Rise of The Undead Legion

Chapter 523 Hellish Rituals

Chapter 523 Hellish Rituals

"Yeah, what's the prob?" Dave asked.

"Well, I need to go to hell," Ralph replied.

"Come again?"

"Yeah, seems that I need to smelt this katana once more. An upgrade of sorts and the only thing that could help do that is a black flame that only exists in hell."

"But, hell should be a whole different expansion," Dave said.

"I don't know, it should already be installed with the last patch, you remember what the dev said about how players could revive the demonic faction?"

"Yeah. Let's ask Albert," Dave said and soon after speaking the name of the AI, the Hawaiian dressed old man came to view.

"Hello lads, what can I do for you guys?"

"Hey Albert, we were wondering if the Hell Expansion is installed or not. There is a quest that we need to fulfill there."

"Well, technically, Hell is not an expansion, it's a dominion of its own, same as Demiurge's domain."

"Judging from Demi-cup's last reaction to me and Nick's appearance in Heaven, Asmodeus is not gonna like it if we go there."

"No, he won't, I don't doubt that he'll personally come and kill you there himself," Albert said.

"Wow, shouldn't that not be allowed?"

"Bro, I kinda killed his son, and he is a god, and we're going to his domain, not here in conquest, he has all rights to rip us a new one," Dave said.

"Damn, that's not good."

"I'll have to ask Nick for a favor. He's not gonna like this one bit." Dave said.

"That's all?" Albert said.

"Yeah, also, if I may ask, how is your investigation going with all that pixelization bug?"

"Oh, so far, it seems to have stopped. We never found out what was causing it, but it's good now. Everything is back to normal."

"That's some good news. Thanks, Albert, we'll be going now."

"Good hunting," Albert said and disappeared from the area.

"Where to, now?" Ralph asked.

Dave turned to his Doom Knights, "Tell the People of Qin that the Nian is dead, and they can do their festivities however they wish, free from fright and fear."

"Yes, my lord," Kalel said as he struck a fist to his chest.

"Where are we going?" Ralph asked.

"To Urburg, Nick should be there."

The two used a teleportation scroll to Urburg. Once inside the town, they headed to the bar.

A beautiful melody was playing inside the bar, a piano. Once Dave entered, his eyes focused on the origin of the sound, a beautiful maiden, covered from head to toe in a dark hood, her hands, the only things that could be seen, played the piano like it was an extension of herself.

Every note a perfect melodious melancholic memory. It was as if she was playing the soul of music itself. The bar was calm and quiet, and everyone who sat there didn't make a sound, for the rarest of it were the mugs being placed on the tables after an undead had taken a sip of their ale.

"Sup, kid," Nick spoke.

"Hey Nick, Death seems to be enjoying herself."

"Yeah, we always loved listening to her music. What brings you here, calamity slayer." Nick said.

"Still feeling prissy about that huh,"

"I told you, it was not cool. But never mind that, you're here for something important I suppose."

"Yeah, we need to go to hell."

Death's playing was interrupted immediately with what Dave had said, causing her to play a wrong note.

She turned to Dave as well as did Nick. "You're kidding right?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" Dave said.

"That's the thing, you should look like you're kidding! Are you out of your mind? Asmodeus will rip you apart the moment you step into his domain." Nick said.

"I know."

"Why? Why do you want to go there?" Nick asked.

"We need to get this guy's sword heated up, black flames and all."

"Disas Obascus Fervis. That's a nasty one. Let me guess, you're going to reforge the Rift Maker into its original form." Nick said.

"I have no idea; I'm just helping my buddy here."

"Yello," Ralph said.

"Why don't you go, why do you have to bring my champion with you?" Nick addressed Ralph.

"Well, he is the only one with ties to the gods. And I thought he would know the road, but if it's not possible to bring him with me, I'll go alone if I had to."

"Nah, it won't change the fact that Asmodeus will kill you too if you take a single step in," Nick said.

"Why? I mean it was Dave that killed the Ash King, he shouldn't really bother with small fry ol me."

"That' where you're wrong," Death said. It was the first time she joined the conversation.

"Mortal man, your life is forfeit the moment you step through the gates of Gehna. He will not tolerate anyone who has been present in the war against his own son, not to mention he doesn't tolerate anyone at all if they trespassed his dominion."

"That makes things hell of a lot more difficult, quite literally," Ralph said.

"I have a way though," Nick said. "But you aren't gonna like it."

"What's that?" Dave asked.

"Well, you'll need two things, a Sworn Stalwart. And a blood medium."

"I don't follow, all stalwarts had died in the last battle, I mean, with the Death of the Ash King they all just… died."

"Well, yeah, but one didn't, he had the Chosen of the Ash King's power, he died due to the Death of the Ash King, but the blessing remains even after the bless giver died."

"Oh, you're talking about the Black Stalwart. Right, what about it?" Dave asked.

"You'll have to convince it to join you. Which will be impossible, unless you use the medium that is." Nick said.

"What medium?"

"The one there," Nick pointed at Ajax that was strapped behind Dave's back.

"No way, you're talking about the chalices?" Dave asked.

"Yeah, with the Death of the Ash King, that blood can no longer convert man to demons, but it is still the blood of a royal demon, it can be used in some rituals," Nick added.

"Right then, so what do I need?" Dave asked.

"Go to Dagla, tell him about the Rite of Inferno, and the Passage of the Old gate."

"Rogger," Dave said and hinted to Ralph to leave.


Once the two were out of the tavern Death turned to Nick and said, "Are you sure that this is the smartest thing to do?"

"Not at all, this is tantamount to suicide, one mistake and Asmodeus will make sure that the kid will see his worst nightmares."

"Why did you send him then?"

"Because that kid, he always makes the impossible possible, and it's always fun to watch him do it."

Death shook her head and continued playing her music.


Dave and Ralph appeared in the Dead Realm that is currently in the heart of the Qin capital.

They both climbed the stairs of the Bone Tower and headed to the top, Dave took a turn and went to Dagla's study.

The old lich was skimming through some old documents, research or whatever liches his ages do in their spare time. In his other hand was a mug of wine as it appeared to Dave.

"Sup Dagla,"

"Greetings young prince, what can I do for you?" Asked the handsome looking lich, the Lifeless Drops had made a great cosmetic change on the lich.

"Yeah, I need a favor, Nick said you would know about the Rite of Inferno-"

Dave's words were abruptly stopped by the spray of wine from the lich's mouth that splattered across the table and on his documents.

The lich began a coughing fit.

"Dude, are you alright?" Dave asked.

"Stars and Stones lad, why in the name of all unholy you want to do that rite?" Dagla said.

"Not just that. He also said I needed information about the Passage of the Old Gate.

"Sticks and stones! That's it, I won't tell you, there is nothing good that will come out of these. Leave prince, that's not possible! I won't do it!"

"This guy's got no chill," Ralph said.

"C'mon Dagla, what's the big deal?" Dave asked.

"No! it will only put ideas in your head! That's bad. Really bad!" Dagla replied.

"Tell him what he needs Dagla," the Undead King's voice spoke from behind Dave.

"Your majesty! You know what this means don't you?!"

"Yes." The Undead King turned to Dave and said, "Childe, no matter what happens, do remember. You're a child of the Legion, always remember that. Dagla. Tell him what he needs."

"Damned this day may be. Prince, this is no laughing matter, this rite. Is not like any other rites. It will turn you to something you'll not wish to be."

"What do you mean?"

"It's a rite to possess a beast. A demonic one. And with the medium you need, the only one that you can possess is a Sworn Stalwart. As for the Passage of the Old Gate, that's the way toward Gehna. Hell as we know it. You wish to go to hell, why?" Dagla asked.

"We need to get the black fire from there for a sword."

"Disas Obascus Fervis, you won't be able to touch it, you'll need a special container for that flame."

"Wait, but as I've heard there is only one Stalwart left in this world," Ralph said.


"So only one of us can go," Ralph said.

"Yes, because the gates of hell have not opened yet, this is the only way to go."

"Then let me do it," Ralph said. "No need to send him there. I mean it's my quest."

"As much as I would want that, and wouldn't want to endanger our prince, you haven't been in contact with demonic energy. He has." Dagla said.

"Ah, demonic ascension."

"I'll prepare the rite for you and get you the vial where you can hold Disas Obascus Fervis. Wait here." Dagla left.

Ralph turned to Dave and said, "Man, I'm sorry I got you caught up in this."

"It's cool, this is what friends are for.

"You're going to hell for me, even for friendship that's kinda too much. Man, we can do this a bit later, I'll wait until some guy opens the gate or I'll see how to do it myself."

"But where is the fun in that?" Dave gave Ralph his most evil Draugr smile. "The way I see it, I'll get to pioneer another new area. That'll be pretty lit."

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