Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 636 Grand Final of the Individual Archery Tournament (Part 6)

Chapter 636 Grand Final of the Individual Archery Tournament (Part 6)

As Klaus and Emma ran side by side, their breathing was synchronized.

The wounded wolf continued to limp ahead, and they kept their gazes fixed on it, but awareness of each other's presence remained like a shadow on the periphery of their minds.

The wolf was clearly weakened, its paws trembling with every step, but it still showed a fierce determination in its eyes.

Klaus and Emma were skilled predators, and both recognized the valuable reward that wounded wolf could provide in terms of points on the circuit, so neither was willing to give in.

At the same time, the crowd at the SoFi Stadium was euphoric, because a showdown between Klaus and Emma was exactly what they had hoped for, even more so now that everyone knew that Klaus was actually Kaizen, also a Rise Online player like Emma, who was known worldwide as the Bloody Lily in the game.

As they ran, the forest around them seemed like a constantly moving canvas, the trees passing quickly, creating a blur of colors. The sounds of nature, the wind rustling through the leaves, the rustling, the sound of the wolf's paws, all blended into a wild symphony.

Klaus and Emma were two exceptional athletes, each with their own hunting style, but both equally determined.

Klaus was like the embodiment of brute strength and dexterity, his every move showed off his muscles and the fact that he wasn't slow even at his size was very striking, making him stand out even more.

On the other hand, Emma was the embodiment of agility and precision, her movements were very fast and her technique was like a true master.

When the wolf proved to be slowing down and the two competitors drew even closer, Klaus and Emma shared a quick glance, a moment of mutual understanding. The chase was entering its final phase, and they both knew that the next move would be crucial.

Near a small clearing, the wolf tripped over its own legs as it ran and fell to the ground. This was a moment that Klaus and Emma could not afford to waste.

With a synchronized movement, Klaus and Emma launched their arrows at almost the same time, and their arrows flew in graceful arcs. The projectiles hit the wolf almost simultaneously, one in the left foreleg and the other in the back. A roar of pain and anger escaped the wolf's throat, echoing through the trees and making the spectators in the stadium hold their breath. But, to everyone's surprise, the wolf didn't fall immediately. It staggered, but found a new surge of energy to keep running, its body shaking with effort and pain.

If it had been a real animal, it would have been dead after those arrows, but the hologram was resisting.

Klaus and Emma shared a look of surprise. 𝑖𝑛𝑛𝘳𝑒𝘢𝘥.𝘤𝑜𝑚

The race continued, Klaus and Emma maintaining their pursuit of the wounded wolf. The wolf's every step was a mixture of agony and resistance, and where the arrows had hit there were now a few cubic pixels, perhaps to make it clear to the audience that this creature was not real.

As they ran, adrenaline pulsed through Klaus and Emma's veins.

The clearing ahead was getting closer and closer, and the wolf seemed to be losing more strength by the second. Klaus knew he had to act quickly to make sure they didn't miss their chance to score. He exchanged a quick glance with Emma once more, and without the need for words realized that he would need to adjust his strategy.

Klaus knew it was time to change the course of events.

As Emma continued her direct course in pursuit of the wolf, he veered to the left, cutting a diagonal path that would put him in front of the wounded wolf. His mind was working at high speed, calculating the best way to hit the wolf and inflict maximum damage. His tense muscles prepared for the crucial moment. He selected an arrow from his quiver and put it into his own mind that this was a special arrow, an arrow that had the ability to do significantly more damage and that he couldn't miss for any reason.

Klaus occupied his mind, calculating the angle and force needed to launch the special arrow at the perfect moment. His heart was pounding.

When Klaus finally entered the clearing, the wolf was almost out of it and into the forest again, so he raised his bow, pulled the string with the special arrow as far as it would go and let go. The arrow flew with impressive speed, hitting the wolf squarely in the chest.

The impact of the special arrow caused an explosion of pixels, indicating that the hologram had finally been defeated.

The audience in the stadium erupted in applause and shouts, impressed by Klaus' strategy and precision.

The wounded wolf fell to the ground, turning into a scattering of pixels that quickly dissipated into thin air.

Klaus lowered his bow, gasping for breath, but a satisfied smile crossed his lips. He glanced at Emma, who had finally entered the clearing, and saw her also lowering her bow.

"You did it..." She said.

As the applause and shouts from the audience grew louder, Klaus and Emma approached and, thanks to the clearing, they could see the leaderboard on the stadium's big screens. Klaus was in the lead with 250 and Emma was still among those who hadn't scored any points.

The feeling of adrenaline still pulsed through their veins, but they laughed.

"You'll need to run a bit more to catch up with me, I imagine." Klaus joked.

"You'd better not be there to steal my game, hadn't you?" She said and slapped herself, walking back into the forest.

However, suddenly a whistle blew through the arena, similar to the one when Klaus killed the wolf, and then they looked up at the table and saw that Klaus was no longer the leader, but Lara Cavalcanti, who had managed to reach 301 points.

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