Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 508 Proposal

Stephanie looked at Klaus with her eyes conveying a quiet confidence. "Klaus, I'm sure you've heard the rumors about the NIST National Tournament, so we want to discuss the possibility of you, one of our most talented archers, participating representing this campus in some sports."

Klaus looked at Stephanie and Isabella, surprised at the news. He knew Isabella's desire for him to participate, so much so that they had already talked about it and she was aware of his insecurities and desire for privacy. Participating in the NIST National Tournament was a desire that Klaus secretly harbored, competing among the best was what he most looked forward to, but his concerns about the exposure it might bring kept him reluctant to get involved. He was too afraid because he remembered vividly all the hatred he received for leaving the world championship as a child, after all, his situation was already delicate then.

He looked at Isabella, waiting for her reaction. She was calm, but her gaze conveyed a mixture of encouragement and confidence in Klaus. She knew how talented he was and believed in his potential.

Klaus took a deep breath, gathering the courage to express his feelings once again.

"Principal West, Ms. Nairn, I really appreciate the confidence in me and the opportunity to represent our campus at the National Tournament. It is an immense honor. However, I must admit that I am hesitant about the exposure it would entail. I have my own fears and concerns about dealing with the expectations and the attention I would receive."

Stephanie and Isabella listened carefully, respecting Klaus' words. They knew that this decision could not be taken lightly and that Klaus needed to feel comfortable and secure with his choice.

Stephanie propped her elbows on the table, leaning forward a little. Her gaze conveyed empathy and understanding. "Klaus, I understand your concerns. I want you to know that our main goal is to ensure your well-being and development in our program. We do not want to force you into anything you are not comfortable with. We are here to support you, regardless of your decision. However, you should also know that someone like you is pretty much destined to receive attention, even when you don't want it."

Isabella nodded, adding her own words of encouragement. "Klaus, I know how talented and hard working you are, and I bet you do too. If you decide to participate, I will be by your side, providing all the support you need, as well as the entire team. But if you choose not to participate, I will also respect your choice and we will continue to value your contribution in the Archery Department. Of course, I still want you to listen carefully to the proposal we have and if you don't feel it is favorable, you will be free to decline."

Klaus looked at Stephanie and Isabella, feeling a surge of confidence coming from them. He realized that he had genuine support from these two strong women.

"All right, I am willing to listen to your proposal."

Stephanie smiled at Isabella, recognizing Klaus' openness to consider the proposal. She picked up a file on her desk and opened it, revealing the details of the NIST National Tournament.

"Klaus, the NIST National Tournament is a unique opportunity to compete with the best archers from around the country. You have already demonstrated exceptional talent in our program, and we believe that your participation in this tournament can be a milestone in your career, even if you decide not to become an athlete. In addition, it will be a chance to represent our campus and further elevate the prestige of the New York Archery Department."

As Stephanie spoke, Klaus flipped through the file, examining the information about the sports, the dates, and the awards. His heart raced as he viewed the photos of the talented athletes he might face in the tournament, among them Emma M. Nielsen, who was one of the outstanding students on the Washington D.C. campus.

Isabella noticed Klaus' expression upon seeing Emma. "Klaus, do you know Emma M. Nielsen? She was one of the rising models in the country and also someone very successful in Rise Online, you've heard of that game, haven't you?"

Klaus nodded twice and replied in a slightly hoarse voice:

"Yes, of course I have. In fact, I know her because I saw some videos of her in that game on the webnet."

"She is truly talented and dropped everything to enter the Special Program. If you agree to compete, you can meet her or even face her."

Klaus looked away as he remembered that he left her waiting in the finals of the Big Three Nations Tournament. It would be extremely embarrassing to face him after that, except that for some reason he felt like talking to her, he missed their late night conversations.

The principal nodded, agreeing. "This tournament could be the perfect platform to showcase your skills to the world and open doors to future opportunities. I am confident that you have what it takes to shine in this setting."

Klaus looked at Isabella and Stephanie, seeing the sincere belief in their eyes. He knew they were right, that this was a golden chance for him to excel and reach his full potential.

However, doubts still haunted him. The memory of the criticism and hatred he had faced as a child remained vivid in his mind. He didn't want to go through that again.

The extreme exposure were heavy burdens that he was still not sure he could bear.

Stephanie noticed Klaus' internal struggle and reached out, gently touching his hand. "Klaus Park, I understand that this decision is difficult for you. But remember that you stand to gain the most by participating in the tournament. Believe me, an old lady, when I say that it is better to take a chance while young than when you are older to regret not doing something you wanted to do."

Klaus looked at Stephanie, feeling the comforting warmth of her hand. He felt touched by her words.

After a moment of deep reflection, Klaus finally made his decision. He looked at Stephanie and Isabella with determination in his eyes and stated:

"I accept the challenge. I will participate in the NIST National Tournament and represent our campus."

Stephanie's smile widened and Isabella let out a sigh of relief, their expressions brimming with pride, satisfaction, and relief.

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