if anyone dares as much as come in with bad intentions, he will be facing the wrath of our entire organization."

Susan made a cutting motion with her hand, signaling the stop of the recording.

"Mr. Rospatchov open threats are a big no go in the entertainment business, please, you'll get us all out of our jobs this way!"

"Isn't this a recording? Edit it later," Demitri shrugged.

"THIS IS LIVE TV!" she screamed then signaled the resuming of the broadcast.

"We're sorry for the technical issue that just occurred, anyway we now we'll be talking about the new Conquest Update and the new Expansion. Here are the new patch notes if you happen to have missed them when they were released!

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