Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 665 New York

Chapter 665 New York

After his meeting with Andrew, Klaus walked through the streets of New York, observing the transformations that had taken place in the city since he was a child. A few months ago, he had been in such a hurry in his daily quest for money that he hadn't even stopped to notice.

The first differences Klaus noticed were in the streets. They were cleaner than ever, thanks to advances in urban cleaning technology. A few times a week, autonomous robots collected garbage and drones hovered in the air, monitoring the situation and alerting the cleaning teams to any problems. The air was also cleaner, thanks to the proliferation of electric vehicles and massive investment in clean energy, which turned even third-world countries into major powers.

The buildings were also more modern, well, at least most of them, after all, the city was still New York, a place where urban planners seemed to want to keep living skeletons standing.

The buildings of large corporations had glass facades that stretched up to the sky.

Klaus wondered what it would be like to live in an apartment on the 50th floor of one of these skyscrapers.

As it was, the city was more vertical than ever, with tall buildings taking up every available inch of space.

As he walked, Klaus noticed that the sidewalks were different too. They were made of a special material that absorbed solar energy during the day and released it at night, illuminating the streets gently and efficiently. They were intelligent sidewalks that adapted to the climate, becoming less slippery when it rained and automatically warming up in winter to prevent snow from accumulating.

The city's soundscape had also changed. The roar of combustion engines had been replaced by the gentle hum of electric vehicles and the occasional sound of an autonomous car passing by, but of course the idiots didn't stop honking.

As he approached Central Park, he noticed that the park was greener than ever. The trees were taller and healthier, thanks to conservation efforts and advances in environmental care technology. People were picnicking, running and playing sports, even in the middle of the week, enjoying nature in the heart of the city.

As Klaus entered the park, he saw something that perplexed him: a huge airship hovering over the city. It was a passenger airship, a sight he had never imagined seeing in New York a few years ago. The airship offered panoramic tours of the city, giving visitors a unique view of the Big Apple from above.

"Maybe I should take my family for a flight sometime," thought Klaus and smiled, continuing his walk.

The transformation in New York's cultural diversity was also evident. Klaus saw people of all nationalities and ethnicities, wearing the traditional clothes of their countries of origin. With the end of international borders five years ago, many more tourists began to visit the city and it became natural for there to be so many different people.

Finally, Klaus arrived in front of the place he had been waiting for. Next door, there was a subway exit, and he found himself grateful that he had chosen not to use public transportation, after all, even with so many developments, the New York subway still sucked.

The building he was facing was the one where he had shared an apartment with Emma and Jayaa a few months ago, and it had been so long since he had last been here that Klaus stood in front of it, admiring it. He was excited at the idea of working with his old friend again. However, they hadn't agreed on a specific time, so Klaus was a little uncertain about how to find him at home.

He looked at his cell phone, considering sending a message to Jayaa, but decided that knocking on the door would be more direct, after all, he was already here.

With determined steps, he approached the building and pressed the intercom button. After a few seconds, the doorman opened the door, recognizing him.

So, after Klaus took the elevator and got out the right way, he tried to think of what words to use. It was easier with Andrew and Xisrith, as they were people he was used to seeing often, but had distanced himself from Jayaa because of the special program. Besides, he knew that his proposal for Jayaa to join the guild was risky because of Jayaa's level, but he believed in his old friend's ability and what he could contribute to the team.

He knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. For a moment, he heard footsteps approaching, and when the door opened abruptly, Klaus was surprised.

It wasn't Jayaa who was at the door, but a young woman, dressed only in a towel, wet red hair dripping water over her shoulders.

"Jayaa, I told you to write down the code on your cell phone and..." Emma was saying, but when she raised her head, she realized that it wasn't her brother who was outside, but Klaus Park.

Her face immediately showed her surprise and confusion, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

"Uh, Klaus, it's you... I'm sorry, I thought it was Jayaa..." said the woman, clearly embarrassed by the situation. 𝙗𝒆𝒅𝙣𝒐𝙫𝒆𝙡.𝒏𝙚𝙩

Klaus blinked, unable to keep from blushing a little. "Oh, I'm sorry for the intrusion. I was looking for Jayaa."

The woman smiled slightly, her skin still flushed with embarrassment. "Don't worry, Jayaa still lives here, but since I was traveling, he was at his girlfriend's house. He sent a message and said he's on his way here, you can wait if you want."

Klaus hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. "Yes, I'll wait. It's about an important matter, so I'll wait."

The woman led Klaus into the apartment, closing the door behind him. At that moment, both of their courage was throbbing so much that if it weren't for the noisy sounds of the storms of thoughts in their minds, they could probably hear each other's hearts.

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