Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 662 Invitations

Chapter 662 Invitations

Although Xisrith understood magic, her class was still that of a Swordsman, meaning that her skill tree didn't have any abilities that allowed her to use a Spellbook, meaning that it was useless to her.

So Kaizen needed to give it to a mage and, by coincidence, he knew the strongest elf mage in all of Midgard: Alina, the Librarian of the library in the basement of his store.

So, after leaving the Bloodstone Clan Crypt with their inventories overflowing with items, the first thing they did was to use a Teleportation Crystal to the Tretidian Capital, returning to the Raven Feather store.

As the crystal only took them to a nearby square, they had to walk to the store. When they entered Crow's Feather's street, they saw a couple, a man and a woman, standing in front of the store, trying to peek inside, but with a little trepidation. Kaizen took a deep breath, because although he knew that the store was now well-known, he hadn't expected that there would be curious onlookers even at night.

So, when Kaizen and Xisrith appeared in the couple's field of vision, making a little noise with their footsteps on the cobblestone street, the couple turned in their direction and widened their eyes at the sight of them.

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"Is that him?" The woman asked.

Kaizen, a little serious, turned his face away, put on the Guardian's helmet and replied:

"No, I'm someone else."

"AHA! That's him! I told you he worked here!" said the man, pointing at the woman.

Kaizen took off his mask and took another deep breath. "All right, you want to challenge me too, don't you? Yesterday I was able to decline the invitations because I was attending, but I have time for a challenge now." Kaizen said, unsheathing the Ragnarok.

The moment just a little bit of the Ragnarok came out of his belt, a startling, shimmering glow lit up the whole street, and the man immediately made a point of denying it, waving his arms and head rapidly.

"No, no, no! We're not here to fight, we just want autographs!" said the player.

"AH-" said Kaizen, a little surprised.

So Kaizen signed the man and woman's notebook and then waved to them as he watched them go.

Xisrith entered the store laughing low at Kaizen. "You have a good instinct, but it's a relief to know that you're not always right."

Kaizen briefly pushed her aside with a punch on the shoulder and changed the subject. "Are you going to have to log out already? I have to deliver the spell book to Alina, but I want to have a serious talk with you." 𝒃𝒆𝙙𝙣𝒐𝒗𝒆𝙡.𝙤𝒓𝙜

"I ordered pizza earlier, so I don't have to cook dinner tonight. And it's not that late in the country where I live, so I think I have a few more minutes before I need to go to bed."

"Thanks, wait for me while I talk to Alina and then we'll have a chat. I hope she knows what to do with the spell book." Kaizen replied.

Xisrith agreed and settled down on one of the sofas in the store, leafing through one of the scrolls they had found in the Bloodstone Clan Crypt. While she lost herself in the strange words written on the scroll, Kaizen headed for the library in the basement, where Alina used to spend most of her time.

The library was a magical place in itself. Endless shelves of ancient books, scrolls and magical artifacts filled the space, illuminated by floating chandeliers that created an ethereal atmosphere. In the center of the library, there were a series of tables and Alina was sitting at one of them, reading a huge book with elven runes on the cover. She had long blonde hair that shone in the light of the light crystals and beautiful eyes that, when focused, seemed to contain deep wisdom.

Kaizen approached with respect and waited until Alina raised her eyes from the book and recognized him.

"Kaizen, what a pleasant surprise. I see you've brought something interesting." Alina smiled warmly, looking at the spell book.

Kaizen nodded and held up the spell book. "I was exploring a place where the Bloodstone Clan kept various items and projects, and I happened to find this spell book in a hidden chamber. I've found a cursed grimoire before, but never a spell book. Xisrith says they're different, so I thought you might know what to do with it."

Alina picked up the book with her delicate fingers, and her eyes sparkled as she examined the old, yellowed pages. "This is extraordinary, Kaizen. These are ancient spells, some of which have been lost to time. There are really dangerous and powerful spells here, like biological creation and even temporal magic."

Kaizen was surprised to see Alina's excitement. But then he smiled, because he knew the book was in good hands with Alina, after all he had no interest whatsoever in the types of magic she mentioned. "I'm glad you liked it. I knew you'd be the right person to trust."

As Alina continued to examine the book, Kaizen decided to take the opportunity to ask the question that had been on his mind. "Alina, I also wanted to talk about something personal."

She raised her eyes from the book and looked at him curiously. "Of course, Kaizen. What's on your mind?"

Kaizen sighed before continuing. "Remember how I mentioned creating a guild? I've discovered that I need three or four members in addition to myself to found it in the adventurers' association. So, I'm thinking of inviting Xisrith to join. What do you think?"

Alina arched an eyebrow. "Well, Xisrith is a very polite girl, but I've never seen her in action. I think the most important thing is that you can work well together as a team and that you trust her, and why are you asking me this anyway?"

Kaizen smiles and says, looking into her eyes:

"Because I want you to be part of the guild too. It would be rude not to ask prospective members about the other candidates, wouldn't it?"

At that moment, Alina's mouth dropped open for a few seconds in surprise, but being perceptive, she tried to disguise her surprise as quickly as possible with a smile and a question.

"That means you asked me about another possible member too, doesn't it? Who was it?"

"Og'tharoz, of course. At first, he wasn't too keen, but in the end I convinced him by talking about how powerful and intelligent you are." Kaizen joked, because of course Og'tharoz agreed right away. "So, what do you say? Do you want to join my guild?"

"Um... What shall we call our guild?" She was already thinking aloud, indirectly agreeing. "I know, I'll look up the names of old guilds. We have to pay homage!"

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