Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 518 Brewing Boost Potion

The process of making the level boosting potion was arduous, requiring precise knowledge of the magical properties of Isara's Tear Flower and some other ingredients that were rare and expensive, but could easily be found for sale at the Adventurers' Association in the capital.

Kaizen and Alina dedicated themselves intensely to this task, spending hours in the library, studying ancient grimoires and consulting rare texts. And during these several hours, Kaizen and Alina tried tirelessly to create the first potion.

The makeshift laboratory in the library was filled with ingredients, jars and alchemical utensils on the tables.

With caution and precision, they measured the ingredients, mixed substances, and controlled the temperature of the cauldron. At each step, they consulted the ancient magical texts for guidance. At first, everything seemed to be going well. The liquid in the cauldron took on a vibrant color similar to the cold color of Isara's Tear, and magical sparks danced around it. Kaizen and Alina watched expectantly, hoping that their creation was taking shape.

However, as the potion continued to develop, small problems began to arise. The temperature rose higher than desired, causing the liquid to bubble uncontrollably.

Alina tried to adjust the fire under the cauldron, but the flame momentarily went out of control, causing a scare.

Still, determined to overcome the obstacles, Kaizen and Alina worked together to stabilize the situation. They carefully adjusted the temperature, added the additional ingredients to balance the formula, and kept a constant watch over the process, which needed to ferment for a few minutes.

However, despite their efforts, the potion did not achieve the desired result in the end. The liquid in the cauldron took on a cloudy coloration and its magical energy seemed unstable and weak. It was clear that something had gone wrong.

Kaizen and Alina exchanged disappointed glances, but they didn't give up. They knew that alchemy was a complex process and that perfection required practice and experience. It was only their first attempt, and they still had two more chances to achieve success.

Taking a deep breath, Kaizen and Alina talked for a moment to reflect on what might have gone wrong on the first try. They carefully analyzed each step of the process, looking for possible flaws or necessary adjustments. Finally, they decided to make some subtle modifications to the potion formulation, adjusting the amounts of certain ingredients and refining the temperature control technique. They also recalled the instructions from the old magic texts, checking to see if they had forgotten any crucial details.

With the changes made, they began the second attempt. Once again, the laboratory was filled with their excitement. Kaizen and Alina worked in sync, combining their skills and knowledge to create the potion.

This time, they proceeded with even more caution and attention to detail. Each ingredient was carefully measured, each substance mixed with precision. The temperature control was masterfully adjusted by Kaizen with his bare hands, ensuring that the liquid in the cauldron remained stable and in sync with the energy of Isara's Tear Flower.

As the process progressed, Kaizen and Alina noticed that the potion was taking on a purer and brighter coloration than the other, which gave them hope. Magic sparks danced around the cauldron harmoniously, indicating that they were on the right track.

They continued to follow every detail, making sure that no mistakes were made. Anxiety overwhelmed them, but they remained focused on their goal.

When the potion was finally ready, Kaizen and Alina exchanged looks of anticipation. The liquid in the cauldron glowed brightly, displaying a stable and powerful magical energy. Carefully, they transferred the potion to some special glass jars and examined it closely. The colors and textures were perfectly aligned with what they expected, and a delicate, comforting aroma spread through the lab.

Kaizen and Alina looked at each other, this time with smiles of satisfaction and relief.

"We did it?" Kaizen inquired.

The mage looked at him, smiled with her mouth closed, and held out a vial of the potion to him. "You'll have to test it to see if it worked or not. But rest assured, if we got it wrong, you will just feel a stomach ache that will last for 3 days."

Hearing this, Kaizen swallowed some saliva and accepted the potion vial with trepidation.

Kaizen looked at the potion vial in his hands, feeling a mixture of anxiety and excitement.

Carefully, he opened the bottle and breathed deeply of the comforting aroma emanating from it. Then, with some hesitation, he took a sip of the potion. A sweet and slightly spicy flavor flooded his mouth, and he swallowed the liquid, feeling it run down his body. For a few moments, nothing happened. Kaizen looked at Alina with a mixed expression of expectation and uncertainty. Then, slowly, he began to feel a warm sensation coursing through his body. It was as if the potion's magical energy was merging with his own, or like taking a shot of Vodka.

Slowly Kaizen felt a surge of power spread through his entire being. His vision seemed to sharpen, his hearing became keener, and he felt a renewed energy coursing through his veins. It was as if he had received an additional boost of strength and ability.

[The effect of a potion was applied].

[Your rate of obtaining XP will be doubled for the next 48 hours. However, your HP will be halved as long as the potion's effect persists].

A smile of satisfaction formed on Kaizen's face. The potion had worked.

Alina watched Kaizen's expressions with admiration.

"It worked!" exclaimed Kaizen, excitedly.

Alina smiled, pleased with the success of the potion. "Now you will have a significant advantage in gaining experience and will be able to progress even faster. But remember, stay careful."

"Thank you, Alina, for all you have done. I don't know what would become of me without your help recently."

Alina smiled, touched by Kaizen's words. She knew that this partnership was essential for both of them, and that together they could achieve great things.

"There is no need to thank you," Alina replied sincerely. "Everything I do for you is just giving back what you have already done for me." She said with a smile.

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