Rise of The Undead Legion

Chapter 502 - The Calamities

Chapter 502 - The Calamities

Balaam came up to Dave and pressed a hand on the draugr's chest. Soon Dave's soul as extracted from his body and it hovered over it like a ghost.

It was much gentler and less creepy than when The Abyssal Knight Marik the Soul Gorger did to Dave.

"Follow me," Balaam said and his own Soul left his body leaving the two bodies standing on top of Mt. Glory.

Balaam waved a hand and a black portal opened up, leading to a purplish atmosphere of a world.

He went in first and Dave followed after him. Once the two were inside, it looked like they were traveling through the expanse of space, a wormhole that led to somewhere far deep into the universe.

The two kept moving at speeds so fast that what appeared to be white glistening dots of light in space, turned to straight white lines.

Soon they stopped above a location in space. Looking ahead, there were walls upon walls of glass, where creatures so horrendous, so gigantic and so baffling looked to b chained up and locked away.

A blue ox headed giant the size of a mountain was locked up in chains. Next to him a black snake that was so large Dave couldn't even see how long it extended. Then a creature that had no distinct shape or form, the more you look at it the more it would transform into something else. And this was just the first level, far below, and with even more locks and shackles were even stranger creatures. Ten headed Beasts, Hydras, ship-shaped creatures. Try headed hounds with cyclopes' eyes.

A rose headed worm with hands and legs. Even more, so much more than Dave couldn't even comprehend what these things were or how he could even begin to describe them.

Dave inspected one of them, and could only see that it only had its level revealed.


Name: Unknown

Level 850

Other stats Unknown


"What in god's name is this?"

"The calamities, young draugr. It is what I have been keeping away from this world, but I have not much time left."

"You're saying that Conquest will be facing these things in the future?" Dave asked.

"Not the future…in the very near future. It's unknown to me how this happened, but I was more than certain that these things needed at least a few decades more before they could start coming to your world, but now…I'm not even sure, my eye of the truth can no longer show me a future where these things won't wreak havoc and destroy this beautiful world."

Dave kept quiet for a moment. These things, they will be a test for all players of Conquest if they wanted to stay in this world. If these things were to be released, the carnage and havoc they'll cause will be too immense.

Dave saw only the first layers of this prison, but it seemed that it spanned to a far larger and greater distance.

No wonder the developers released the Arch God weapon class. For these things were probably all Demi-god tier or higher beings.

The giant ox headed creature opened its eyes, revealing red orbs that were so filled with anger and resentment that Dave had to gulp. The creature could see them. But it didn't act, or probably wasn't allowed to act. It remained put where it stood and soon closed its eyes and went back to its slumber.

"Back to my original question. What does that have to do with Ashkar?"

"My eye of truth revealed only one thing to me regarding the Calamities that will soon pervade your world. And that is Ashkar who holds the backdoor to this place in his hands."

"Pandora's box."

"It is not a box; it is more like a key. We're in the real box son."

"So if I take it away from him. Will it stop these things from coming out?" Dave asked.

"That's why I said you won't like my answer. It is far too late. The sequence has already been activated. And these beings will be released very soon and there is no way to stop them from coming out."

'Hmm, these msut be the events the developer talked about. But aren��t they being way too overboard with stuff like this? True the Ash King was level 900 and we still took it down, but it required a lot of manpower, but if the developers kept sending Ash King level creatures, it will grind the players resources to nothingness.'

"I believe I know what you're thinking about. But it is no longer in my power to hider their escape."

"I don't even have an Arch God tier weapon to stop these things if they come out."

"You don't need to have more than your weapon, young draugr. Also, do not carry this burden all by yourself, you may be a hero, but you're not the world's hero. This is a calamity, a tribulation that everyone will have to face together, if they were not ready to band together, then only death awaits."

A notification appeared in front of Dave.


Conquest Server Announcement!

World Class Quest!

Class Difficulty: Impossible.

The Calamity

Player Kis'Shtiengbrah has discovered the existence of a race so forgotten that not even the world remembers it.

The Forgotten Ones.

Beings of might so great that one of them could swallow the world all by itself.

The players are urged to become stronger as the time where the Forgotten Ones to come to this world is neigh.

The world of Conquest has sensed the incoming danger and will prepare itself accordingly.

Monsters and creatures will become more vicious and more powerful, to adapt to the incoming change and the return of the Forgotten Ones.

May fate be with you.


"Damn. But this makes me wonder, who imprisoned these things in the first place?" Dave asked.

"Well, it was the banding of all the deities of the old world. The Forgotten Ones have made so much trouble that they had to be locked away."

"So if the gods have done that before can't they do it again?" Dave asked.

"We can't," the response came from right next to Dave, it was so sudden that Dave didn't even have the time to get jump scared.

Nick was standing with them in space he was no longer in his usual humorous mood, "It is no longer in our power to do it, we're forbidden from directly interfering with the affairs of man."

"Then how did you do it the first time?"

"We haven't ascended then. We were but half-gods, or lesser deities. We were bound to the planet and couldn't go to the dimension beyond. Once we ascended we lost the right to defend the world and protect it. Only two had the ability to do so, if they were still where they were, they could have provided you with a better fighting chance."

"You mean Raijin and Fujin?" Dave asked.

"Yes, even they didn't know it. But they're the youngest gods of this world, and they were so unfortunate that we had to seal them as a backup plan if these things were to return."

"You mean you guys locked them up and ascended? Leaving them imprisoned."

"I had no hand in that, I, Death and the Blood God were against it. So were a few other gods, but Demiurge and his lots of holy asshats were more numerous and they voted them out. That's why I didn't interfere when you released the two gods. They don't deserve to be sealed up like cattle."

"Right. So I basically threw conquest's trump card away, but I don't really regret it. If you guys did seal them up when you were still half-gods, that means that we too can do it. After all, we're legacy holders."

"You're right, that's the whole reason why we deities created this system. The forgotten ones are a race that caused so much worry in the old times that we needed a contingency plan if they were to return. And so we made you, our legacy holders and champions. Kid, it's time that you become stronger. I kid you not, these things are not like the regular monsters you've faced before. Some of them can even bypass my Undeath Curse. If you die to them. You'll die for good."

"Damn," Dave grinned, "Well, for some reason, I really can't wait and see how this going to turn up."

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