Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 641 The Past (Part 1)

Chapter 641 The Past (Part 1)

As the competitors made their way to the vans that would take them to the hotel, the journalists were waiting like vultures at the exit and although event security tried to contain their efforts, they approached in a frenzy of camera flashes and outstretched microphones.

"Lara Cavalcanti, how does it feel to have won first place? Was it a surprise?"

"Emma Nielsen, you demonstrated a number of incredible skills in the competition. How did you manage to keep your nerves under control and perform so well?"

"Lara, everyone is talking about your extremely effective shooting technique. Can you tell us a bit more about how you developed it?"

The questions came from all directions, like a shower of eager curiosity. The first competitors exchanged brief glances with each other, understanding that this was just another part of the responsibility of having this sudden and fleeting fame.

Then Lara raised her hand to signal a moment of attention. "First of all, I want to thank you all for your incredible support. We'll be answering your questions, so please take it easy."

The journalists became a little less voracious with Lara's attention, but it wasn't long before the first question was thrown at her, by a correspondent from the local news channel, with a microphone extended in her direction.

"Miss Cavalcanti, we know that you have probably undergone intensive training to get here and have worked hard to not only reach the same level as talented people like Klaus and Emma, but also to surpass them. Can you share a little about your journey to this impressive victory?"

Lara smiled with some irritation, after all, the reporter had practically declared that she was less talented than Emma and Klaus. Nevertheless, she chose to answer bluntly:

"Of course. My journey so far has been marked by many ups and downs. I trained hard from a young age, thanks to the tireless support of my parents in Brazil. However, I also faced moments of doubt and difficulty, when I thought about giving up, especially when I moved to America. Luckily, I was nominated for the special program selection process by a coach and so I found the strength to continue, especially when I remembered my passion for archery from my early days in the New York Archery Department."

The crowd of journalists seemed mesmerized by the sincerity in Lara's words. Her story of determination had touched a nerve. She continued, now with an intense gleam in her eyes:

"All this time, I've learned that the real challenge is not just in technical skill or talent, but in the mindset you bring to the competition. It was a process of self-discovery, of learning to control my mind, to trust my intuition and to adapt to ever-changing situations. I've always believed that if you want to be the best, you need to constantly challenge yourself, not just others."

As a result, the journalists' questions started to become less invasive and more focused on Lara's personal journey. She shared more details about her training, the obstacles she faced and the people who inspired her along the way.

Then the questions started to be directed at Emma Nielsen, who was the famous Blood Lily from Rise Online and obviously the journalists knew it.

A reporter from a technology website raised her microphone, eager to ask her question:

"Emma, your skill in the world of online gaming is widely known, and now you've demonstrated an incredible performance in this tournament as well. How do you balance your exploits in Rise Online with your dedication to archery? Is there something you take from one that benefits the other?"

Emma smiled, knowing that this question was inevitable. "First of all, thank you all for your support. Regarding the question, both the gaming world and archery require focus and dedication. I see these activities as complementary. In the gaming world, I've learned about patience, teamwork and even archery, but there are things you can only learn by living out here."

Another journalist, this time from a sports magazine, raised his hand for a follow-up question.

"Emma, there are rumors that you have a good concentration in the archery field just because you play Rise Online. Do you believe that's true? Do you believe that online games and sports can be intertwined in such a way?"

Emma nodded. "Well, maybe, I don't know, I think that would be better answered by an RO developer. But, yes, I believe that Rise Online allows players to take advantage of their skills in real life to gain an advantage in the online world and vice versa, after all, the action of moving is not so different, as far as sensations are concerned, in the two worlds. The development team has done a great job of inducing our brains to feel this sensation."

The questions continued to flow, ranging from details about her daily training routine to how she deals with the expectations of the media and fans. Emma shared her views on the importance of balancing her virtual life with her real one, highlighting that both activities have helped her grow as an individual. However, before she could finish listening to one last question, the journalist stopped talking and a sudden silence hung over the crowd of journalists.

All their attention was directed towards Klaus Par, who was walking alongside Ethan and Andrew. He was the person everyone was eager to see.

"Oh, are you doing interviews?" Andrew inquired.

Klaus Park looked at the crowd of journalists with a quiet smile on his face. Next to him, Ethan and Andrew were also attracting attention, although they were visibly more relaxed than Klaus. The sudden silence showed just how much Klaus was awaited. He put a hand to the back of his head, looking a little disconcerted by all the attention.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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