Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 654 Best Blacksmith

Chapter 654 Best Blacksmith

"Don't tell me that a non-evolved blacksmith like me has hurt your ego so much that you put your Evolved affairs aside to pay me a visit... I wonder what your fans would think of that..."

Marklen Shattermast raised an eyebrow, his eyes still fixed on Kaizen's, as if he were weighing each word carefully.

For a brief moment, a trace of discomfort crossed his face, with a small muscle rising in his mouth, but he soon regained his confident expression.

"You have a sharp tongue, my friend," said Marklen with a smile that revealed a hint of amusement. "And I appreciate someone who isn't easily intimidated."

Kaizen knew he had hit a nerve. Marklen was famous for his self-confidence and pride as an Evolved, but he was also known for being someone who didn't back down in the face of a challenge. He was always willing to prove himself, no matter who was in front of him. However, Marklen was also intelligent and experienced enough to realize that Kaizen was testing him. He stepped forward, increasing his imposing height over Kaizen.

"You're clever, Kaizen. But it's not every day that someone like me comes into your store... Let me be clear, I didn't come here because of my ego, I came here because I heard that you're one of the best blacksmiths in Rise Online. Do you know how difficult it is to find a good blacksmith as an Evolved? The best blacksmith in this game, Zofnys, can barely make an Epic Rank item."

"Well, I take my job seriously and put more time and effort into my creations than anyone else," said Kaizen, moving closer to the counter as well. "However, I'm afraid to say that, as you can imagine, we're full and I already have a difficult order pending. Come back another time."

Marklen looked around the store, observing the expertly forged swords, armor and magical items that filled the shelves. He finally turned his gaze back to Kaizen and, apparently not wanting to take any notice of what Kaizen said, he stated:

"You're so famous and strong for an unevolved person, but you're still working in a dump like this, and with your own hands. You must be desperate for money... Let me guess, you have a lot of debts. Maybe school debts? A student loan that hasn't been paid off? A mortgage on a house? Oh, maybe hospital debts?" The man looked directly into Kaizen's eyes, as if he knew something about what he was assuming.

They were definitely good deductions, and Kaizen even thought for a few seconds that he knew exactly the situation Kaizen had been in for a few months, but that was impossible, wasn't it?

As Kaizen still didn't know how much Marklen knew about him, Kaizen crossed his arms and didn't say a word, so he saw a smile appear at the corner of Marklen's mouth.

"I have a legendary blade that needs repairs and improvements. If you can turn it into something even a little better, I'll recognize your skills publicly. That way, your sales will increase a lot and you'll make a lot of money, what do you think?"

It was clear to Kaizen at this point that Marklen didn't just want a blacksmith, because although there weren't really any Blacksmith Class players with the same skills as him, there were probably plenty of NPC blacksmiths who could help him. What Marklen really wanted was to show that Kaizen was someone below her, someone who worked for him, someone inferior, not a rival.

Therefore, Kaizen laughed briefly at the proposal and continued with his arms crossed.

"Like I said, I'm very busy. Come back another day."

Marklen raised an eyebrow, surprised by Kaizen's direct response. He wasn't used to being turned down, especially like this.

His smile slowly faded as he sized up Kaizen with a discerning gaze.

"You are brave, I won't deny that." Marklen finally responded, taking a few steps back. "But you are making a big mistake, my friend. This is an opportunity few would receive. Think carefully before you refuse."

Kaizen was unimpressed by Marklen's veiled threat. He knew the type of player Marklen was - someone who valued power above all else. The idea of having Kaizen as a mere subordinate appealed to him, but Kaizen appreciated above all the freedom he now had.

"I'm not just a blacksmith, Marklen, and I know you know that. It would be stupid of me to make someone stronger who will soon be my competitor."

Marklen let out a wry laugh. "HAHAHA! Very well then. If you change your mind, I'll be in town for a few more days. But remember, this is a one-time offer. Don't expect me to extend it again."

With those words, Marklen turned and walked out of the Kaizen shop.

Kaizen watched him go, his face impassive, but his mind was full of thoughts.

Marklen was powerful and influential, and having his support could boost Kaizen's reputation and business to unimaginable heights. However, the idea of giving the satisfaction to Marklen was probably worse.

Then, Xisrith approached Kaizen and said:

"That was scary… Who is that man?"

Kaizen sighed deeply, still feeling the tension that Marklen had brought to his shop. He looked at Xisrith, who was clearly worried about the situation.

"That man is Marklen, one of the most powerful players in the world and probably one of the most ambitious as well." explained Kaizen.

Xisrith frowned, puzzled. "And why was he so interested in your abilities?"

Kaizen walked to the window and looked out, checking if the Evolved had really left. "Marklen wasn't just interested in my skills as a blacksmith. He wanted to show everyone that he had me as his subordinate."

"But you refused." Xisrith reminded.

"Yes, Xisrith, I refused, and that must have excited him more than if I had backed down." replied Kaizen. "However, I had to do it."


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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