Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 516 New Jobs

When Kaizen logged in, he materialized in his room in his classic workshop. Since he had been very busy the last few days, he didn't have time to do any of the things he intended to do, and the most important of these tasks was to use the Isara's Tear Flower as soon as possible to make the level boosting potion he had so longed for.

However, Klaus was not sure how to make it himself, because it was Alina who informed him about the existence of this flower when he asked her if there was a way to get it to level up faster.

Alina informed him of several old methods that were mentioned in old books in her library, but the only one that was within his reach was the one with Isara's Tear.

In other words, if this method didn't work, the going to Niflheim, the lost Descragons, the battle against the giants, all of these happened without purpose or sufficient reason. And despite the regrets, this was a weight that Kaizen definitely did not want to carry.

That being the case, he left the workshop determined to make this potion work.

As usual, Og'tharoz was at the counter, serving a customer, and was very happy to hear Kaizen's footsteps. In fact, he seemed relieved.

"There he is and right on time." Og'tharoz exclaimed, opening his arms.

"Can't do it now, OG. I have to talk to Alina urgently." Kaizen said, already opening the door that led to the basement and consequently to the library.

"But there is a customer here who has some questions that I really don't know how to answer. You'd better attend to him."

Kaizen turned his neck and saw that the customer being attended to by the demon was a tall jogara with a broad chin, pink hair and very strong physically speaking. He sighed and walked over to the counter.

"Good afternoon, what do you need that my friend here is not being able to help you with?" Kaizen inquired, looking down at the woman because she was almost touching the ceiling with her head.

"Are you the blacksmith who made the new armor for the royal guard? And you're a player... Humph! I thought you were smaller. Anyway, I'm needing you to fix my axe or get me a new one. I couldn't find a better one or one of the same rarity on the World Market."

The woman then placed her large axe on the countertop.

Kaizen looked at the axe with the eyes of a true blacksmithing expert. He appreciated the artistry and function of a good weapon and could now recognize the quality and rarity of the object before him even without using <Analyzing Eye>.

The axe before him was an impressive weapon of strength and elegance. Its handle was made of a dark, polished oak with intricate carvings that told a story of battles past. The handle was wrapped in leather, providing a firm and comfortable grip.

The blade of the axe was a metal masterpiece, forged with exceptional skill. The steel gleamed with a silvery sheen, indicating its high quality. The blade had a streamlined shape, sharp at both ends, allowing precise and powerful cuts.

Runic symbols were engraved along the blade, giving the weapon a mystical and enigmatic feel.

Kaizen appreciated every detail of the axe, carefully turning it in his hands. He could feel the energy and history emanating from this powerful weapon. It was clear that this axe was more than just a fighting tool; it was a symbol of greatness and courage.

"This is truly an exceptional axe." Kaizen commented, admiring the beauty of the weapon. "I can understand why you would like to have it restored. I will do my best to restore it to its original splendor."

Kaizen made a thorough analysis of the damaged parts of the axe, carefully studying the structure and quality of the metal with his eyes alone.

"It's an Epic Rank weapon, right?" Kaizen inquired.~

The woman nodded, impressed with Kaizen's knowledge. "Yes, you are correct. That axe is indeed an Epic Rank weapon. It took me a lot of time and effort to acquire it, and I haven't been able to find anything comparable for some time."

Kaizen nodded understandingly. "I understand perfectly. You can trust me to restore your weapon with all the necessary care and skill. I will do my best to ensure that the axe regains its original glory. However, I have an alternative for you to consider. I possess an axe of similar rarity to yours, in perfect condition and forged by me, which I can offer you in exchange for a fair price while I restore yours. If you choose to purchase it, I can keep yours and give you a generous discount on the new axe or a share of the profits from when I sell yours."

The woman was surprised by Kaizen's offer. She examined the axe he had presented, comparing it to her own. It was evident that Kaizen's axe was equally magnificent and powerful.

"I am willing to consider it. Please show me your axe." She stated.

At that moment, Og'tharoz let out a laugh, which caused him to receive serious looks from both Kaizen and also the customer.


Kaizen soon presented his axe with a determined look. He held his own axe, the one he had forged with skill and passion over many days and nights, trembling with pride. He slowly raised it to chest height, letting the ambient light reflect off the polished blade.

The handle of the axe was a true masterpiece of craftsmanship. Made of solid ebony, it was polished to a shine, conveying a sense of elegance and power. The dark wood was adorned with subtle details of ancient symbols.

The handle was covered with Wyvern leather, soft to the touch and dyed a deep shade of scarlet. The texture provided a firm grip, allowing the user to handle the axe with precision and control, even in the most intense moments of combat.

The blade of the axe was a true marvel of metal. Forged from refined steel, it exhibited a silvery, glistening luster that contrasted with the dark handle. The shape of the blade was sharp and curved, designed to deliver powerful and devastating blows. Carved lines ran across its surface, revealing ancient runic symbols.

As the woman looked at Kaizen's axe, she was struck by its beauty and perfection. She could feel the axe's magnetic presence, a sense of power and craftsmanship that seemed to spread through the air.

"This axe is truly extraordinary," she declared in amazement. "Now I recognize your talent as a blacksmith. I accept your offer. I am sure my ancient axe will be in good hands."

Kaizen smiled, knowing that he had aroused the customer's interest and confidence with the presentation of his precious axe.

"Good! I am happy to be able to offer you a temporary solution. It will take me a few days to complete the restoration of your axe, but I guarantee it will return in perfect condition if you still want to keep it."

With the deal done, Kaizen collected the client's axe and handed over his own in exchange, and also earned a significant amount of 20,000 gold coins.

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