Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 677 Travel (Part 3)

Chapter 677 Travel (Part 3)

As the carriage moved along the winding road towards Mibothen, Alina, Jayaa and Andrew sat inside it, taking advantage of the relative calm of the moment to get to know each other a little better, after all, they were now companions. The gentle rocking of the vehicle created a relaxing atmosphere, contrasting with the hustle and bustle of the pre-departure preparations.

Jayaa looked at Alina curiously and broke the silence. "Alina, you still haven't told us how you met Kaizen and why you decided to join our guild. There must be an interesting story behind it." He said.

Alina smiled and her eyes fixed on the landscape that was passing quickly by the carriage window. "Yes, there is a story... It was some time ago, before I met any of you, of course."

Andrew leaned forward, interested. "We'd be happy to hear the story. After all, we're all together now, and sharing our pasts can bring us even closer together."

Alina nodded and began her narrative. "Well, before I met Kaizen, I used to spend every day in a huge magical library. I wandered the library corridors and read all the books I could, but I was always alone. Of course, with all the knowledge I acquired, I gained magical abilities, but that was no use if I couldn't use them for good or evil. Well, everything changed when Kaizen happened to appear in the library I was fated to protect. "

She paused, remembering the moment she saw Kaizen for the first time. 𝘣𝘦𝘥𝑛𝘰𝘷𝘦𝑙.𝘯𝘦𝘵

"At first glance, I didn't even think to react and just attacked him. However, for some reason, Kaizen didn't strike back with all his might, he talked to me and explained what had happened. I was excited to finally have another companion and didn't want him to leave so soon, so I told him I would reward him for coming to me. I gave him an old map and he was so grateful that he promised to come back."

Jayaa arched her eyebrows. "And he did?"

Alina nodded. "Of course he did. Kaizen came back countless times. On some of his visits, he would ask me for advice or tips, and he visited me so many times that I wondered if he really just wanted to spend hours reading dusty books or if he felt sorry for me and wanted to keep me company. Despite having this doubt in my mind, I never asked him, because Kaizen wasn't like the representations of humans I used to read about in books. He was quiet and generous."

Andrew smiled. "That sounds a lot like the Kaizen we know. He's someone who's willing to help others, even if it's not in the most normal way."

Alina agreed. "Exactly, and I think it's because he is who he is and acts the way he does that we became fast friends."

Jayaa looked out of the window and then at Alina. "But how did that lead to you joining our guild? I mean, how did you get out of the Library?"

Alina sighed, as if reliving a memory. "After those many encounters, the library I was in was attacked and I was taken a few floors up from where I used to stop."

"Floors?" asked Andrew.

"It's complicated and confidential, but I was taken a long way from my home." She explained and looked at Kaizen, who was in the front seat of the carriage. "Then, on one of his visits, Kaizen realized that something bad had happened and began a search for me. He fought hundreds of mages, made allies with thieves and even fought a dragon for me, all to save me. In the end, I had the choice of traveling the world or living with Kaizen, and obviously I chose to live with him, because I knew that this way I would always be pushed to do my best and learn from him. And besides, he knew that I longed for company, for a place where I really belonged."

Andrew nodded, understanding. "So you accepted the invitation because you saw an opportunity to contribute to something bigger and because you valued the friendship you had with Kaizen."

Alina nodded. "Yes, exactly. And if the guild is important to him, it's important to me too, even though I'm not an adventurer. Now, I feel like I'm in the right place, with the right people."

Jayaa smiled warmly. "Well, Alina, we're very happy to have you with us. Your magic and your friendship are invaluable to the guild."

Alina thanked him with a smile and went back to watching the scenery passing by the window.

As the carriage headed towards Mibothen, everyone in the guild was getting to know each other, and in the front seat, guiding the carriage while Jayaa, Andrew and Alina chatted inside, Kaizen looked at Xisrith and asked her:

"So, what made you change your mind? You said you wouldn't make a decision until you saw me in person."

"That was my intention, but I know that being on your team, plans can change abruptly." She said, smiling, and pushed him lightly with her shoulders, as they sat next to each other. "But seriously, during the trip I came to the conclusion that it wouldn't be fair to make you wait for me to have an answer, after all, you already knew I was going to accept, didn't you?"

"Of course I knew." Kaizen replied, almost laughing. "Why on earth would you come all the way to the United States just to reject an invitation?"

"Thinking like that, I feel like an idiot for not accepting right away."

"No, no. Of course you're not an idiot. You just wanted to show that I can trust you by showing your real face to me. In fact, I appreciate it."

"Do you?"

"Yes, of course I do. I know we haven't known each other for very long, but I knew you before I even met Andrew or Alina. Or don't you remember that time you were down with an injured ankle?"

This time, Xisrith didn't push him aside, but punched him in the shoulder.


"Don't remind me of that day." She said, a little flushed, looking away towards the forest.

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