Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 694 Mingmei

It was Saturday, the end of the second week of March. Spring had just begun and, as always, spring in New York, with its vibrant palette and the scent of flowers, was an invitation to rebirth. The trees, once skeletal, were now dressed in shades of green that looked as if they had been hand-painted by some very talented artist. Shy flowers, like newly rehearsed ballerinas, blossomed in the street beds, displaying a variety of colors in this gray city.

On that sunny afternoon, a shy warmth was melting the last remnants of snow on the weather-worn cobblestones.

New Yorkers came out of their winter cocoons, leaving behind heavy coats and scarves in their closets, eager to feel the gentle touch of the sun on their skin.

For the first time since the previous year, the city had come alive with the pulsating energy of spring.

Couples ran through the parks, their steps in tune with each other's heartbeats. Children played lively games, their laughter filling the air like music, and families gathered for picnics.

Amidst this spectacle of life, at the top of a majestic skyscraper, Klaus waited patiently in an elegant restaurant. The glass walls offered panoramic views of Manhattan, turning the city into a living painting. The tables were adorned with fresh floral arrangements, a celebration of the new life springing up outside.

Klaus watched the city transform beneath him, losing himself in the endless ballet of people, cars and lights.

The tantalizing aroma of delicacies being prepared in the kitchen next to where the tables stood floated through the air, intertwining with the laughter and animated conversations, creating a happy symphony.

Dressed as usual, in a black shirt, formal pants and dress shoes, Klaus had an ordinary expression as he waited for Xisrith. He soon realized that there were a few curious looks directed at him from the other tables, and this made him a little shy. Every second that passed after that felt like an eternal sigh, but when he finally heard someone approaching his table, he opened it with a soft smile.

A dark-haired female figure, radiating a quiet elegance that caught the attention of everyone in the room. Her dark hair was short and her skin as white as a quartz vase. She was wearing formal clothes too, black pants like Klaus', a white shirt and a black tie. However, in contrast to all this, her thin arms and the delicate features of her face were stunning. Her eyes were like Klaus', a little Asian, but not quite, and a warm, genuine smile lit up her face.

"Sorry it took so long." she said softly, sliding into the seat opposite him, her voice like a soft melody. "The traffic was terrible."

Klaus smiled, his eyes reflecting the golden light that filled the restaurant. "Don't worry." he replied, his voice as soft as a whisper of spring breeze. "You're here now. That's all that matters. You're... different from what I imagined."

Xisrith raised his eyebrows. "Did you think I was a two-meter-tall man or something?" She said, leaning her head on one hand and with a smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Actually, I had more in mind the vision of an old, fat man." Klaus replied, jokingly.

His answer made her laugh a little and then, from her expression, she seemed to remember something. "Oh, I almost forgot..." She said, stood up, placed her hands on the sides of her thighs and bowed slightly. "Nice to meet you, Klaus Park. My nickname on Rise Online is Xisrith, but my real name is Mingmei Tuan."

"There's no need for that," said Klaus, a little flustered by the stares from the others.

Mingmei sat at the table laughing at Klaus's face and she took a deep breath, almost losing her breath from laughing so hard. "I knew you were shy, but I didn't realize how much."

"Did you do it to tease?"

"Of course I did." She said, leaning forward.

After that, a waiter came to their table, and so they placed their orders.

The initial surprise at seeing her in person was replaced by genuine curiosity about this person he only knew from an online game, and whose face and manner were so different from Xisrith. While the waiter was pouring soda water, Klaus decided to start chatting.

"So, Mingmei, you came to New York from China, am I right in assuming?" asked Klaus.

She nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Yes, I was born in Beijing. However, I left China when I was young, in search of different opportunities. I've lived in a few different parts of the world, because my father is a man who travels a lot, and I even lived for a while in New York some time ago, but I had to inherit some responsibilities from my father's company when I got older and returned to China, where I live now."

Her answer opened a door for Klaus to better understand the person behind her. "And what made you start playing RO? Most people start playing for fun, but you seem so dedicated to the game."

Mingmei tilted her head thoughtfully. "Rise Online is more than a game to me. It's a world where people can be who they really are, without the limitations of the real world. There, I can be strong, intelligent, fearless and even diplomatic. And when you invited me into your guild, I saw an opportunity to be part of something bigger."

Klaus nodded, understanding her words. He himself found comfort in this game and knows very well what she meant, especially about a world as vast and full of possibilities as Rise Online. "And how did you become so skilled? You're really impressive, especially in battles, but I don't think that's just because you're a descendragon."

Mingmei gave a modest smile. "I put a lot of time into understanding the nuances of the game, studying strategies, honing my skills. For me, Rise Online is more than just fun. It's an intellectual challenge, a chance to prove myself, not just to others, but to myself."

The conversation flowed smoothly, like a tranquil moving river, leading them to discover more about each other.

As the evening drew in, they realized that they shared not only a passion for the game, but also a similar worldview. They both believed in the power of community, in people's ability to support each other and grow together. They laughed at each other's jokes, swapped stories of their most epic adventures in the game and, at some point, Klaus realized that Mingmei wasn't all that different from Xisrith.

In the end, the waiter brought dessert, but they hardly noticed. They were immersed in their conversation.𝚋ed𝚗𝚘𝚟e𝚕.𝚗et

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