Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 528 Sículo

The pulsing energy of Ragnarok reverberated in Kaizen's hands as he kept himself prepared for any reaction from the enemy. However, he was having a strange feeling about all this that was happening. He couldn't tell what it was, only that he was suspicious that he was letting something slip, something he hadn't thought of yet.

Nevertheless, Kaizen stood firm with his eyes not straying from the leader of the lamia, because even after the impact of his powerful blow, the creature was still standing.

The leader of the lamia, with its black wings outstretched, was staggering backwards, wounded by Kaizen's relentless blow. His dark aura, a mixture of fury and despair, wavered momentarily after the blow that opened a tear in his chest, but soon intensified again, fueled by the determination to destroy the one who had dared to challenge him.

"You are stronger than I expected, insolent human!" roared the leader of the lamia, his voice echoing throughout the area. "Tell me, are you the ones they call Kaize n?"

Psyker looked around and realized that there were many players watching the fight, especially now that they were on the ground. And if there were many physical players watching, surely many cameras were pointed at him, which meant that the world was probably seeing him for the first time without his mask. If he answered affirmatively to the Lamia leader now, his secret identity would be revealed to everyone.

Kaizen kept his countenance serious and concentrated with his eyes fixed on the Lamia leader. Every muscle in his body was alert, ready to react to the enemy's agile movements. However, his mind was wavering.

He knew that telling everyone who he is would mean having to sacrifice many of the benefits of anonymity. Kaizen didn't want that, at least not in that way. As he decided this, his mind quieted, allowing his intuition and instincts to guide his actions. Therefore, he put Ragnarok on his shoulders once again and said:

"Kaizen? Of course not. I'm just a blacksmith here in town who is out to show how good his weapons are." As Psyker stated, he opened his inventory, put away the Ragnarok and pulled out another weapon, a scythe. "Now, please stand still and allow me to use you as a training dummy to show this item to everyone now."

"If you are not Kaizen, then I can kill you!" With an evil glint in his eyes, the leader of the lamia launched himself into attack again.

The creature's wings flapped with fury, creating turbulent winds that challenged Kaizen's resistance to keep his eyes open. As it approached Kaizen, it landed several scratches, but Kaizen was prepared, as his supernatural agility allowed him to dodge, spin, and counterattack with impressive mastery with his scythe.

Once again, the battle between them turned into a frenzy of movement, with glowing blades slicing the air and sparks of energy bursting with each clash.

The clash of their weapons was deafening, echoing off the ruined walls of the surrounding buildings, with the shockwaves propagating through the environment, creating a chaotic and electrifying atmosphere.

As the fight continued, Kaizen began to feel a new wave of power flowing through him. This could be called excitement, and a cheery smile came over his face as he watched the look of adversity on his opponent's face. And Kaizen's excitement caused his blows to become even faster, showing everyone how high his PR was.

Each blow now seemed to carry unequaled power, cutting through space and creating luminous ripples. With each strike, the air seemed to vibrate with the intensity of the battle.

"Bastard!!!" The leader of the lamia shouted as he realized the change in Kaizen's power and his confidence in beginning to waver.

Thus, he began to retreat and his attacks became more cautious and defensive. However, Kaizen did not let the opportunity slip away. With a cry of determination, he launched into a final assault with his fluid and precise movements.

In this way, when the creature's claws met the blade of the scythe, it was to feel that Kaizen was in control. With surgical precision, he found the weaknesses of the lamia leader and attacked with overwhelming power. The scythe sliced through the creature's dark skin for the first time, finding its gap at the most vulnerable point of the leader of the lamia: its chest. A bright flash lit up the room as the blade pierced through the monster's body.

The Lamia leader let out an anguished scream, and then disappeared in a burst of energy.

[You have killed the Sixth Bishop of the Eye of Hermodr, Sículo. You gained +70000 XP].

The air seemed to calm down instantly, as the evil aura surrounding the area began to dissipate completely.

Victory belonged to Kaizen, whose body was bathed in a radiant aura of triumph, a testament to his strength. He lowered his scythe, panting, and observed the scene around him, noticing the silence that had settled after the battle. Dust floated in the air, the scattered rubble a mute witness to the titanic struggle that had just taken place.

Kaizen, a little exhausted, looked at the drops that fell to the ground and said:

"Oops... Looks like I got carried away!"

In reality, Kaizen had no intention of killing the Lamia leader. He wanted information, but he also couldn't be sad that he had killed him now that he knew he was one of the Bishops of the Eye of Hermodr. In any case, chaos was still spreading throughout the Capital, and now that the lamias didn't have a leader to guide them, they were seemingly lost and were beginning to spread all over the place, not to mention the various other monsters that were making the street hell.

"The event isn't over yet. That means there are still those who need to be defeated. The question now is: who?" Kaizen said, looking at the destroyed cityscape and so his eyes landed on the Palace in the distance.

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