Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 628 Message

During the conversation between Klaus and Emma in the rest area of the basement where the shooting stands were set up, Emma looked away for a moment, as if reliving something. With a sigh, she began to share a story she had kept to herself for a long time and Klaus seemed the right person to share it with.

"Klaus, you mentioned the fear that details of your past would put your family's safety in danger, didn't you? It reminds me of a moment in my life that made me wonder about that..." began Emma, her gaze distant, as if she were reliving that memory. "I was at the beginning of my modeling career in New York. I was doing fashion shows and photo shoots, and it all seemed exciting, I was living the dream. However, as my profile grew, I started receiving strange and threatening messages on social media. At first, I ignored them, but soon the messages became more constant and disturbing."

Emma paused for a moment, remembering the feeling of helplessness she experienced at the time. She continued, her voice calm but charged with emotion.

"The agency I was with at the time was near an apartment I was renting in Manhattan and I walked home every day, it was my dose of physical exercise in the midst of a tight routine. One day, however, I began to notice that I was being followed. It was as if there was always someone in the shadows, watching every step I took and I always saw the same man. I was constantly looking over my shoulder, and so our gazes crossed a few times. It was terrifying, Klaus. I never knew when or where the threat would come from."

Klaus listened intently, imagining the anguish Emma might have felt in that situation. She continued:

"However, one day I finally decided to tell my agents and they hired private detectives. They investigated and discovered that I did in fact have a stalker. Someone who had collected information about me, knew where I was, where I worked and somehow even had my work schedule, so knew what I was doing at all times. The feeling of violation was overwhelming."

Emma looked into Klaus' eyes, sharing her experience of vulnerability.

"I don't want you to feel the same fear I did. I know it's hard to deal with the exposure and uncertainty, but you're not alone in this. Your family and friends are here to support you, not make you more afraid."

Absorbing Emma's words, he nodded. She reached out and placed her hand gently on his. It was a gesture of comfort and solidarity, a connection between two people who shared a similar burden, even more so at this moment.

Klaus looked into her eyes and said: free𝚠eπš‹n𝚘v𝚎l.𝚌oπš–

"Emma, I don't even know what to say. In reality, I can hardly imagine the feeling you've been through, but now that you've spoken, I think you're right. Every problem can be solved. However, if I had known you at the time of this stalker, he would surely have had both arms broken at the very least." Klaus clenched his fist and said with a will, which surprised her at first and then made Emma laugh.

"Haha! I'm sure you did, you're not the type to forgive easily, are you?" She said.

Klaus laughed, shaking his head in agreement. "You caught me. When it comes to the safety of those I love, I don't mess around."

Emma smiled a little awkwardly and, for a moment, everything fell silent. Klaus took a moment to think about what he had said and when he saw Emma's face turn as red as a strawberry, he realized how what he had said could be interpreted. He gave an embarrassed smile and tried to dispel the tension that had formed with a light comment.

"Well, I don't want you to think I'm an insensitive brute, I swear!"

Emma laughed, and the tension seemed to disappear instantly. "No, no, I understand what you mean. And, to be honest, it must be comforting to know that there's someone like you who would be willing to do whatever it takes."

Klaus gave a sincere smile, "That's good to hear..." He then raised his head and asked cautiously, aware that it was a delicate subject. "What about your stalker? What happened next?"

"The detectives managed to identify the man and the police arrested him. He was convicted of stalking and harassment, and that sent out a message to other people... It took a while for me to feel safe again, to trust the people around me."

Klaus looked at her with empathy. "I can imagine. It's hard to get over something like that."

Then Emma looked at her watch and realized that it was getting later than she had intended. "Well, I think you should go. I have to get some sleep."

"All right, and I'll go and train. See you later, at the tournament final?" Klaus suggested, getting up from his chair.

Emma nodded, also getting up. "Sure, I can't wait to beat you. Good luck in training."

The two said goodbye with a friendly smile and began to walk away. As Klaus made his way to the shooting stand reserved for his camp, he couldn't help thinking about Emma's story. He admired her courage for sharing something so personal, and it made him reflect on his own worries. He knew he had people around him willing to help, but there was still a part of him that hesitated to rely on others for help.

"Emma said something about giving other people a message, didn't she? That would help avoid problems, is that what I should do? Give a 'message'?"


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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